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Thailand Seeks Safe Way of Reopening Borders to Boost Economy


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42 minutes ago, vermin on arrival said:

Interesting. For sure, with his fantastic treatment that he came up with for peptic ulcers when everyone in the world believed that it was a result of mental problems/ stress and he proved that it was from a bacteria and that they were curable by antibiotics, this is exciting. He is not afraid to swim against the stream and think outside of the box.



Probably a little early, though Prof Borody's Ivermectin therapy is showing promise and further study is underway at the well respected Doherty Institute...

"Following on from the initial paper, researchers from Monash University and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity are continuing to investigate the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19 with current ongoing research. Their aim is to move from in-vitro phase to pre-clinical trials soon.
‘We are conducting a range of optimisation experiments that, if positive, will determine the best dosage and treatment regimen to move forward into clinical trials,’ Dr Wagstaff said."


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24 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I hope some one from TAT and the government read your sensible/practical post, it’s the way forward.

Vaccine will serve nothing, you are miss informed.

Fact is that vaccine will not be efficient more than 3 month, because people who get infected and develop own defensive system, after 3 month, these defensive system disappears.

Also, the infected people tested right now show that the virus is going down in power (a lot), we can compare it to a flu.

Now, it becomes really ridiculous to be afraid of such a virus and to impose so many restrictions (which more is at such costs) and to destabilize the peace of the populations as much, to condemn them to become poor in the general panic. an execrable management and influenced by obviously very powerful lobbies and which do not care of the lives of the people, they never give one pound for anybody poor people.
Just open up the borders, let the little people live and work and put the gangsters in jail who blackmail them with fear. We know what they can do to gorge themselves on money.

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8 hours ago, James HKT said:

Locked up in a room ? 


Staying in a 5 star beach front hotel, free to use all facilities in the hotel and access to a section of beach/sea. 

Sounds terrible!

Guests are not supposed to leave their room for at least a week, can't use the restaurant or Spa for 13 day. At least now. But I think this will be the same for the future quarantine.  

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8 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

very simple answer 


make them all wear hazmat suits and charge them huge amounts of money for the pleasure   win win 



Oh look we are all tired of this Covid-19. Every country needs to do this.

1. Test everyone before they board a plane (if passing the test - go to 2)

2. Test everyone immediately when they land (pass test - go to 3  - else be given a high protection mask and gloves to wear when outside your room.

3. Test daily at a testing station (on going for 14 days) - if all ok just be a regular tourist . If test fails high protection mask and gloves.

Of course this is very simplified and some goon will shoot holes through it. If so, you come up with an interim solution.

Edited by Bangkocker
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1 minute ago, Bangkocker said:

Oh look we are all tired of this Covid-19. Every country needs to do this.

1. Test everyone before they board a plane (if passing the test - go to 2)

2. Test everyone immediately when they land (pass test - go to 3  - else be given a high protection mask and gloves to wear when outside your room.

3. Test daily at a testing station - if all ok just be a regular tourist . If test fails high protection mask and gloves.

Of course this is very simplified and some goon will shoot holes through it. If so, you come up with an interim solution.

Who is going to pay for the tests, it’s £150 a test in the U.K. and the accuracy on the test depends who is doing it 

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1 hour ago, Jumbo1968 said:

Not every one has the funds to pay for a 5 star hotel plus if the current cost of repatriation flights is anything to go by there won’t be many takers.

Economically, it doesn't make much difference if one rich tourist comes to spend 100kb or if 5 Cheap Charlies come to spend 20kb each. 

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4 minutes ago, Bangkocker said:

Sounds like BS. It's free in most countries. The country receiving tourists should bear the costs

It’s free for certain criteria in the U.K. but the result is send by SMS, if you requires a written report as required for a repatriation flight you have to to a Private Clinic, £150, believe I am stuck in the U.K. and have looked into it.
it certainly won’t be free in Thailand although possibly less expensive.

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10 minutes ago, Bangkocker said:
12 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

Who is going to pay for the tests, it’s £150 a test in the U.K. and the accuracy on the test depends who is doing it 

Sounds like BS. It's free in most countries. The country receiving tourists should bear the costs

Not BS: My test was £190 in the UK 

The UK National Health Service also test key workers where necessary and hospital attendees however there is no certificate. 


I had to pay for 5950 baht for a test in Thailand while at ASQ (on the day of arrival + tests included in the ASQ price on days 5 and 12). 


The tests cost money... the question is valid: Who is going to pay for the tests ????????


I think your idea Bangkocker is a decent one - but there are too many tests (testing daily is unfeasible):


1. Covid-19 PCR test (72 hrs prior to flight) - need a certificate / printed result to check-in.

2. Covid-19 PCR test on arrival - Employ track and trace (Tourists agree to quarantine if positive) 

3) Tourists comply with Social Isolation, mask wearing indoors and in busy areas (as is normal in Thailand at the moment)


There will of course be ‘imported cases’ but the pre-flight test takes care of most of that. 

The arrival test backs up the pre-flight test and offers assurance that it was carried out correctly (without corruption or fabrication). 


Nothing is water tight and cases will slip through - but the numbers will be extremely low. 

Edited by richard_smith237
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40 minutes ago, Donga said:

Probably a little early, though Prof Borody's Ivermectin therapy is showing promise and further study is underway at the well respected Doherty Institute...

"Following on from the initial paper, researchers from Monash University and the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity are continuing to investigate the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment for COVID-19 with current ongoing research. Their aim is to move from in-vitro phase to pre-clinical trials soon.
‘We are conducting a range of optimisation experiments that, if positive, will determine the best dosage and treatment regimen to move forward into clinical trials,’ Dr Wagstaff said."


In Australia no, however, in the rest of the world yes. Borody claims in this interview that in the trials in Bangladesh and China there was 100% success in treatment and in the US trial close to but not completely 100% cures when used in combination with doxycycline and zinc. He says the treatment also acts very quickly with minimal side effects (headaches in a few cases). In South America ivermectin is being used as a preventive with 0 cases in the housing blocks that get it. He says it is available in Australia for parasites in humans and has minimal side effects.


Here is the link to his interview on sky Australia:




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54 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

Vaccine will serve nothing, you are miss informed.

Fact is that vaccine will not be efficient more than 3 month, because people who get infected and develop own defensive system, after 3 month, these defensive system disappears.

Also, the infected people tested right now show that the virus is going down in power (a lot), we can compare it to a flu.

Now, it becomes really ridiculous to be afraid of such a virus and to impose so many restrictions (which more is at such costs) and to destabilize the peace of the populations as much, to condemn them to become poor in the general panic. an execrable management and influenced by obviously very powerful lobbies and which do not care of the lives of the people, they never give one pound for anybody poor people.
Just open up the borders, let the little people live and work and put the gangsters in jail who blackmail them with fear. We know what they can do to gorge themselves on money.

Multiple boosters I'm hearing. One shot won't do it for long.

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I do not believe that it will be possible to track a single tourist under this plan.  Nor will there be any attempt to do so.  Simply an idiot minister wanting to say something an appear to be up to date with technology.   He has been talking to a GPS tracking salesman.

These GPS trackers will be as reliable as the bomb detectors, and probably cost as much.

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1 hour ago, blackcab said:

One other issue tourists would have to consider is what would happen if they tested positive during their stay? Like everyone else they would be immediately quarantined in a hospital for 14 days minimum. Of course their mandatory covid health insurance would pay for that, but it might mean missing their flights home and a 30 day stay becoming extended.


If the tourists are asymptomatic, that really is not going to be a pleasant experience.

Not to mention the establishment would be closed down and the whole program abolished and the entire country would go into lockdown for another six months. 

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13 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Not to mention the establishment would be closed down and the whole program abolished and the entire country would go into lockdown for another six months. 

Well unless we have a vaccine soon it will come down to 'survival of the fittest'. Anyone willing to take the risk? And if you read about the Swedish model - It's been a total disaster.

Edited by Bangkocker
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7 minutes ago, Bangkocker said:

Well unless we have a vaccine soon it will come down to 'survival of the fittest'. Anyone willing to take the risk? And if you read about the Swedish model - It's been a total disaster.

I think more chance of being injured/killed in a road accident in Thailand and there is no vaccine for that.

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2 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I think more chance of being injured/killed in a road accident in Thailand and there is no vaccine for that.

Maybe so -but never forget the thousands of graves that we dug in Italy not so long ago for a little virus. Stick to the subject and no red herrings please cobba.

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13 hours ago, webfact said:

-- Foreign visitors make up two-thirds of nation’s tourism income

-- Tourists may need to wear GPS wristbands, face quarantine

Then future foreign vistors will make up about one-fifth or less of nations's tourism income
Few foreigner will come with the current and proposed restrictions in place.  However - other places in the world WILL open up and Thailand will lose market share to those locations.

As Forrest Gump said, "My mama always told me, 'Stupid is as stupid does.'"

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