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"Foreign tourists won't come if confined to their room for 14 days" but keeping them at resorts is OK, Pipat


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On a biological this doesn't make any sense. 


- If they are allowed to wonder freely around their resort, then what is to stop them being infected by new arrivals ?


Eg, say i've done 13 days quarantine, stuck around the resort. Then on the 13th day some new arrivals come, who have the virus, infect me ... however it is shown that if i take a test the next day i may still be negative (as it can take a few days for the antibodies to start appearing in your blood and symptoms), so i could take a test on the 14th day, get cleared to leave the resort and into Thailand - but then have the virus.




You could be in a perpetual state of doing a couple of weeks on the resort then get infected, then go do weeks in hospital. 


The quarantine system they have is unfortunately the only decent system in place - and even that too is becoming lax with security if you read up on social media. The goal would be maybe to increase the quarantine facilities available. 




they simply allow the virus to roam back into the country and try to limit it's spread. However, if there is a major outbreak this will turn off any hope of tourism. Furthermore it will harm their population. 




Edited by AndrewMciver
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3 hours ago, The Farang said:

They forgot to mention you also have to pay for your covid tests which is about 3000 baht.  Pay for the expensive resort room.  Pay for covid insurance. On top of that stay quarantined in a room for 14 days?  Total waste of money. Nobody wants to come to Thailand that bad.  Only ones will do that are the ones have family there.  

Not even those...if I have to spend that much,I 'll stay at home send money to my daughter and probably fly her over for holidays. 

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4 hours ago, Paiman said:


I don,t think so. 


Tourists will be careful with choosing an international holiday vacation. And being restricted for 2 weeks to a resort, they will just chose another destination.

Definitely so! This guys is delusional. I won't attract "real tourists" but it might just give foreigners stranded outside of Thailand (I mean for the ones who live in TH long term) a way to get back. Though still, the expense and hassle of it is probably going to make it uninteresting for anyone!

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56 minutes ago, SVC Porter said:

Thai Airways are advertising seats in Oct and November.  I'd imagine they'll be costly. 

Most of the major airlines are showing flights for Oct. and November, they are trying to get people to book, The flights will be cancelled not unless they are repatriation flights.

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I doubt anyone will read my response   but here it goes anyway.

A tourist comes to one of these Quarentine Hotel/Resorts.  Confined to the hotel and perhaps the grounds,  Perhaps the local surrounding village.  During the Quarentine stay the guest can come in contact with Staff and Local Vendors.  Also during the Quarentine stay the guest comes into contact with guests who arrived previous  and guests that came later.  During that time if the guest transmits the virus to a previous guest and the previous guest completes the quarentine period and tests negative (but has been infected and not showing virus during testing).  That guest would move on and unknowingly start infecting people that the guest comes into contact with.  The same continues with the guest who at the end of the quarentine period come into  contact with a newly quarentined tourist and contracts the virus passes the final covid test and proceeds on to vacationing in Thailand  unknowingly transmitting the virus he acquired in the last stage of quarentine.

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4 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

so they all mix together in the resort.. and if they catch covid on day 14 from a new comer on day 1...?


seriously do they even try to think about this?





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2 hours ago, surfinglife said:

Lovely Thai women?! An oximoron...

For a short time they are lovely it's when they get their claws in to you that you become a moron like an ox,here in Thailand I thinks it's called a Buffimoron which might also be called a Buffoon!

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Does anyone really think that all the staff in these resorts are going to be able to maintain quarantine and PPE protocols for weeks if not months on end? As soon as we see a few of these cases in leak out into the community the brakes will be on, the flights will stop and the country will be in a panic to lock down. Frightened tourists clambering for flights and heading home to face certain quarantine again.


This need to achieve zero domestic transmission will be the demise of the return of tourism in Thailand. There is just no way around it, either experience more domestic transmission or forget tourism until there is a vaccine and widespread inoculation.


At least make it easier for those who have a real connection to Thailand to return. Make visas available, do the 2 weeks quarantine and move on. If zero domestic transmission is the goal why do you want me to have USD$100K worth of special when I already pay thousands of Baht a year already.


Get a policy and move on.

Edited by K in BKK
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45 minutes ago, american2 said:

I doubt anyone will read my response   but here it goes anyway.

A tourist comes to one of these Quarentine Hotel/Resorts.  Confined to the hotel and perhaps the grounds,  Perhaps the local surrounding village.  During the Quarentine stay the guest can come in contact with Staff and Local Vendors.  Also during the Quarentine stay the guest comes into contact with guests who arrived previous  and guests that came later.  During that time if the guest transmits the virus to a previous guest and the previous guest completes the quarentine period and tests negative (but has been infected and not showing virus during testing).  That guest would move on and unknowingly start infecting people that the guest comes into contact with.  The same continues with the guest who at the end of the quarentine period come into  contact with a newly quarentined tourist and contracts the virus passes the final covid test and proceeds on to vacationing in Thailand  unknowingly transmitting the virus he acquired in the last stage of quarentine.

Well, I did read your post.   There are about 3 above expressing same thoughts.  


The end result of all this after all the dust settles is Thailand will cease to be a retirement destination.  As many people are experiencing the frustration of spending millions of baht in condos, cars, bikes, etc and being locked out of the country changes will be made.  Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.  And worse part is there is no end in sight to this debacle.  



There are going to be huge bargins on everything as expats  liquidate to set up in other countries just as soon as travel opens up.  Would be good time to have cash on hand......

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I do believe that there will be some takers, mostly among those who currently aren't allowed back in. For genuine tourists, losing 14 days in quarantine is a tough proposition, but again there will be some takers who want to stay for 2+ months.


Their target of 2 million tourists is ludicrous under these circumstances, however. If they're very lucky and can find a good solution for flights, they might get a tenth of that, a few hundred thousand tourists.

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There is a lot I could say as to why this is stupid but all I will say is.... people just aren’t gonna bother... they are really overestimating how desperate people are to come back to Thailand ( not including the people who have wives/ work here )


backpackers can’t afford it simple.


more months of suffering lie ahead for Thailand with these usual fire hoops to jump through. Bali will be the next place in Asia for returnees 

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7 hours ago, poskat said:

the perspective that this guy has about thailand being such an amazing destination that people would travel here to stay in tourist zoos until deemed safe to travel elsewhere will soon be challenged by reality

The ruling elite have almost everything they want.    I am pretty sure the ability to see reality is

not really on that list .  Here is yesterdays recording featuring the leaders of the 4 task teams assembled to promote tourism :



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One way it might be attractive would be if they developed low priced


????Amazing Thailand Quarantine Tours????

Do all-inclusive hotel/tour packages. where the quarantined are not only housed, but also taken on supervised outings. It would also give all the charter bus companies, bus drop eateries, and Thailand's famous "Factory Outlets" much needed business. 

Just a thought. 

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21 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

Have a friend that comes with his wife and 3 kids every year stays 4 weeks january/february in Phuket.... the never step outside the resort.

have a friend that comes often.   


his wife and 3 kids never step outside of the resort.        (edited by Rumak)

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1 minute ago, rumak said:

have a friend that comes often.   


his wife and 3 kids never step outside of the resort.        (edited by Rumak)

I dont know why you are twisting my posts but you should <deleted> right off.


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