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Republicans tout Trump's leadership on economy, despite coronavirus setbacks

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Ha!  All this name calling and phony criticism of Trump makes no difference. 


He's going to be elected again, fair and square.

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7 minutes ago, Kelsall said:

Ha!  All this name calling and phony criticism of Trump makes no difference. 


He's going to be elected again.

Shows the mentality of voters.

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2 hours ago, Sujo said:

Dont sell him short. He knew the difference between a camel and an elephant.

But there were pictures, the five words were straight on pure memory

the best memory some say

  • Haha 1
7 hours ago, jcsmith said:

You want a source that Trump has been trying to curb immigration in every way possible since he took office? How about just doing a google of "trump immigration". 


Some examples:

- Declared a national emergency and then deployed troops to the southern border in a crisis of his imagination. Illegal immigration had been on the decline for years before he took office. 
- Has used the wall as a motivator for his base the entire time. He continues to tout the building of the wall despite only 5 miles of new wall having been built in his four years in office. 
- The ban on 8 muslim majority countries, which was his compromise after suggesting he would call for a complete ban muslims from entering the country during the election. The fact that he made up a lie that thousands of muslims were cheering in the streets after 9/11 and that he saw it with his own eyes was used as evidence of his bias in court. 
- Reduced refugee admissions to the lowest level since the resettlement program was created... 40 years ago. The refugee program dropped from 85k refugees in 2016 to 30,000 last year, and a planned 18,000 this year. That 18,000 number was given BEFORE covid. 
- Cancelled DACA and left them in limbo for years.
- Ended protected status for Haiti, Nicaraguan, Sudan nationals, and threatened to do the same to Honduras and El Salvador. 

- His cruel family separation policies have been condemned around the world including by the U.N..
- He asked immigration officials to close the border and promised them a pardon if they got in trouble. 
- He proposed rolling back birthright citizenship. 
- The RAISE act attempted to cut levels of LEGAL immigration by 50% and would have also put a cap on the number of refugee admissions to 50k per year. 
- New asylum restrictions on asylum claims based on violence.
- Has spoken many times about wanting to end chain migration, despite his wives' family being an obvious example of it.

- His comments on S-hole countries are further evidence of how he feels about immigrants, long a part of the American Dream that was sold to us as children. Trump and Fox have attempted to rewrite that and paint immigrants as rapists and murderers.


On April 22nd he signed an execute order significantly reducing the amount of green card immigrants. It's speculation that Covid gave him the cover to do what he's been trying to do the whole time. But it's a reasonable assumption based on similar policies and excuses he's made in the past and the similar justifications which he has given for each of them.



This is why we need to elect Joe Biden and the Democrats. America First is a virulently racist policy. It’s in humane to put your citizens first especially when other people are not doing to well. Saying America is great is also racist. America was never great. How can America be great when they’ve been enslaving the black and LatinX communities for the past 400 years?!?

There’s a reason why the poor down trodden and destitute seek a better life in the US. They see how America has uplifted foreigners from Indians to filipinos to South Koreans and even to Chinese. Only in America can in one generation be from poverty to middle class. And to deny new immigrants that is a travesty!

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On 8/26/2020 at 5:17 PM, riclag said:

You got a source claiming he's a idiot

Sure. James Mattis, former Secretary of Defense appointed by Trump.

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21 minutes ago, scammed said:

i think he is roughly as detrimental to USA as every president after clinton,

but not nearly as bad as biden will be

Okay I'll play along. What did Obama do that was so detrimental to the country? Bush gave us 9/11, and the economic collapse. Trump gave us the largest health crisis in ages, turned all of our allies against us, and was caught red-handed trying to cheat in the election twice, and is trying again with mail in ballots. Obama recovered us from the financial crisis,  and got our economy back on track. What negative things did he have that are on par with those two?

  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Okay I'll play along. What did Obama do that was so detrimental to the country? Bush gave us 9/11, and the economic collapse. Trump gave us the largest health crisis in ages, turned all of our allies against us, and was caught red-handed trying to cheat in the election twice, and is trying again with mail in ballots. Obama recovered us from the financial crisis,  and got our economy back on track. What negative things did he have that are on par with those two?

he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget,

but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didnt even try to balance budget.

the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right,

but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

On 8/27/2020 at 10:41 PM, scammed said:

he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget, but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didn't even try to balance  budget.  the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right, but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

To balance the budget... In the middle of the financial crisis. Seriously? How was he supposed to have accomplished that and stimulate the economy?

Trump had the white house, senate, and house for his first two years... and the economy had already recovered. Yet it continued to grow at a faster rate than when he inherited it.  Then Covid happened and Biden will wind up inheriting a historic deficit.

Now here's the funny thing. For Obama's entire tenure the GOP kept harping on it. Ignoring that the deficit grew under Reagan (who I'm a fan of) and H.W., it was wiped clean by Clinton and then skyrocketed again under Bush. No complaints about it while Bush was in office. Obama take's office in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and they harp on the deficit nonstop. Trump gets into office suddenly nobody cares about deficit.


I'd bet the farm that once Biden takes office suddenly the conservatives will remember they are supposed to be the fiscally responsible guys... But let's be honest that hasn't been the case in a very long time. Every republican president since Roosevelt has had a recession during their presidency. Every single one in the past hundred years. 12 Republican presidents began recessions in that time as compared to 5 democrats. Since Reagan the GOP has fallen into the same trap every time. Slash taxes, promise that it will trickle down (when it never does), deal with the impending recession.

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1 hour ago, scammed said:

he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget,

but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didnt even try to balance budget.

the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right,

but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

Obama applied an anticyclical economic policy in order to recover from the crisis. That's considered as sound economic policy.

During his second term, he started to reduce the deficit.

Instead of going on, Trump increased budget deficit again, during a period of natural growth, thus applying a procyclical policy. Pre-covid, he actually increased debts more than Obama during his first term.

1 hour ago, scammed said:

he was particularly bad, because he had the majority to balance budget,

but instead he went in the opposite direction and wasted tax money on 'green alternatives' through subsidies, and didnt even try to balance budget.

the rest at least to a degree can be excused for being blocked left and right,

but obama had a unique opportunity through popularity to get anywhere

I see - so if you have a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, then you should balance the budget is your point. You are of course aware that Trump had a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, as well as no pressing financial crisis and a strong economy, so therefore he obviously balanced the budget. Right?

You know of course that he didn't even attempt to. As jcsmith has ably pointed out, the Republicans only care about deficits when they're in the opposition, they've never been fiscally responsible when they're in power in modern times. No, YOUR President actually gave away 2 Trillion (that's a "T", not a "B") in deficit spending as a free bonus to wealthy corporations who then promptly spent it on stock buybacks to raise their stock prices so that they could then claim massive bonuses in salary for being such fine CEOs. Of course, then COVID-19 hits and they're caught without cash reserves and have to go straight back to the government trough to beg for more money after having just been handed a Brinks' truckful a few short years prior. 

What's that you fiscally conservative Republicans always say about the poor? Why don't they save for a rainy day? Why do they always depend on government handouts? If only they behaved like wealthy corporations, eh?

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Trump is smarter than any poster on this thread. Fact.


He is worth 2.1 billion US$ and he is president of the United States.


Please, Trump haters list your achievements here.


Then we'll compare.


It's a good thing Trump is in charge of the economy, he's the perfect man to be in charge of an economy that needs delicate handling. Economic success is what Trump stands for.

  • Haha 2
50 minutes ago, JCauto said:

I see - so if you have a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, then you should balance the budget is your point. You are of course aware that Trump had a majority in the Congress and the Presidency, as well as no pressing financial crisis and a strong economy, so therefore he obviously balanced the budget. Right?

You know of course that he didn't even attempt to. As jcsmith has ably pointed out, the Republicans only care about deficits when they're in the opposition, they've never been fiscally responsible when they're in power in modern times. No, YOUR President actually gave away 2 Trillion (that's a "T", not a "B") in deficit spending as a free bonus to wealthy corporations who then promptly spent it on stock buybacks to raise their stock prices so that they could then claim massive bonuses in salary for being such fine CEOs. Of course, then COVID-19 hits and they're caught without cash reserves and have to go straight back to the government trough to beg for more money after having just been handed a Brinks' truckful a few short years prior. 

What's that you fiscally conservative Republicans always say about the poor? Why don't they save for a rainy day? Why do they always depend on government handouts? If only they behaved like wealthy corporations, eh?

im not republican, conservative, and trump aint my president,

i just think biden is even worse.

bush jr might out edge obama as the most irresponsible president ever

with the drug prescription bill.

why do you americans dont refuse to vote on candidates that doesnt

make balanced budget the ~~top~~ ONLY priority anyway ?

24 minutes ago, Logosone said:

He is worth 2.1 billion US$ and he is president of the United States.

He was given at least $413 million by his dad, though he claimed he built it all with a "small" one million dollar loan. Fortune ran an article after that number came out that found that if he had just invested in an Index loan his net worth would be over $13 billion. Not to mention that he's stiffed so many small businesses and put many of them out of business by not paying his debts. 

Source: https://apnews.com/0452d29cd2564eaf97605ab90acc3a67/NY-Times:-Trump-got-$413M-from-his-dad,-much-from-tax-dodges

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