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Coronavirus: How long can Thailand survive without foreign tourism?


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On 9/6/2020 at 4:41 AM, daveAustin said:

Congrats on dumbest post of the week. Unless you blindly suck up the bs like some switched off folk, the virus is there and thriving. It is not in control anywhere. 

Banana republics = not testing / hiding actual figures. 

You must watch a lot of "news" ????

The "average" persons survival rate is 99.991% - yep its out of control folks! Stop the tourists, dirty people!!

Or are you a fully paid up :-?


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18 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

Some of the bars have setup YouTube channels and encourage mugs customers viewers to buy them lady drinks via PayPal or Superchat for virtual entertainment of them dancing in a beer bar. Not sure how long this can carry on for without being let into the country. 


Yes not much skill in a being a bar girl and the demand is now massive over supply.

Should just do it via LINE or Fb so the girls dont get separation anxiety.....POV cam.....I'm sticking with free porn....I dont need the small talk--Where u from--U buy me drink--Im hungry--You pay now teelak joop joop

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On 9/4/2020 at 8:28 AM, Boomer6969 said:

But hopefully foreign tourism will be reborn from ist ashes more decently upmarket. So let it burn for a while.

keep dreaming , they learn  nothing, as  soon as things  pick  up it  will be EXACTLY as it  was before, rip  offs , double  pricing etc etc............not  that I see any change  currently anyway.

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