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Man Attacks Monitor Lizard In Lumpini


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just a quick note : my gf told me they were hated because they allegedly eat corpses (human or animals).

beside that, I kinda like those beasts, not enough here in isaan (think they ate them all, as every other living creatures-whenever I ask my GF the name in thai/lao of ANYTHING that lives the answer is "name"...and then "aroy")

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My first encounter with the beasts was on a boat ride along the canals off the Chao Phraya river.

We came upon a group of 5 or 6 Thai children swimming in the canal.

Along the bank, not 3 meters from them were 2 lizards and one swimming amongst them.

I guess they had not heard the horror stories yet, being so young.

An amazing sight....on my first days in Thailand.

So amazing that, although camera in hand, I never snapped a photo due to my surprise.......doh!! :o

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The six footers don't run away ! I remember years ago riding my bike along some back roads around Bang saray when in the middle of knowhere I saw one walking between some trees, it was huge, I just wanted to get a close look of it, I stopped my bike and rode back to where it was only I couldent see it ? I left the bike and slowly walked into the trees, couldent see it anywhere then suddenly it came out of knowhere, I was about 15 foot away, he just looked at me, we stared each other out for what seemed like eternity, I had all sorts going through my mind like being miles from anywhere and getting bitten ! I just slowly backed away from him and to my surprize he followed me at the same pace, it was spooky but he just seemed to be amazed at seeing a farang on his patch, moments later he just turned and walked off, one of those things you never forget.

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ive seen the monitor lizards a few times at lumphini.they are one of the things that make it interesting.the lake is full of fish & terapins.not sure at all about the lizards disrupting the food chain there.

i was in the market today & as i was walking through i saw a lady sat on a stool skinning frogs alive.brutal.they were wriggling around without there skins off,in one of those 2 ft wide washing buckets,over loaded with frogs.i asked my freind why they didnt kill & gut them first,but she said nobody would buy them if they did.

i'm glad i'm not a frog in thailand,but maybe the next life.

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More like... There was a certain lizard that was eating the fish here in DE. Anglers began killing the lizards and a short time later the state began to take action to wipe the lizard out.

I wonder... If it were an American park.... And a Non-citizen Thai decided to hassle an American on their actions as related to the general upkeep and or handling of the park.... What would happen?

Anyway... Good for you. You should wear a cape and a mask you superhero you. :o

You mean, like shooting a bluejay with a BB gun??

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Thailand some people dare not even pronounce the name of the monitor lizards, whilst others use it as a term of abuse (Nutphand undated). Further south, when the moon is full, some unfortunate people break out in scales and develop a long forked tongue. These "weremonitors" prowl about searching not for beetles and caterpillars, but for warm human flesh (Auffenberg 1982).

Cut and paste from http://mampam.50megs.com/monitors/folklore.html

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i saw a lady sat on a stool skinning frogs alive.brutal.they were wriggling around without there skins off,in one of those 2 ft wide washing buckets,over loaded with frogs.


Man thats Awsome, I would like the opertunity to strap her down and skin both her legs to the knees, it would be interesting to see the pain on her face.

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i saw a lady sat on a stool skinning frogs alive.brutal.they were wriggling around without there skins off,in one of those 2 ft wide washing buckets,over loaded with frogs.


Man thats Awsome, I would like the opertunity to strap her down and skin both her legs to the knees, it would be interesting to see the pain on her face.

yes,ive been seing them for years in that market.didnt know that,that was there fate. :D my freind was shocked that i didnt know about it.

i wonder whether the lady prays to buddha every night after a good days frog skinning session. :o its a strange old world.

still i suppose us westerners going into our supermarkets to buy plastic wrapped meat are a bit soft.

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just a quick note : my gf told me they were hated because they allegedly eat corpses (human or animals).

beside that, I kinda like those beasts, not enough here in isaan (think they ate them all, as every other living creatures-whenever I ask my GF the name in thai/lao of ANYTHING that lives the answer is "name"...and then "aroy")

Today I was down at a business where there is a young Thai guy who was educated in the UK, and I brought up the lizard issue and asked him just why they were so detested. Just like your girlfriend, he said that in the old days they were known to enter houses and eat corpses awaiting funerals. That, and the fact they like to eat chickens, pigs, and just about any mobile sustenance did little to endear them to Thais. It is interesting how that has become mythologized to the point that some are afraid to even speak of them.

My wife did become much calmer about them after the first incident with the dead ones, and although she has seen a couple of live baby critters in the last few days it didn't seem to phase her.

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What would have happened if he had been bitten? I understand they have a ferocious bite and a mouthful of germs

Though it is true monitors have a mouth full of germs so do we. However if your thinking about Komodo Dragons they are also a member of the monitor lizard family and have nasty bacteria in their mouths. From what I understand Thais refered to water monitors as Hee-ah because they like stealing ducks and chickens. Not all Thais hate the monitors as I have had a couple brought to me to nurse back to health. As for the most part though Thais only love animals that go well with Nam Plaa which include almost all animals and insects.


BTW over the years I have been bitten by several sub species of monitor lizards and never got an infection. I still have all my fingers too.

Edited by Sakeopete
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Just like your girlfriend, he said that in the old days they were known to enter houses and eat corpses awaiting funerals.


This explains why they say they are the dead people, I asked her about it and she said because they eat dead people they have the spirit of the dead person in them, I could understand it more if my wife came from the sticks and had spent her life in knowhereland but she comes from a well to do family in the city ? Anyway I like them, and would keep one as a pet if I diddent think the Thais would kill it at the first opertunity !

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I don't think any large animal of any sort that is wild should be wandering around the streets. they should be tied up somewhere to protect people. if you saw a 6 foot monster, I can just imagine what it could do to a baby given half a chance. little ones - ok. but not big ones.

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i used to go camping a lot on ko rok in krabi province. the monitor lizards on this island grow to around 2.5m in length and are monsters. as they are the same colour as the ground, going to the bathroom in the middle of the night was always a bit of a challenge. on several occasions i nearly stood on one, and one of my group members was actually whipped by the tail of one that he didnt see.

my group members always used to ask me why i preferred to sleep in a hammock and not a tent.....i dare not tell them it was because i didnt want to wake up with one of these suckers next to me in the middle of the night!

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Just like goannas..

More scared of you than you are of them usually. The bloke in the park sounds like an idiot/madman of the sort you find anywhere.

Edited by tw25rw
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