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Minister reaches out to Phuket locals after panic over foreign tourist plan


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10 minutes ago, surfinglife said:

"To prepare for a second wave"....when was the first wave? It wasn't even a ripple! Phuket and Thailand in general is committing an economic suicide by refusing to accept that the virus is here to stay and to learn to live with it. The morons are following the idiotic Victoria model instead of pragmatic European one, which has proven to work. Most European countries have several hundreds cases a day....so what? Economy open, borders open, tourism open, people living normally. Thailand one case = total panic! Why?

Did you read what is happening on Mallorca for instance? You should... Very many restrictions in place - again. 


Edited by Oldie
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5 hours ago, webfact said:

They requested a postponement of debt payment for 1-2 years along with the city development and extending the closing time of entertainment venues to 4am, subsidising a city plan improvement and free Wi-Fi.

You could not make this up ... anything else on the wish list ... well in fact there is.


The title of this post “Minister reaches out to Phuket locals after panic over foreign tourist plan”. It’s difficult to believe that people that depend on tourism completely are in a panic that tourists might come back.  There are lots of these kinds of headlines lately, they are not credible any longer.  The narrative around Covid is being closely and ham handed lay being managed.

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Panic ?? The only panic is the clowns in charge thinking of which nonsense they can float next to make it sound like they have a clue what’s going on !

Your average Thai on the street probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid about what the government is saying apart from they might like a job if tourist places opened up again , instead of trying to figure out how they are going to eat as they have no job or money  !

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5 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

I think the locals just told Mr Pipat and his TAT where to go




Think again before using Phuket as an experiment


As for Pattaya, recently there are "NEW' tourists wondering around the city from S'Korea, how did they get in ?. very easy to spot with their selfie sticks, they stand out like big red nose, who facilitated their arival ?


some think I am incorrect, I can assure them I am not

ARE they pilots or army ??

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5 hours ago, AbeNormal said:

I think the locals just told Mr Pipat and his TAT where to go




Think again before using Phuket as an experiment


As for Pattaya, recently there are "NEW' tourists wondering around the city from S'Korea, how did they get in ?. very easy to spot with their selfie sticks, they stand out like big red nose, who facilitated their arival ?


some think I am incorrect, I can assure them I am not

Corrupt officials 

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