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Chances of Brexit deal fading every day, EU Commission chief says


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1 hour ago, RayC said:

She's head of the European Commission, so you would certainly expect her to make factually correct statements. And she did.

And you deduced that from the clip? She's a strange sort of 'left winger' given that she's a member of the centre-right CDU!

It was a typical load of waffling self-promoting propaganda. There was also a disparaging mention of the "right wing", which strangely is not in the official text of her speech - again typical EU. 


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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Boris:   “We are getting ready to come out on October the 31st…Do or die, come what may”

Boris:   “There are no circumstances in which I will ask Brussels to delay. We are leaving on 31 October, no ifs or buts” (2 September, speaking in Downing Street)

Boris: “I am confident of getting a deal. We will leave on 31 October in all circumstances. There will be no further pointless delay.” (3 September, speech in Commons)

Boris:  "We could construct a relationship with the EU that more closely resembled that of Norway or Switzerland — except that we would be inside the single market council, and able to shape legislation". (2013)


Problem with Boris is that you can never believe a word he says.



I believed "Get Brexit Done".


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8 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think most of us never doubted Boris would get Brexit done.  But which version of Brexit.  He promised so many from "the easiest deal ever" to "oven ready" even to the point of signing the withdrawal agreement and now trying to renege on it.


I understand he is trying to sound macho before folding and agreeing a deal which he will almost certainly do.  

In all fairness DR what version of Brexit would the remainer parliament have accepted, as proven, none. Parliament had 3 chances to get a Brino and each time rejected that chance, why, because they wanted to revoke art50/peoples vote, well it looks like it has backfired for the remainers but instead of saying 'we gave it our best shot' now we are seeing non stop unbridled insults from the remainers and the Euros, you are just as instrumental if it results in a no deal just as much as the leavers, infact more.

Edited by vogie
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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I think most of us never doubted Boris would get Brexit done.  But which version of Brexit.  He promised so many from "the easiest deal ever" to "oven ready" even to the point of signing the withdrawal agreement and now trying to renege on it.


I understand he is trying to sound macho before folding and agreeing a deal which he will almost certainly do.  

2021: The British discover, they are now only English.

2022: The English discover, their industry is in disaster. Want to apply for an association with the EU. The Gaelic Confederation votes against.

2023: Theresa May + David Cameron are asked to beg in Brussels for a new association, or better EU membership. Ukraine and Belarus use their veto: first these countries...

2030: England is allowed a junior EU membership. No funds out of EU, no voting rights, and sign for at least 25 years silent membership. Only two British oppose: Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings. They could not follow other leading Brexiteers, who organised their finances much better after 2021, when all got the idea, it might go wrong.

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7 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

Fog in the channel. Europe cut off.

People living in the EU will be able to source alternatives to UK produce which will be tariff free. So probably not that much of a big deal for them.

Ah fishing. The Holy Grail of Brexiteers. Many of those French fishermen bought a quota license from UK fishermen. They will still be able to fish in UK waters.

The German car industry was quite clear. Protecting the single market was the priority for them. They will still have a domestic market of 350 million to sell cars to. But those car manufacturers in the UK are going to have a tough time. A small domestic market and tariffs to the EU. Ironically German car manufacturers might see increased car sales. Someone in the EU who is thinking of buying a Nissan for example can now get a German car for about the same price.

Balanced trade deal?


The UK’s new trade deal with Japan commits it to tougher restrictions on state aid than the ones it is currently offering the EU in the Brexit talks, potentially undermining its negotiating position with Brussels.


What was that thing you were saying about sovereignty?


domestic EU market = 450 million + many associated countries.

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5 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Won't be a no deal though will it.  In the end Johnson will agree a deal.  He is already rowing back on fishing rites apparently, according to one report last night, not verified as yet.  As I said before I understand Boris going for the macho approach but by dragging the UK's reputation through the mud like this, he is embarrassing us all.


I don't have a dog in the race, haven't for a long time as I moved my business to mainland Europe some time ago.  I still live in the UK for now but I always planned on retirement in Europe anyway.  Still doesn't mean that I don't mourn what these cretins are doing to a once brilliant Britain

It appears you have more foresight than Septic Peg, nobody knows the outcome, well except you of course. But saying Boris is dragging the UKs reputation through the mud is simply not true, remember the days of yore when May and her faithfull pardner Ollie were making the UK the laughing stock of europe, well since Boris has taken the reins the snide remarks from our friends in Brussells have subsided, they havn't a clue what's hit them, as Roy Orbison once sang ' Running Scared'. The country has got most of it's pride back. Of course many remainers on here wish our country to fail as proven by the many posts on here, it is totally disheartening to read fellow Brits decrying our country all the time, whilst wearing their blue berets with a circle of blue stars, totally understandable the Euros calling us, they are bitter we have left and somebody will have to pay for the fiscal deficit, but the UK will do just fine.


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4 hours ago, nauseus said:

The fact the Thatcher manged to get a rebate proves that we were being ripped off from the start.


Blair manged to give some of this back and if we had stayed in then it would have disappeared entirely. 


Your rebate figure is wrong, as is your so-called "shortfall" theory - if we pay no contributions we will keep about 13 billion straight away.

You mean: the EU accepted the blackmail and pressure of Thatcher. 

For net contribution: I understand you do not believe your own House Of Commons, but.. according to them, the net UK contribution is around GBP 8 billion ( seen EU imports from UK 290 B, a 3% import levy is worth more. And the reality.. it's a LOT more.. ) 

UK contr to EU, HoC Lib CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019, p 3 .jpg

average import duty into the EU, source HoC lib imp-exp statistics.jpg

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7 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

True enough what RayC says Vogie.  Johnson won with an overwhelming majority which is why he can get away with trashing Britain this way.  He was the one who signed the withdrawal agreement and if you look at the video at the time he was high fiving  the room in Brussels including Barnier and even hugging Macron.  He then declared it a complete success and "fantastic deal" in the house.  Now he tries to renege on that treaty which is toe curlingly embarrassing and has lost him a massive amount of support in his own party and beyond.

It would have never got to that stage if the remainer parliament had voted for Mays deal, the greedy duplicitous remainers in parliament are the reason where we are today, simple as, and I'm sure I can speak for all Brexiteers when I thank them each and every one. 

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6 minutes ago, puipuitom said:

You mean: the EU accepted the blackmail and pressure of Thatcher. 

For net contribution: I understand you do not believe your own House Of Commons, but.. according to them, the net UK contribution is around GBP 8 billion ( seen EU imports from UK 290 B, a 3% import levy is worth more. And the reality.. it's a LOT more.. ) 

UK contr to EU, HoC Lib CBP 7886 of 24 June 2019, p 3 .jpg

average import duty into the EU, source HoC lib imp-exp statistics.jpg

What are the 2018 charts and tables for?


I mean Thatcher put a stop to some of the EU blackmailing. 

The recent UK net contribution has averaged around 9 billion. 

The rebate has been about 4 billion recently - not 6.6 billion 

And of course the trade deficit was £72 billion in 2019. Super.

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11 minutes ago, NeoDinosaw said:

Lib-Dems  or Greens.  The problem is that the average UK voter is as stupid as those in the USA.   They see it as a 2-horse race; they try to guess who will win , then vote for that party and feel good if their man (or lady) wins.  Most of them do not understand what ig going on - you can seen this from interviews with voters in the street.  They voted for Boris because he was 'a bit of a laugh'  

Are you the one on the run from Jurassic Park?

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