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Protesters scuffle with police at London anti-lockdown demo


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45 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

My worry is that corona could mutate into an even more serious illness. We know IF it gets into your lungs you can be in a world of hurt.

So lets all try and keep a lid on it till a vaccine comes along. Then we can all go back to "normal".

I am aware that there is also a possibility that the virus could mutate into a far less dangerous strain. That would be fantastic.

But people need to take precautions like wearing a mask. No-one seems to have an issue conforming to security checks before you get on an airplane. Why? Because we are all aware its for our own safety.

Think of the precautions for corona in the same light. 

US Influenza VE Network investigators have found that on average vaccination reduces the incidence of flu-like illness by approximately 40% to 60%.  Seems a lot of people think that vaccines are guarantors against infection.


The analogy you used, re conformity, for people not taking issue with security checks before boarding a plane isn't well suited.  If you wish to fly you have no choice but to submit.  To resist is 100% futile.  To conclude that it's because 100% of the people are 100% in agreement that it's for their own safety would be an erroneous conclusion.  With masks you still have a choice and resistance isn't futile (unless you're unfortunate enough to be located in Victoria, Australia).

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4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

No I am no in the UK. What's more I am living in a part of Thailand that has been completely free of Covid 19 and there is very little chance of contracting.


But even here  many business's are closed down and there are few people around. Supermarkets and Robinson's are quiet even at weekends and restaurants are doing little business. Why is this?


I suspect they are doing what I've been doing and staying away because they. like me are fed up with the restrictions. There is more than one way to protest and 'voting with ones feet' is one them.


I have every respect for the efforts of both the government and the Thai people and I'm grateful to them, but the time must come to say 'enough is enough, time to get on with life'.


The 'restrictions' in Thailand basically constitute wearing a mask in public (which is treated just a little better than motorcycle helmets), application of alcogel, measuring temperature and registering (either online or in paper form). None of these are very strictly enforced, even. And they do not amount to that much hardship.


I think people are for the most part compliant because enforcement is not strict, and because they are somewhat aware of how bad this got elsewhere.

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15 minutes ago, Morch said:
23 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

No I am no in the UK. What's more I am living in a part of Thailand that has been completely free of Covid 19 and there is very little chance of contracting.


But even here  many business's are closed down and there are few people around. Supermarkets and Robinson's are quiet even at weekends and restaurants are doing little business. Why is this?


I suspect they are doing what I've been doing and staying away because they. like me are fed up with the restrictions. There is more than one way to protest and 'voting with ones feet' is one them.


I have every respect for the efforts of both the government and the Thai people and I'm grateful to them, but the time must come to say 'enough is enough, time to get on with life'.


15 minutes ago, Morch said:


The 'restrictions' in Thailand basically constitute wearing a mask in public (which is treated just a little better than motorcycle helmets), application of alcogel, measuring temperature and registering (either online or in paper form). None of these are very strictly enforced, even. And they do not amount to that much hardship.


I think people are for the most part compliant because enforcement is not strict, and because they are somewhat aware of how bad this got elsewhere.

Yes, I agree with you. The restrictions are not too onerous. So where are all the people? Why are the supermarkets, malls and restaurants doing so little business?

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1 hour ago, from the home of CC said:

and very dangerous ones. In Canada they're fining spreader event organizers around 7500 US with attendees 500 US each. IMO on second offence they should be imprisoned till a vaccine appears..


As a matter of zero interest, why would the Canadian government be fining its citizens in American dollars????

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45 minutes ago, Moonlover said:


Yes, I agree with you. The restrictions are not too onerous. So where are all the people? Why are the supermarkets, malls and restaurants doing so little business?


IMO, for two reasons - One being afraid (and people can argue whether that's justified or not), the other is businesses themselves not being fully functional. In our local Tesco shopping center, some shops closed for weeks, some operate half capacity to comply with restrictions.


And that's where the hurt is - not so much for the customers, but for the business owners. To legally and properly run a business following regulations is a PITA.

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38 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Likewise if crashing the economy and mass unemployment is ok in yours.


I don't see it as either/or. And I did not use any terms like tyranny or equivalents. There's an international crisis. It sucks. Governments are scrambling to figure how to deal with it. Response is bound to be less than optimal. Were you expecting anything else?


It's not a zero sum game. So far, countries are not actually collapsing, even if there's a strain.

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2 minutes ago, Tippaporn said:

They are not health regulations which only involve social distancing and mask wearing.  When health regulations force the closure and loss of businesses and put people out of work with little to no means to support themselves, when they become edicts denying basic freedoms, then they are not merely health regulations but an innocent term used to cloak authoritarianism.


Spin it whichever say you like, split hairs....whatever. If certain businesses remain open, without regulation and serve to further spread the pandemic, then eventually, there might not be a business nor costumers.


This is not an ordinary situation.


I notice that other than arguing about labels, you do not offer much by way of reasonable, fact based alternatives as to how to contain the pandemic.

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