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Are over the counter tests available in Thailand, or is there a better way to do a self test?


Not looking to test frequently, so for now not interested in buying glucose strips and meter, as I only want to do a quick check if have diabetes or not


A reported post has been removed.  Please read the OP and respond to the request.   It's a relatively straight forward request.


Peeing on a stick and checking it's color against a gauge is about as simple a test as you can get.

You can buy the strips from Lazada starting from about 30 baht.

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9 minutes ago, Old Croc said:

Peeing on a stick and checking it's color against a gauge is about as simple a test as you can get.

You can buy the strips from Lazada starting from about 30 baht.

Thanks for that.


Should I look for Ketone tests, or are they listed under different names?

1 hour ago, Susco said:

I only want to do a quick check if have diabetes or not

You need to be aware that a glucose test to test for diabetes is not accurate.


Apparantly, I am not allowed to tell you about the more accurate test - the test all western countries use to identify diabetes. About the unreliability of the glucose test to identify diabetes:


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There is a home test you can generally Reli-On for a ballpark glucose number.  


Google info for desirable numbers range. 


Call large pharmacies or order online.


BTW...been borderline diabetic for years...check my sugar frequently...all of a sudden numbers shot up over 200 consistently...doc order 3 month averaging lab work...put me on a small pill to help control numbers.


Good Luck!


Brand names "ketostix" (for ketones only), and "multistix" (for ketones and other things).  I doubt you'll find either over the counter in Thailand.  However, there appear to be online retailers selling them in Thailand.  


Easily bought on Lazada


https://www.lazada.co.th/catalog/?spm=a2o4m.home.search.1.1125719cFTGkij&q=urine strip test&_keyori=ss&clickTrackInfo=textId--7783034663854360293__abId--137478__pvid--6f3934ae-2cb9-433a-aaad-5dcfa0ff9c9e&from=suggest_normal&sugg=urine strip test_0_1


However, if your concern is that you might have diabetes what you need is not a ketone test but a glucose test. Diabetes leads to ketones in the urine only when it has led to something called ketoacidosis, a severe state and one that would have other symptoms.


While you can get urine glucose test strips (many test strips that measure ketone also measure glucose) , blood test is better.  Best of all being not blood glucose but  Hb1Ac (better than glucose as it shows what your blood sugar has been doing over time. And unlike glucose no need to fast before the test).  Any lab can do this and it is not expensive.

10 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

While you can get urine glucose test strips (many test strips that measure ketone also measure glucose) , blood test is better.

Do you have to fast for a urine glucose test?


And when should be the best time to test? I assume when you wake up is not the best time, as everything you ate the night before will still be in your urine.


for diabetes you just need to have a blood test, the glucose meters you can buy give you a number but it is not too accurate, I do mine regularly just to see if it is up or down, a full blood test from your doctor will give you an accurate result as well as the doctor being able to give medication if needed, you will need to fast the night before and do it in the morning, just make an appointment


10 minutes ago, Susco said:

Do you have to fast for a urine glucose test?


And when should be the best time to test? I assume when you wake up is not the best time, as everything you ate the night before will still be in your urine.


No, you do not have to fast for a urine glucose test. But it is not very accurate and glucose will show in your urine only if the blood sugar has been elevated beyond a certain amount and that, during a time period of several hours prior.


First thing in morning is OK. Whenever you do it, it is not showing your current status but rather reflecting what has gone on hours to a day before.


You really should just go to a lab and get an HB1Ac. Otherwise you'll have to test repeatedly at different times over say a week and even then, negative result will not rule out early diabetes.


Which is why urine tests are no longer used to check for diabetes.

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