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Biden campaign tees up Trump tax issue on eve of first debate

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9 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

Not Dishonourably discharged. Trump was incorrect but he doesn't know a damn thing about the types of Discharges which are available in the US Military and he made an incorrect assumption - as he often does. However, I would definitely characterize his exit as being THROWN OUT. No doubt about it when someone pops positive on a urinalysis in an officer program that they were given a special dispensation to get into in the first place due to their age, and fail a urinalysis they are thrown out, and I would characterize that as a loss of HONOR despite no discharge saying that.


Now my question to you is why are you failing to see something ODD about a guy who is a failure in all things getting pumped full of millions of dollars from around the world? OR are you saying that none of that is true? Do you believe that his Father was unaware of these things, or that these things never happened. Which is it. And do you see Hunter Biden as being able to put together all of these lucrative deals all on his own? Because of his business prowess? "Come on man"


And what policy provisions of a Biden administration are you here to support?  What path do you see the USA taking under Biden that benefits you? Out there in ? Where is it again?  Anyway, why do you support Joe Biden? Policy? Can you respond without an insult to Trump ? - that's a test.

I never insult Trump. My point was your comment about the post deletion was wrong, since Trump was wrong. He was not dishonorably discharged. But with the topic being Biden raising the topic of Trump'taxes, I am not going to respond to your questions, they're way, way off topic.

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1 hour ago, Opl said:

This is all beautiful but what about Trump's handling of the pandemic when it comes to the best Nation on the Planet with the best scientists in the world? 

To be fair US scientists have performed terrible.


I do like Trump's focus on keeping things open though, in hindsight that was the right approach and the panic-mongers had it wrong. 


Again, everyone knows this virus is a curse and pestilence on all nations, and I don't think that diminishes America's cultural prestige, even if admittedly the scientists and "experts" did, at least initially perform very badly.

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1 minute ago, Logosone said:

To be fair US scientists have performed terrible.


I do like Trump's focus on keeping things open though, in hindsight that was the right approach and the panic-mongers had it wrong. 


Again, everyone knows this virus is a curse and pestilence on all nations, and I don't think that diminishes America's cultural prestige, even if admittedly the scientists and "experts" did, at least initially perform very badly.

and how has Trump contributed to America's cultural Prestige? 

4 minutes ago, Phoenix Rising said:

Calling out your lies is not standing up for anything other than the truth. Your trollish diversions when being called out are sooo typical.

You call me a troll but do not deny my accusation that the BLM organization is founded and led by Marxists by their own admission because you cannot. I believe you your self have said you are a Marxist have you not? If not - I apologize.

3 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

You call me a troll but do not deny my accusation that the BLM organization is founded and led by Marxists by their own admission because you cannot. I believe you your self have said you are a Marxist have you not? If not - I apologize.

1. Why exactly should I deny your BLM allegations?

2. Apology accepted.

39 minutes ago, stevenl said:

So he was not dishonorably discharged, as was claimed. So the fact check was right, as are you, except for your criticism to justifyably removed posts.

Gosh I don't think I could have been any more clear in my last point as to my view.

59 minutes ago, Morch said:


Nonsense. Does Pence's religious beliefs, for example, imply all those serving under him are are the same? Does Trump's ideals (to the extent he got them) imply all on the Republican party are of one mind?


No, it is not the same like the KKK. The KKK had a specific ideology members subscribe to. I am not aware of BLM members required to subscribe to Marxist ideology. Most wouldn't even know what it was, let alone it's finer points.


Stop making bogus allegations please. I did not 'stand up' for anything, other than for facts over than nonsense.

IF Pence was heading a religious organization it would - Such as Mr Pence's Christian meeting group - or some other mythical name as an example . Does that seem logical to you, you see in your example you fail to point out that pence is part of a secular organization, called the Executive Branch of the US Government, and not a religious group. As for the GOP now you are close - because yes all GOP can generally be thought of as conservative, but not close enough as there are a few different factions within the GOP so in that sense no Trump does not represent them all but he is fairly close at this point. I will let others decide around here what it is you are standing up for.

5 hours ago, Neeranam said:

Most people in the US are racist. Some just desperately try to pretend they are not. 

Since 45 took office, racists have felt OK coming out, and there's a BUNCH of them. In a previous post, someone was complaining about "the black supremacists and the white snowflakes who support them." How can anyone other than a pure racist even conceive such a thought?!?

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2 hours ago, Logosone said:

I do like Trump's focus on keeping things open though, in hindsight that was the right approach and the panic-mongers had it wrong. 

Was it the right approach, knowing fully well the immensity of the damage the Covid virus would wreak on US citizens and lie to them, resulting in tens of thousands of deaths that could have been averted? EVEN DURING THE DEBATE he ridiculed the wearing of a mask. You can honestly support that?!?

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3 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

Your argument is that BLM, founded by Marxists, does not have Marxist aims, and that one should not consider those who are following such an organization to share the beliefs that the leaders promulgate. That is your position.


You are an enabler and a supporter. You are attempting to claim you are arguing against me while not having any beliefs of your own. What do you believe? What are you arguing about or in support of? What is your point?


Yes, a leader holding certain political views does not automatically imply all members share these views. As pointed out in my previous post (and obviously, ignored by you), both Pence and Trump would be as good an example as any - does everyone in the Republican Party, or even Trump's administration share these two's religious beliefs? Fully embrace their political views? How is this different than the BLM's case?


And no, pointing out that you are plain wrong does not make me an 'enabler', nor a 'supporter'. Unless, of course, you favor ignoring facts for propaganda and lies in line with political agenda. I do have beliefs - I believe you're someone who's either trolling, or totally unfamiliar with how forums operate. As for the BLM I do not have very strong opinions on it one way or the other. I get the anger which gave it birth, even if I find most of their rhetoric over the top, and their sometimes tacit support of violence deplorable. But be that as it may, it still doesn't make the BLM a 'Marxist' organization. Nor have you actually demonstrated that in any meaningful way.

3 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

He did not say that. And Hunter Biden has a father who is running for President. I suppose you believe that Hunter gets on an US Government Airplane with his Father to go to China or Ukraine and his daddy has zero idea of why his son is on the plane other then to enjoy a vacation? Is that your view? Seriously? Is it?


And Donald Trump did not say those words. The entire narrative you guys spin goes completely against the facts of the action of Donald Trump, that is obvious to all. You claim Trump a racist - but he has support among African Americans and Hispanics and in fact that support is rising. So the Democrat party stoops to the lowest common denominator and calls him a racist.


He is called a anti-semite despite Jews in the immediate family, and being the most pro-israel President in American history, he is called a war monger despite making peace. You never seem to stop.




No, you say he didn't say it. He says he didn't say it. That doesn't mean a whole lot. You have no idea if he did, and he's got an interest claiming he did not. That you present it as fact  doesn't make it so.


As for your keen interest in Biden Junior - it's kinda funny how that's an issue, but Trump's own host of conflicts of interest is not. Trump's daughter and son in law got business dealings in China. Some of them on the dodgy side. Is that a problem?

4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

There's your example of an Anti-Trump supremacist. You brand all trump supporters together and think you are superior. 


No, I did not brand all Trump supporters, but commented directly on your post. If you want to press the issue, sure - going on about propriety, decorum and the like, while strongly supporting a President who is anathema to these concepts is odd enough to be worthy of comment.


Now, you could, for example, explain why there's no contradiction, why there's no issue here. But your don't. Your choice seems to whining rather than discussing.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Logosone said:

To be fair US scientists have performed terrible.


I do like Trump's focus on keeping things open though, in hindsight that was the right approach and the panic-mongers had it wrong. 


Again, everyone knows this virus is a curse and pestilence on all nations, and I don't think that diminishes America's cultural prestige, even if admittedly the scientists and "experts" did, at least initially perform very badly.


To be fair, you've no idea whether USA scientists have "performed terrible". You are not a scientist. And I doubt you could meaningfully support your claim by itself or in relation to other countries. No, what this is about is just another Trump campaign talking point - trying to shift responsibility from Trump.


As for your "best approach" comment - again opinion presented as fact. You have no idea how things would have panned out, and given Trump's slow reaction and setting a bad example, it's reasonable to assume things could have been worse.

4 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

You call me a troll but do not deny my accusation that the BLM organization is founded and led by Marxists by their own admission because you cannot. I believe you your self have said you are a Marxist have you not? If not - I apologize.


It wasn't denied that BLM leaders identified as Marxists. Rather, it was said that this does not make the organizations or all of it's members, Marxist. It's a good question whether your comprehend the difference, or simply ignore it.

3 hours ago, Damual Travesty said:

IF Pence was heading a religious organization it would - Such as Mr Pence's Christian meeting group - or some other mythical name as an example . Does that seem logical to you, you see in your example you fail to point out that pence is part of a secular organization, called the Executive Branch of the US Government, and not a religious group. As for the GOP now you are close - because yes all GOP can generally be thought of as conservative, but not close enough as there are a few different factions within the GOP so in that sense no Trump does not represent them all but he is fairly close at this point. I will let others decide around here what it is you are standing up for.


By the same rationale, you'd have to first demonstrate that the BLM is indeed a Marxist organization - be it based on policy, promoting ideas, upholding tenets or presenting a creed which can be clearly identified as being Marxist. Other than leaders personally identifying as such, and you claiming this applies to the BLM as a whole - you haven't really supported your argument with anything.

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I actually felt sorry for joe at some points during the debate. He just couldn't handle Trump's assault. You could see him (joe) visibly shaken and unsure of what to do.

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4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I actually felt sorry for joe at some points during the debate. He just couldn't handle Trump's assault. You could see him (joe) visibly shaken and unsure of what to do.

The only ones to feel sorry for are US citizens. How a school yard bully without any policy ideas still stand a chance to get elected is beyond comprehension.

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4 hours ago, EVENKEEL said:

I actually felt sorry for joe at some points during the debate. He just couldn't handle Trump's assault. You could see him (joe) visibly shaken and unsure of what to do.

To the rest of the world, Biden came out unharmed of this live of out of control true Trumpian show.

For America, I don't know. 

9 minutes ago, stevenl said:

The only ones to feel sorry for are US citizens. How a school yard bully without any policy ideas still stand a chance to get elected is beyond comprehension.

Feedback from Republican Senators says it all:
Mitt Romney - "an embarrassment"

Susan Collins - "awful" and "should have condemned white supremacists in presidential debate"

1 hour ago, stevenl said:

The only ones to feel sorry for are US citizens. How a school yard bully without any policy ideas still stand a chance to get elected is beyond comprehension.

Pretty crazy alright. Goes to show you how much folks hate the democrats. Joe would have the election in the bag if he would denounce the crazy, looney tune left.

7 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Pretty crazy alright. Goes to show you how much folks hate the democrats. Joe would have the election in the bag if he would denounce the crazy, looney tune left.


Trouble is, if posts on this forum are any indication, that what's considered "crazy, looney tune left" often appears to stand for anyone-who's-opposed-to-Trump, or Democrats or Liberals. There are so many posts which include references to "far left", "extreme left", "Marxist", "Socialists", while addressing plain old simple left (and that's regardless of the USA's version being mild). There's no room in such rhetoric for the sort of notion you suggest. Based on your own posts, I don't really think it was an honest proposition anyway.

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