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Biden campaign tees up Trump tax issue on eve of first debate


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6 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

This will sound crazy to you maybe, but try as I might, I can't find much footage of White Supremacists burning down America's cities. I do see plenty of footage of leftists burning down America's cities. Is it me?

I've seen plenty of fires burning but no cities burnt to the ground. If you have then please post links. And talking about homegrown political terrorism it's a fact that the right is way ahead when it comes to number of dead (Oklahoma bombing):

'US Terrorist Attacks Fast Facts'


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1 minute ago, Damual Travesty said:

The denial by Biden of his Son receiving funds may come back to haunt him very soon - and I do mean very very soon. That was a staunch denial. This will lead to further questions of Daddy's involvement. We are now supposed to believe that his son flew on VP plane to foreign Countries but Daddy had no idea why his son was on the plane. Did he or did he not receive this money? Yes or no? Bank records exist or they do not exist. Have you heard the phone call where the former Ukraine President is on the phone with Joe Biden, and he says


"Mr VP, we have fired the Prosecutor at your request, despite not having any evidence of his wrong doing"?


Then Biden thanks him.


I can't make this stuff up. How can the news media not pick that up? It speaks volumes about the media.


I am frightened for our Country if Trump were to lose, all the trappings of a totalitarian USA are all in place. A one party state with full media control, control of the educational apparatus, and full control of the Gov bureaucracy, and a violent extremist street arm. Did I leave anything out?

Yes, facts.

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I watched the entire debate and IMO no winners. More like a playground argument than a debate for the next leader of the free world. I expected Trump to rattle Biden as much as possible, and he succeeded, but didn't score any points anyway. If anything, IMO both they and we lost. Nothing was achieved IMO.


Perhaps next debate they can both be put in soundproof cubicles and the microphone turned off when it was time for the other to speak.

Anyway, judging by this debate no one is going to decide which way to vote based on the spectacle of two old white men interrupting each other. Bit like Tweedledum and Tweedledee having row over a rattle- no one wins.

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27 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

I am a Trump supporter, and I am not happy with the moderator more then anything else. Wallace has a real knack for asking questions with an implication embedded inside the question which is not true, therefore he put Donald Trump in the position with having to argue the merits of the question itself, before answering the question. This in itself is a dirty trick.



It's called framing an accusation as a question.  Same happened to Trump during the townhall a week or so ago.  Biden's townhall was a love fest.

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Just now, Tippaporn said:

It's called framing an accusation as a question.  Same happened to Trump during the townhall a week or so ago.  Biden's townhall was a love fest.

Why is the guy asking about his tax returns? Sure this is something for the opposition to do, 

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29 minutes ago, J Town said:


As well he would not admit that white supremacist's were a danger to the US, saying the FBI director was wrong.

Wray is gone after the election.  Should have happened long ago but I can't speak to whatever designs are in place that would keep him there.

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1 minute ago, Tippaporn said:

Wray is gone after the election.  Should have happened long ago but I can't speak to whatever designs are in place that would keep him there.

Did you see the recent show "The Comey Rule?" It opened my eyes to the internal workings of the FBI and how, when running properly, they are an autonomous agency. I don't know enough about Wray to say whether or not he is a 45 sycophant, but I would bet he's not and may be allowed to stay on.

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26 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

This will sound crazy to you maybe, but try as I might, I can't find much footage of White Supremacists burning down America's cities. I do see plenty of footage of leftists burning down America's cities. Is it me?


A bull in a china shop. Yep, that is exactly why he was elected.


The FBI director is on his way out - and the jig is up as they say. Translate as - The dance is over - the game is over. Everyday new information.


Even at the absolute pinnacle of Klan power they were not as powerful as the claim being made today when they are virtually non-existent.

Simply amazing the new info coming out and it's barely being covered by the MSM.  Just came out that on September 7, 2016, US intelligence officials forwarded an investigative referral to former FBI officials James Comey and Peter Strzok concerning allegations that Hillary Clinton approved a plan to smear then-candidate Donald Trump by tying him to Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian hackers. This was the latest declassified information given to Sen. Lindsey Graham by the DNI Ratcliffe.  Does any comprehend the significance?


Doing a DuckDuckGo search only MSN and Business Insider have articles.  What the F?

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4 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Trump's portray of Joe as weak and frail and unable to articulate coherently has now been shot to pieces by Joe's high energy display over the 90 minutes debate. Americans don't like weak politicians and Joe's spirited debate performance will be a boon for his election chances.  

"spirited debate performance"  you have to be joking?  to be fair I'd call it a draw, no kills for either side, and Biden's 100s hours of prep paid off - he survived!

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42 minutes ago, Damual Travesty said:

I am a Trump supporter, and I am not happy with the moderator more then anything else. Wallace has a real knack for asking questions with an implication embedded inside the question which is not true, therefore he put Donald Trump in the position with having to argue the merits of the question itself, before answering the question. This in itself is a dirty trick.


As for Donald Trumps performance, I am never happy with the lack of precision in his language, but think he did OK. I think he should have gone after Biden a lot more on the entire Russia gate conspiracy spitting out the most current information. I was pleased he put out information on Hunter Biden as this can now go to the fact checkers.


I think Biden did well in the debate, better then expected. I do not think there is a single undecided voter in the United States despite claims to the contrary. I mean seriously? An undecided voter? There may be some who decide to stay home and not vote based on a lack of enthusiasm for Biden.


Getting out the vote. That is what matters here.

You admit to supporting that?!

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Well I do agree this "debate" was very ugly.

But I put the blame for that almost all on 45.


The way he is. He isn't normal. You can't debate such a wild animal in a normal civilized way. He's not there to have a serious discussion.

I agree the world is looking down on the USA now. Looking at credible polling, the reason for that, yet again. is almost all to blame on 45. You can study the trend lines on that. It's repairable if we can manage to evict 45, but not easily or quickly.

Also, you're wrong. The USA isn't choosing our president this time based on this bear pit "debate" format.

The vast majority of voters have already made up their minds!

Way more than in a usual election. 

As Biden is way ahead, yes this debate and the rest of them probably represent the only chance 45 to legitimately change the direction of this election.

In that sense maybe Biden shouldn't show up, but of course he has to to avoid being called a draft dodger (while bone spurs 45 is an actual draft dodger).



"while bone spurs 45 is an actual draft dodger"  really?  you mean he paid the medical team?  made it up?  and he served time?  and evidence???

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