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How has Thailand avoided the worst of Covid-19? – VIDEO


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3 hours ago, yeahbutif said:

I glad I have been here all the time to date since the virus started rather them being anywhere else in the world.


I have Not come across any low income Thaïs complaining as they seem happy to stay safe.


but as we see no dead bodies on the streets

i otoh would rather be in sweden, in spite of the temperature advantage thailand has.


i come across thais that are suffering every day from this brain dead shut down of their livelihood


no nation has dead bodies in the streets from covid,

but thailand do have a fair share of dead bodies from the traffic here, and its not those dying of age either, but young people

Edited by scammed
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7 minutes ago, scammed said:

i otoh would rather be in sweden, in spite of the temperature advantage thailand has.


i come across thais that are suffering every day from this brain dead shut down of their livelihood


no nation has dead bodies in the streets from covid,

but thailand do have a fair share of dead bodies from the traffic here, and its not those dying of age either, but young people

When you are out of options, bring in the traffic.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

> IF an additional 30,000 deaths over 2 months 

  > Thats 11 Covid-19 deaths per month (in each hospital) 

BS. Covid positive have symptoms. Obvious. Weeks before die. Most survive. 3% death rate.

You think 30,000 dead= 1 million infection. Nobody notice? Pfffft. 

Many sick for many month. Where these 100,000+ sick people now. Why the doctor and nurse not dead/infection????


Some people on TVF can not accept that Thailand control covid very well, but there country can not. 

8 months of this conspiracy theories now. This the new one. Rediculos.

imagination. Dream 


UK can not because have to many anti maskers, anti vaxxers, anti tracing appers. Protesters, loons, covidiots. Not test old people, not stay hospital but send to elderly care homes and spread. Not enough mask for doctor and nurse. Covid 8 months now and still argue about the rules. Left versus right political. Statues. 


thailand control because listen to doctor/science, not political. 

It simple. Is virus spread people contact. Stay home, wear mask in public place, social distance, trace, temperature road blocks, plaza, not travel, close restaurant and pub etc etc 


7/11 Thailand temperature check and mask. In UK?


Thai people join together fight covid. For the Thai nation, Not fight each other.


UK have Chinese tourists? Yes. 



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46 minutes ago, sandyf said:

The stock answer for all those that think the Thai government hasn't bowed to their self interest.

The intellectually superior falang cannot accept that the Thai population recognised the problem before they did.

I did a border bounce at Pedang Besar on the the 5th of Feb and I had to wear a mask to get on the minibus from Chonburi to the railway station. Nearly everyone on the train from Bangkok to PD were wearing masks. At the border precautions were in place and my passport history was checked. On the way back I got off at Bang Sue and the only ones on the MRT not wearing masks were the so called educated westerners.

Remind me, who has suffered the severest restrictions, Thailand or those that thought that mass testing was the silver bullet.

Thailand test. But been negative long time now= less testing.

if we have 45,000 deaths will test more. Sure. 

eg if Yinn have covid everyone my village will test. But not necessary. 

In countrys with lot of covid= test necessary. 


Thailand first country to test. (Not in China) 

Chinese tourist went to USA, UK etc November- Febuary. 


The TVF members say “Thailand not test enough” 

But they not test same themself. Why not? Because not necessary. 

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12 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:



I don’t recall ’nearly everyone' were wearing masks in Bangkok in Mid Feb - in fact hardly anyone was. 


I also flew from Japan to Thailand in mid Feb, no one at the airport was wearing masks, not many on the flight were (granted about 10% were). Thailand did have a 'temperature check cam’ set up.


In fact at the time (Mid Feb) there were an awful lot of threads on this forum ranging from highlighting how Thailand is doing so little and still letting in hordes of Chinese tourists to those who were suggesting the world media is just over reacting. 


One thing I am certain of, In February Thailands reaction to Covid-19 was very limited. 


Thailands reaction became a lot stronger when Europe’s lockdown kicked in. 

- Italy locked down on 9th March.

- Spain Locked down on 14th March.

- The UK locked down on 23rd March. 

- Thailand locked down on 26th March.


Either mask wearing and the Wai (no handshake) is a LOT more effective at preventing transmission of viruses than people are giving credit for, or there is more to it. 




That said: I do believe that westerners are a lot more ‘resistant’ to authoritative instructions such as mask wearing. 

Just reading the threads on this forum highlights this, then look at the protests against mask wearing in the US, UK and other European Countries - its moronic.... Its just a mask <deleted>. 


I hate wearing a mask, really hate it. But I’m happy to wear one, not because I believe its *effective, but because it keeps everyone else around me happy (when in confined areas), for the same reasons I don’t act like an a$$.hole !


The lockdowns in the UK and Thailand were similar with the exception that people in Thailand wore masks. 

People could still go to the Supermarket or pharmacy, people could still exercise outdoors and walk their dogs etc - mask wearing was the only real difference. There are of course stories in both nations of groups breaking lockdown protocol, but on the big picture these were very minor events. 




*I suspect masks are not ‘as effective’ as they are made out to be. That said, as part of a combined effort, along with washing hands, and social distancing etc I believe wearing a mask has a partial impact but only when used correctly. 


i.e. [used correctly] - how many people wear their ‘reusable’ mask all week and don’t wash them? how many leave their masks on the dining room table or kitchen work top? how many leave a worn mask in the car? 


IF masks wearing is effective is when a disposable mask is used and disposed of correctly after a short time, otherwise this idea that ‘mask wearing alone’ is the reason Thailand has avoided Covid-19 is massively flawed. 












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1 minute ago, Yinn said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

> IF an additional 30,000 deaths over 2 months 

  > Thats 11 Covid-19 deaths per month (in each hospital) 

BS. Covid positive have symptoms. Obvious. Weeks before die. Most survive. 3% death rate.

You think 30,000 dead= 1 million infection. Nobody notice? Pfffft. 

Many sick for many month. Where these 100,000+ sick people now. Why the doctor and nurse not dead/infection????

In two months, 30,000 dead from Covid-19...  Nope not from Covid-19 alone. 

The CDC has evaluated that 94% of Covid-19 deaths involves comorbidity. i.e. 6% of Covid-19 deaths were attributed to Covid-19 only. Another 94% of Covid-19 deaths include another illnesses / disease which has possibly contributed towards the death.


Thus: when levelling the playing field it is entirely possible that if Thailand tested people for Covid-19 as far back as November its entirely possible that the ‘Died WITH Covid-19’ is a far higher statistic. 


I believe in the West we have been evaluating the stats incorrectly and should have been concentrating on statics of those who died because of Covid-19 and hospitalised due to Covid-19.


In an attempt to evaluate ‘like for like’ with the hypothetical number of 30,000 deaths - 28,200 (94%) could easily have been contributed to something else, and 1800 deaths could have been solely attributed to Covid-19. 

Thats if there was Covid-19 testing back then in Nov / Dec and Jan which there wasn’t - so the deaths may well have just been attributed to ‘Viral Pneumonia’... 


And guess what, there were reports of huge increases in cases Viral Pneumonia around that time. 


So, Yinn... When looking at the data, how its collected between nations and the timelines - its quite possible Thailand had cases and didn’t notice. 


1 minute ago, Yinn said:

Some people on TVF can not accept that Thailand control covid very well, but there country can not. 

8 months of this conspiracy theories now. This the new one. Rediculos.

imagination. Dream 

I think thats answered above. No conspiracy. No one colluded to hide numbers. It's possible that the numbers were not noticed in Thailand. 


1 minute ago, Yinn said:

UK can not because have to many anti maskers, anti vaxxers, anti tracing appers. Protesters, loons, covidiots.

No disagreement from me there. The west has a lot of loony folk who want to protest anything and everything. 


1 minute ago, Yinn said:

Not test old people, not stay hospital but send to elderly care homes and spread. Not enough mask for doctor and nurse. Covid 8 months now and still argue about the rules. Left versus right political. Statues. 


The UK had a massively flawed response. It didn’t look after those at high risk.

Not enough PPE was as global issue. Masks were scares in Thailand in Mid Feb - I remember trying to get some. 


I agree - Politics has definitely got in the way of this. In the UK definitely, and in Thailand too. The Global politics of this issue has got in the way. 



1 minute ago, Yinn said:

thailand control because listen to doctor/science, not political. 

It simple. Is virus spread people contact. Stay home, wear mask in public place, social distance, trace, temperature road blocks, plaza, not travel, close restaurant and pub etc etc 

Thailand response was not too dissimilar to the UK. 

You’ve read some extreme cases in the news. Thailand has had its share of people also breaking the rules - the UK obviously more so.



1 minute ago, Yinn said:

7/11 Thailand temperature check and mask. In UK?

In March and April - No masks no temp checks in the UK. 


1 minute ago, Yinn said:

Thai people join together fight covid. For the Thai nation, Not fight each other.

A bit ’North Korea’ - The Thai people are not unified together to fight covid for the benefit of their nation - they have simply grown up in an education system where they are indoctrinated into doing what they are told or what’s expected of them... we can see this at 8am and 6pm every day. 


1 minute ago, Yinn said:

UK have Chinese tourists? Yes. 

Yes, of course the UK had Chinese tourists....   far smaller numbers than Thailand and not package tours of those in provincial areas.


But, if your argument stands and that Chinese would have brought the Virus to the UK... how did Thailand escape then ???




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4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

But, if your argument stands and that Chinese would have brought the Virus to the UK... how did Thailand escape then ???

204 countrys less than UK. 

Question you should ask be “why uk so much. Why?” 


You beleive because UK terrible job= Thailand must be same?

Most country under 50 per million.

Not worry about Thailand. worry yourself.





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4 minutes ago, Marco100 said:

Patient under Investigation ? 

Any one knows about PUI ?

Incoming international passengers (in quarantine)

Those with recorded temperatures higher than 37.5deg C and cold symptoms 

Those in hospitals with ‘risk factors’ and history of travel in last 14 days 

Those with contact with Covid-19 cases 

Cluster pneumonia patients who’ve tested negative for Covid-19

Medical personal in areas where Covid-19 tests have been positive that week 


Ultimately - those considered at risk and need observation / testing.


No idea why they are not just tested then !

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2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Incoming international passengers (in quarantine)

Those with recorded temperatures higher than 37.5deg C and cold symptoms 

Those in hospitals with ‘risk factors’ and history of travel in last 14 days 

Those with contact with Covid-19 cases 

Cluster pneumonia patients who’ve tested negative for Covid-19

Medical personal in areas where Covid-19 tests have been positive that week 


Ultimately - those considered at risk and need observation / testing.


No idea why they are not just tested then !

This 450.000 Patient under Investigation is an update of the 30 of September and are growing every day .

Why they are not tested ? Good question. 

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25 minutes ago, Marco100 said:
30 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Incoming international passengers (in quarantine)

Those with recorded temperatures higher than 37.5deg C and cold symptoms 

Those in hospitals with ‘risk factors’ and history of travel in last 14 days 

Those with contact with Covid-19 cases 

Cluster pneumonia patients who’ve tested negative for Covid-19

Medical personal in areas where Covid-19 tests have been positive that week 


Ultimately - those considered at risk and need observation / testing.


No idea why they are not just tested then !

This 450.000 Patient under Investigation is an update of the 30 of September and are growing every day .

Why they are not tested ? Good question. 


Some are - i.e. the ones in quarantine (some tested 3 times over their stay). 


Over the past week Thailand has tested between 688 and 1649 people per day. 

Raw Data Source: https://github.com/owid/covid-19-data/blob/master/public/data/testing/covid-testing-all-observations.xlsx


Best case scenario (given 1649 tests per day) it would take 272 days to test all PUI’s.



Graph below shows test per day for Thailand and the UK. 


Is the UK testing so much now that of the 198,402 Covid-19 RT PCR tests carried out on 29th Sept, 0.8% to 4.0% of them could be false positives (according the Lancet - Link)


Quote from the Lancet: 

["The current rate of operational false-positive swab tests in the UK is unknown; preliminary estimates show it could be somewhere between 0·8% and 4·0%. This rate could translate into a significant proportion of false-positive results daily due to the current low prevalence of the virus in the UK population”]


= Between 1587 and 7936 new cases on sept 29th which could be a false positive. 


The total recorded number of cases in the UK on 29th September was 7143 cases




If the Lancet’s false positive error margin is correct many nations could testing themselves into a panic. Particularly the UK as this example shows. 


Which begs the question: Should the world be locked down at all any more? 




Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 00.41.08.png

Screenshot 2020-10-01 at 00.42.28.png

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50 minutes ago, androokery said:

Extremely interesting article in Nature by well respected authors:


The fact that Thailand doesn’t have a high death rate may actually be linked to DNA and Neanderthals. 

Thats incredible... 


From what I can understand of the paper, it outlines how the 'risk genes’ may have evolved out of East Asians through selection.


Whats also striking is how this ‘risk gene’ (the genetic variants associated with sever Covid-19) are more prevalent in those originating from the Indian Subcontinent yet absent in those from Africa and Amazonia (brazil Covid-19 stats high because of recent the European influence) 


The risk gene is also prevalent in those of the Papua region - it will be interesting to see how this theory plays out there (if accurate data collection is possible).













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