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Thai hotel seeks deal with guest facing jail over bad reviews


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16 minutes ago, PaoloR said:

Whereas I understand the views of many on here, I would ask them to look at the bigger picture and both sides of the equation.

no need ! any business sueing any customer must be punished for eternity ! Nothing else to tell or understand, i don't even read your message.



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17 hours ago, Shuya said:

I hope the guy sues them for a few millions. Legal costs should be payed by tripadvisor and google, it's their business modell who is at stake.

It's him who broke the law not them. 

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18 hours ago, mr mr said:

are any of these people adults ? 


to all involved. please let go of your egos. offer the man a free stay. provide a service worth reviewing and everyone is happy. 


i am 100 % sure mr barnes is totally without any fault..... right mr barnes ? 

Barnes is certainly without any fault that deserves two years in prison.

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4 hours ago, Elkski said:

<deleted> is a gabby yank tourist?   You mean the Yank, from the country, that freed your a$$?

Gobby mate, gobby not gabby look it up it will be on the net somewhere...


I don't mean any offense to Yank's as I believe that is a common description for people from the USA same as I don't get upset with Brit, Pommie, Ozzie but up to you personally I recommend either getting a thicker skin or get down to the cop shop and get a report in, <deleted> I despair... 

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23 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Ha Ha, glad you've seen my posts Rob as I like to point out hypocrisy!!


I actually love Thailand however I have a hard time watching people being walked over by their 'leaders'


You are the sort of person who feels they know better than the people, you have history of dislike of democracy and feel Thai's aren't clever enough to make their own decisions


Already stated I think the Yank is a mahoosive dick however big man on a little island getting locked up for 4 negative reviews when arguably the one they are whining the most about was not released


Still I will speak up if I see something I feel is wrong especially if it is from laws made popular by the junta you actively encouraged


Look up hypocrite Rob because that's what I reckon you are...

The 1st review was released and it was taken down after 5 days as report here and other media outlets

At least one review was posted in June on TripAdvisor accusing the hotel of 'modern day slavery' -- which the site removed after a week for violating its guidelines


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2 hours ago, Dukeleto said:

Let me put it this way, I will avoid this hotel like the plague, not due to the reviews placed by the guest but because of their complete and over the top reaction to them.

Dukeleto, I believe the problem is much bigger than tourists avoiding this hotel. The problem is tourists avoiding Thailand! Yes, the hotel went too far, but that was only possible because of Thailand's laws.  A prudent tourist will avoid any country where they can be imprisoned for simply voicing their opinion.


Look, this is one big mess. According to several posters, Barnes has already been fired. He will most likely have to return to the US. And what will he do once home? Does anyone really expect he will remain silent?  


He'll be telling his story everywhere about the corrupt laws in Thailand. He'll be cautioning travelers to avoid Thailand and advising companies against investing in Thailand. He'll be telling companies with operations in Thailand to get out before their US managers are imprisoned.


I don't see any way that this will end well for anyone. It has just escalated to the point that there is no solution that works for all parties. Once the Thai police got involved on the side of the hotel, that ended any hope for a "peaceful" solution. Indeed, this is why most countries leave libel and defamation to civil courts. The government takes no side. It simply allows both sides to present their case to a jury, who decides who is telling the truth (and often neither is) and whether penalties should be assessed.


Thailand's heavy handed approach should be worrisome to both travelers and investors.





Edited by Watchful
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24 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

The 1st review was released and it was taken down after 5 days as report here and other media outlets

At least one review was posted in June on TripAdvisor accusing the hotel of 'modern day slavery' -- which the site removed after a week for violating its guidelines


Pigeon chess again, I bow to your superior grasp of the facts and unswerving trust in what the hotel has said...

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18 hours ago, Shuya said:

I hope the guy sues them for a few millions. Legal costs should be payed by tripadvisor and google, it's their business modell who is at stake.

Tripadvisor removed his original defamatory comment, so if he breached their T&C's good luck winning a lawsuit.

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13 minutes ago, mark131v said:

Pigeon chess again, I bow to your superior grasp of the facts and unswerving trust in what the hotel has said...

It was what the hotel has stated and what the media outlets have stated if you don't believe them tough

anyone that publishes reviews on trip advisor is aware that trip will only block postings that contain Profanity words similar to this web site.

TA doesn't offer a pre vetting/approval option to hotels , the 1st notification that the hotel receives is xxxx has posted a review of your establishment and would you like to add a comment if you disagree with the listing you have to submit a report to trip stating why you disagree and the process can take upto 14 days for trip to review the post

What You Don’t Know About TripAdvisor

How the World’s Largest Travel Monopoly Ultimately Hurts Travelers & Small Businesses


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2 hours ago, DualSportBiker said:

It must be fun living in a country you consider medieval. Win many friends telling them they are backward?


My analogy was just that, an attempt to make the process of events the hotel went through relatable. I don't believe that you would not react to a blatant and public slander of such a magnitude, I know I would because they are fight'in words as you put it. Defamation laws exist in many countries, not just here, "In the UK, defamation allows freedom of speech to prosper but keeps a check on telling lies that could damage someone’s reputation or business." Notice the language states 'could' not 'proven to'. I reject your position that his statements were expressed as an opinion. That is a weak excuse for unfounded and unwarranted slander. The guy clearly lashed out 'cause he was angry and he went too far. If it were not for the likely damage to Thailand's reputation, the muppet should be whipped.

It is not what I consider or don't consider. Much of Thailand operates as an "honor culture," as do most societies that are based on "face." The same can be said for some subcultures and groups in the U.S., unfortunately, and I would guess the UK as well. Some of it  is more extreme than others. In the most extreme, you get "honor killings;" teenage girls murdered by their parents for defying traditional morals.  In Thailand, you get defamation laws and  ridiculous, vengeful  lawsuits.  

 "I don't believe that you would not react to a blatant and public slander of such a magnitude"

It hardly matters how I would or would not react. I suspect that I would not like it very much. That hardly is the point. I get to be p issed off all that I want; but I don't get to put people in jail just because I don't like something they have said, excluding, of course, real and demonstrable injury to me. 

Please. Don't twist my words.  It is a lot of fun, sometimes, to live in Thailand.  And I did not say that the entire country was medieval or that was all there was to the story. But the behavior and conflict resolution practices of "honor cultures" are indeed medieval. The defamation and similar laws in Thailand are medieval. Sorry if that upsets you.  But don't worry, just make sure you report all of your movements to the government with your TM 30, and feel secure in modernity!


Edited by rexall
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19 hours ago, YetAnother said:

whole thing is a tempest in a teapot; thailand is what it is, including a sea of foolish, irrational laws; they need settle this with a couple wais; damage already done to thai tourism and that hotel;

he gets jailed then even worse

Another unwanted nail in the Tourism coffin,hammered in by a bunch of fools...TIT.

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18 hours ago, fishtank said:

Why would he want to stay in that dump?

Even if it was free.

Agreed. He was not happy before, said so, got jailed, go and stay there again? Thailand this is, disappear he might.

Not happy then do not go back

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7 minutes ago, GWS said:

Pretty sure this is how it will play out -

Mr Barnes will be on national television and apologise to Thailand and will also agree to being part of some finger pointing photos.

Case closed.

I doubt that very much, this guy went on a hate campaign, in his mind he's winning...I suspect he will attempt to make some money out of this.


Then he will be deported for being a dangerous criminal.


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