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Thai tourism: Expect a million unemployed workers in sector and more businesses going bust in Q4


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4 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

There are other worries attached to this global catastrophe, particularly here in Thailand, specifically pattaya as far as some of us are concerned, no, I'm not paranoid or overly worried, but I do try to look at the bigger picture.


Bars, restaurants, hotels, guesthouses, shops of all descriptions have closed.


Me and the Mrs went for a drive the other day, no specific reason, we just wanted to get out and have a look around, checked out the road upgrade on Soi Siam, what a clusterf*** that is, I'm sure it'll be okay when they finish it in a year or so ????????


We had a casual drive around town, Klang, 2nd road to Dolphin roundabout, Beach road, basically wherever we wanted, no traffic!! No people, bars and restaurants empty, a very sorry state of affairs to say the least and this was late afternoon, when I think back to my visits starting back in 2004/5 when by lunchtime every bar was full with guys & gals having fun, yeah I know the girls were only after our Baht but we had fun.


So all these people that are now unemployed, what are they doing ?


Many are turning to crime, real crime for the first time in their lives, they carry guns, knives etc, they will be targeting soft targets, fortunately the place I'm in now is like Fort Knox, window bars & cast iron sliding gates that padlock the lounge shut & would need more than an angle grinder to get through.


My neighbour said to me a while back " I'm okay, if the dog barks I wake up and check".


I told him that a piece of poisoned meat would shut the dog up, he now padlocks his internal gates.


As I said, not paranoid, just careful in these uncertain times.


Sleep well everyone. 






IMO your post is alarmist, unless you have access to crime statistics. Permit me to doubt you have. The admonition to sleep well, is that intended to be humorous?

Pattaya may be a crime hotspot, that's hardly surprising. Here in Chiang Rai, I would describe life as nearly normal, apart from a dearth of tourists.

The usual reaction of Thais when times are bad is to go back to their villages, where they have the family support group. They can live on a lot less there.

Edited by Lacessit
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13 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

In Pattaya about 50% of bars, restaurants and hotels are already closed and most of the rest don't have customers. I take my ex wife and daughter to dinner twice a month and have to go to the dark side for a decent meal. Expats live there so restaurants there are doing good business and people in Pattaya are going to the dark side to eat if they want a decent restaurant. 

Confirmed I also saw Darth Vader over there, eating on the "Dark Side" Luke never showed up however...

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12 hours ago, oldhippy said:

Tourism, the monster that eats it's own children.


Sangsom--The Cause and Solution to all of lifes problems!   Seriously, I was reading about the evils of drinking, hence explains why I decided to give up reading.....carry on Gents!

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17 hours ago, finnsk said:

But talk about wrest gps to all farrang tourist, to weeks prison alike qurantine for farrang tourists, putting farrang in jail for up til 5 year for complaining over a restaurant, talking about farrang is dirty, all this talks from the authorities is not making any good to tourism industry in Thailand.

This is Thailand demise. They are weeping for such comments and things they doing to foreigners. I share everything in this country to family and friends back home, and telling them to share with their friends.


Everyone knows the country is going through hard times, but the government needs to stop undermining the pandemic and develop solutions to bring hope and change within the country.


The poor people of the country will never have nothing as long as they stay in their place and allow the government to do all the thinking for them.


Clean up the country. It begging for a cleaning, not only in the cities but in the Provinces too. 

Hire more highway police to monitor the streets and highways for unauthorized motorist. Your people are dying because no one monitoring and safety factors.  That’s money.

Hire more city workers to cut all this dawn grass on the motorways. 
Hire and train food inspector to ticket these unauthorized vendors with no safety of selling food on the side of the streets and motorbike carts. If they have money to buy food to sell, they should be held to a standard. 


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8 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

There are other worries attached to this global catastrophe, particularly here in Thailand, specifically pattaya as far as some of us are concerned, no, I'm not paranoid or overly worried, but I do try to look at the bigger picture.


Bars, restaurants, hotels, guesthouses, shops of all descriptions have closed.


Me and the Mrs went for a drive the other day, no specific reason, we just wanted to get out and have a look around, checked out the road upgrade on Soi Siam, what a clusterf*** that is, I'm sure it'll be okay when they finish it in a year or so ????????


We had a casual drive around town, Klang, 2nd road to Dolphin roundabout, Beach road, basically wherever we wanted, no traffic!! No people, bars and restaurants empty, a very sorry state of affairs to say the least and this was late afternoon, when I think back to my visits starting back in 2004/5 when by lunchtime every bar was full with guys & gals having fun, yeah I know the girls were only after our Baht but we had fun.


So all these people that are now unemployed, what are they doing ?


Many are turning to crime, real crime for the first time in their lives, they carry guns, knives etc, they will be targeting soft targets, fortunately the place I'm in now is like Fort Knox, window bars & cast iron sliding gates that padlock the lounge shut & would need more than an angle grinder to get through.


My neighbour said to me a while back " I'm okay, if the dog barks I wake up and check".


I told him that a piece of poisoned meat would shut the dog up, he now padlocks his internal gates.


As I said, not paranoid, just careful in these uncertain times.


Sleep well everyone. 






10 years ago when we moved in to the house we are still in that was one of the first things I did wrought iron on the back windows and the back door and the back bedroom window upstairs the wife thought I was nuts we have a few rai of empty land behind us if they want to rob the house this is the way the would come over the back wall and burglaries were rife around especially baan farang, if they want to break in my house they would have to make a lot of noise.

I even put roller shutters on the front so if we go away it completely closes the house off and the garage

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1 hour ago, bwpage3 said:

Why would a Thai billionaire, and there are few of them, want to be politicians?


For the good of the average working class people? No


To get their hands on the budgets and line their own pockets? Yes


Yes that is all they really care about.


Rich people do not like poor people in Thailand.


It will never change, because politicians go into politics to make money to line their own pockets through corruption


First, more submarines, what's next?


Have to feel sorry for the country, but there is not one politician that has the people in mind and therefore the living standard will continue to deteriorate


True. That is why we need the youth, which is the only hope this nation has. Out with the dinosaurs. In with the open and progressive minds. May the youth prevail over the toxic army. 

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

A simple plan. A non antigen test 72 hours before the flight. And Thailand ups their game, and invests in some modern technology, and provides on the spot antigen testing at Suvarnabhumi or elsewhere. It is easy. You pass two different tests, using two different methodologies, and you are covid free.


Welcome. No health insurance required. No groveling at a consulate. No quarantine. Welcome to Thailand. Have a great trip. And thanks so much for bringing a bundle of cash. Our people really need it. 


No panic. No fear mongering. Double testing. You are safe. We are safe. Life is good. 

They could do a lot worse than this


Covid Sniffer Dogs almost 100% accurate

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On 10/2/2020 at 10:15 AM, natway09 said:

The Government has been trying to protect the lives of it's people & this unprecedented situation

is a balancing act with some dire consequences if caution is thrown to the wind.

Have a look at France right now 

What’s wrong with France ?


... the infection has come to an end already in May !


Now, 4 months later, you have only an increase in the number of PCR tests,  finding a tiny segment of DNA constructed on a computer, said to fit to the RNA of a virus, which was never isolated. And that with 1.4% false positives:



A PCR test proofs nothing, absolutely nothing. It’s only good for newspaper headlines. 

For example - the Creative-Diagnostics Product Information for Test Kit “SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Multiplex RT-qPCR Kit (CD019RT)” says:
This product is for research use only and is not intended for diagnostic use.” 


Or read this study: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.25.20162107v2

Edited by BernieOnTour
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Been thinking about this and if governments can bail out or attempt to bail out certain sectors in a bid to revive economy and get over the c19 fears.


Uk done a 50% off food bill scheme for a month

Thailand domestic tourism stimulus


Then surely at some point after dust settles and the airlines still remain in tatters. Governments will need to subsidise flights to get people moving for a while.



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On 10/2/2020 at 12:42 PM, bwpage3 said:

The one thing you are forgetting, is people around the world have been financially stressed by this pandemic. Not just Thai's.


People are unemployed, working on reduced salaries or have been forced to run up their bills in many cases surviving.


The odds of millions of tourist coming to Thailand is not realistic even if Thailand is fully opened.



and where are these millions of tourists going to come from?there is an almighty worldwide depression in the post,i doubt things will get back to normal in my lifetime,it will take at least a decade for the world to recover from this "pandemic" which originated from a wet market in wuhan,i belive you me old china,millions wouldn,t.

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On 10/2/2020 at 8:10 PM, rupert the bear said:

interesting,a voice of reason.in my estimation more than a million have lost their jobs.its a sad state of affairs he rightly points out.no assistance has been given to so many people,its shameful.

That's what happens in a capitalist society.

I'd prefer socialism, but in the case of LOS that would mean the end of friendly ladies in bars.

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2 hours ago, kingdong said:

and where are these millions of tourists going to come from?there is an almighty worldwide depression in the post,i doubt things will get back to normal in my lifetime,it will take at least a decade for the world to recover from this "pandemic" which originated from a wet market in wuhan,i belive you me old china,millions wouldn,t.

It's called "dreaming" IMO.


IMO tourism as it was is dead and buried for many years if ever again. Of course the zero baht tours from China might restart, though that's not going to help many.


A real solution, IMO, is to convert all those empty hotel rooms into long stay serviced rooms for farang retirees. Only takes immigration making it easy to stay long time, like other SEA countries do. I'm not holding my breath.

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5 hours ago, Jack Hna said:

Been thinking about this and if governments can bail out or attempt to bail out certain sectors in a bid to revive economy and get over the c19 fears.


Uk done a 50% off food bill scheme for a month

Thailand domestic tourism stimulus


Then surely at some point after dust settles and the airlines still remain in tatters. Governments will need to subsidise flights to get people moving for a while.



You mean

-taxpayers subsidizing food bill scheme

-taxpayers subsidizing Thai domestic tourism

-taxpayers will need to subsidize the airlines, though I don't see why they should. If people don't want to fly, it's not up to the taxpayer to bribe them to do so. Cheap airfares created a business that was always going to fail, IMO.


BTW, are we not supposed to get rid of air travel to save the planet, or did they stop polluting just because of corona?

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2 hours ago, kingdong said:

and where are these millions of tourists going to come from?there is an almighty worldwide depression in the post,i doubt things will get back to normal in my lifetime,it will take at least a decade for the world to recover from this "pandemic" which originated from a wet market in wuhan,i belive you me old china,millions wouldn,t.

People still aren't getting this. 


Tourism is done. Dead. Kaputt. 

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22 minutes ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

People still aren't getting this. 


Tourism is done. Dead. Kaputt. 

You might be right, I also think the Thai government doesn't give a Flying F whether it comes back or not 

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On 10/2/2020 at 1:42 PM, bwpage3 said:

The one thing you are forgetting, is people around the world have been financially stressed by this pandemic. Not just Thai's.


People are unemployed, working on reduced salaries or have been forced to run up their bills in many cases surviving.


The odds of millions of tourist coming to Thailand is not realistic even if Thailand is fully opened.



The majority of people has not lost their jobs, and they should be able to save money during these times.

Personally I have a lot more on my bank account compared to the same period last year, and that's because I haven't been able to travel as usual. Only had 1 trip to Koh Chang in March this year. The remaining 3 vacations this year has been canceled. Samui, Scotland and Italy. 


Those money are burning in my pockets and eager to spending them on vacations again. 


But it's not sure that Thailand will be the receiver this time, unless they ditch their plans of quarantine, extra insurance, masks, trackers and I don't know what. 


Hopefully a vaccine will turn things back to normal, but personally I think we have to live with this <deleted> forever like the yearly return of our normal flu, but now we just have to deal with several vaccines. 


I wonder if this covid 19 would die out if everyone on the planet got a shot at the same time, or would it reamerge like the normal flu? 

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