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Confusion reigns as STV arrivals now may not land in Thailand this week


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It has been my plan for sometime to relocate to Thailand from UK, at long last I was putting my plan in order around February 2020 by applying for an "O" 90 day visa to be followed by a 12 month retirement visa. My research was thorough and I had all the credentials but sadly only 10 days before my application was due UK, and most of the world, closed its borders and my Thai dream was cruelly denied. 


I was uplifted when the new STV was announced and immediately researched the detail and although the process is riddled with "red tape" I decided to send my details to the Thai Government agency and see what happened.  Two days later I received an email saying I was successful plus necessary information for the application processing fee payment. The day after sending the fee I received another email to say "UK is a high risk Covid 19 country and my application cannot be considered at the moment. We have listed your details and will contact you in due course"  Suffice to say deflating!! 


So clearly if you are thinking of applying and you are in UK or another "high risk" country don't bother for the foreseeable future . . . . that is unless anyone else can tell me something different.





Edited by AndrewA555
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43 minutes ago, AndrewA555 said:

It has been my plan for sometime to relocate to Thailand from UK, at long last I was putting my plan in order around February 2020 by applying for an "O" 90 day visa to be followed by a 12 month retirement visa. My research was thorough and I had all the credentials but sadly only 10 days before my application was due UK, and most of the world, closed its borders and my Thai dream was cruelly denied. 


I was uplifted when the new STV was announced and immediately researched the detail and although the process is riddled with "red tape" I decided to send my details to the Thai Government agency and see what happened.  Two days later I received an email saying I was successful plus necessary information for the application processing fee payment. The day after sending the fee I received another email to say "UK is a high risk Covid 19 country and my application cannot be considered at the moment. We have listed your details and will contact you in due course"  Suffice to say deflating!! 


So clearly if you are thinking of applying and you are in UK or another "high risk" country don't bother for the foreseeable future . . . . that is unless anyone else can tell me something different.





I feel your pain!

I accepted a Teaching post for an initial two year stint in Thailand with a view to relocating to S.E Asia if all worked out positive. I'll be 56 in a week so retirement isn't far off either.

I applied for and was granted a career break from my current position here in UK. Long story short is that the nonsense, hoops, more nonsense, costs and more costs made it impossible to fulfil not to mention the on off nature of dealing with the RTE here.

I now find myself unemployed here as one of the conditions of a career break is that I am not permitted to work here as it constitutes a breach of contract and would adversely affect my Pension! Even during the rather exceptional circumstances of a global pandemic I am basically told tough it out for the moment. Going from a full teaching salary at the top of my scale to zero is just a bit of a pisser!


Will I visit Thailand in the future....I'm not sure at the moment.  For me it was to be a little experiment with a view to hopping around S.E. Asia during holidays.  I can't help thinking that it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.  Those expats loving their 'full English', beer bars, beaches and footie screens will probably be loving it at the mo....me....I hate all that and would prefer to be eating Som Tom in a hut in the jungle.


Maybe I'll get a chance for an extended holiday in Malaysia, Laos or VN next year but I doubt I'll be moving out there.

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Other countries are shutdown to international visitors... such as Vietnam, New Zealand, etc  So why should Thailand be first to open up?  Europe won't allow Americans... and I'm an American, so its looking  bad for me going anywhere!

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6 minutes ago, Visarghhhh said:

Other countries are shutdown to international visitors... such as Vietnam, New Zealand, etc  So why should Thailand be first to open up?  Europe won't allow Americans... and I'm an American, so its looking  bad for me going anywhere!

Europe won't allow American tourists, but if you have a legitimate non-touristic reason to be in the EU, most countries will let you in, with the notable exception of Hungary which is closed to non-citizens.


Coming from the US you might be subject to 14 days of "home" quarantine, the seriousness of which varies greatly by country and even by region.  Some let you out with a single negative test. Some don't bother to check.


In my opinion the EU member states are doing a bunch of dumb small things but getting the big thing right: don't shut down travel for people who have a legitimate reason to be traveling.  (Hungary, again, excepted, which is sort of a general-use caveat for EU affairs.)



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On 10/6/2020 at 9:13 AM, 86Tiger said:

"Cases" are irrelevant.  At this point every nation on earth with a internet connection knows how to effectively deal with this virus.


The only relevant numbers are hospitalizations and deaths which are both plummeting.


Absolutely correct.  The average person has no comprehension of the economic devastation lurking on the horizon for the entire world.  The longer this lock down travesty goes the worse it will be.  Entire industries are going to cease to exist.


While I agree, less tourists, traffic, etc. are a great thing.  It is also all those tourists that bring the things we miss and patronize into Thailand: an occasional Burger King, Villa Market, english speaking  movies, basically everything Thais have absolutely no use for.  Eliminate tourism and all things western are eliminated as well.  There is simply not enough expat traffic to keep them going.


Life will literally be like it was 40 yrs ago.

20 years ago, not 40 years ago. Means  super fun

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On 10/6/2020 at 9:27 AM, agoodpunt said:

Amazing thailand expats equally capable of xenophobia

If we talk about 20 million chinese in Phuket on holiday, throwing plastic in the ocean, blocking roads with tourbuses 8n 0 Baht tours etc then its easy to be xenophobic

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On 10/7/2020 at 5:11 PM, oldhippy said:

QUOTE: There are credible alternative voices amongst the health care community who are expressing alternative viewpoints to what we are being pounded with everyday in the media.

Credible? How many?



Here is a declaration by 3 health care professionals who just came forward on the issue of herd immunity. It is the Great Barrington Declaration made by 3 scholars in the fields of epidemiology:


1 Dr. Martin Kulldorff, professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring of infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations.2 Dr. Sunetra Gupta, professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases.3.Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert focusing on infectious diseases and vulnerable populations.


Here is one of the central paragraphs of the declaration: "As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e.  the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity."


The declaration was cosigned by approximately 13,000 health care professionals, including 36 cosigners with their names and credentials. So yes, there are many thousands of them it appears.


Here is the full document link:



There is also a 30 minute interview with the three main epidemiologists who made this declaration on Oct 5, 2020 by Freddie Sayers on youtube on his unherd youtube channel. I can provide this link if people so desire.


I hope people find these people to be credible medical professionals. These thousands of health care professionals don't advocate doing nothing, but they view these lockdown policies to have the opposite effect desired. They prolong the epidemic and prolong the period when at risk people will have to be protected and be at risk. In addition they create many more health problems and deaths. They believe public health can never just focus on one disease, but must focus on the entirety of public health and all the ailments which affect society. 


Please read the full document and peruse the names and credentials of many of the signers of the document. One can also sign it as a member of the general public and there are health care professionals who signed it from Thailand.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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