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Poll: Majority of Thais say "NO!" to foreign tourists - they fear more Covid


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5 hours ago, CelticBhoy said:

"The Nida poll had a sample size of 1,318 respondents"

Out of a population of nearly 70 million! Come on, make an effort! 

I know a woman she's not in tourist industry but work with forigner 

A she just can't wait to government open borders... 

They should ask her too.. 

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23 minutes ago, Curt1591 said:

For vast majority of Thais, as with the rest of the world, COVID is an intellectual concept. Their only grasp of the disease is the fear that has been promoted. 

The vast majority of Thais have never wanted us here anyway...


Too different,a strange shade of pinko, porcine-grey..and astoundingly belligerent.


..and,generally speaking,as thick as two short planks.


The cultures,on most levels,have nothing in common.

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5 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

I think it is obvious,  most of those polled have no connection on the tourist industry, are fully employed, and could not give a flying <deleted> about anyone else.

But now many foreigners have had the virus in comparison to Thais .We're are the statistics that say this. I read many Thais returning home have been detected with CV and put in quarantine .

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4 hours ago, John Drake said:

What makes you think those Chinese actually jumped through any hoops at all?

I did see a few at the embassy in Beijing ...... Lots of papers and same C-19 tests etc ... So based on what I did see there and on a 'normal' repat flight .. They have same paper chase as anyone else .. Only two flights from Beijing to BKK in September.  Have to say that the Visa staff at the Thai embassy was very helpful ..  Just a data point as experienced by me ..

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14 minutes ago, paulbrow said:

What exactly happens when a country declares bankruptcy? Ahhhh, just print more money I guess and come up with a new tourist visa....

Ask Greece.  Thailand will surevive I would be more worried about the other big countries that are sinking trilions into debt relief.


Foreign tourist ae a major concernn for every country.  Canada has the 14 day quarantine also.  Tourism is down but the Canadian people seem to think that they can go back to businesss as normal even tried to get the junior hoceky league open imagine 4000 people in an arena crammed on top of each other without masks. 


Yes the Thai government needs to get tourism running and yes the money is needed but you can not just go back to business as normal look at the trouble TRUMP is having because everyone wants toparty.

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They fear more Covid ?? Seems the government fear plan is working !

How can that many fear something they have no knowledge off ? If they asked the whole of thailand I bet they would be lucky to find 1% that know someone who has had it or symptoms !!

God help them if something serious and deadly happened !!

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5 hours ago, Sharp said:

Go ask the Essan farming families who now have extra mouths to feed from returnees formerly employed in Tourists hotpots with no additional income I've seen it for myself what they would say!! 

They have come back to Isan—confirmed. ????

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So the Thai population will NOT object to rise in VAT across the board, paying more in Taxes and Social Security than to keep the same level as now as they will by their own choice be saying GOOD BYE to between 14-21 % of GDP depending on which statistic you use , coupled with approx 2+ million more unemployed 

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1 minute ago, Isaan sailor said:

To those Thai polled who don’t want foreign tourists:  I’m sure the feeling is mutual—just look how the Baht keeps rising.

If the foreign tourists feel unwelcome then they should stay at home.


In my 10 years in Thailand it was pretty obvious that the middle class Thai had absolutely no interest in Caucasians whatsover,


Just as in my country (Australia) we have absolutely no interest in Americans other than tourists.Spend the money and go home.

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13 minutes ago, Khun Paul said:

So the Thai population will NOT object to rise in VAT across the board, paying more in Taxes and Social Security than to keep the same level as now as they will by their own choice be saying GOOD BYE to between 14-21 % of GDP depending on which statistic you use , coupled with approx 2+ million more unemployed 

As someone mentioned earlier, they won’t care about any of this if they still have a job ......for now. 

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1 minute ago, spidermike007 said:

Total malarkey, as they used to say in NY. We have no idea of the questions asked, the format, the polled groups, or the agenda. 


With or without quarantine? From which nations? So lacking in details plus, too small a group polled. 


Agreed... these ‘poll’ are utterly useless. Poll a group of students in Siam and you’ll get a different result from a group of restaurant workers in Phuket. 


Ask the same question in two different formats and the answers can be swayed. 


a) Do you want Thailand to open up to foreign tourists who could bring in more covid ?

b) Do you want Thailand to open up to foreign tourists who could help the economy ?


etc etc...  then of course there its the intelligence and degree of critical thinking of those being polled. 


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Tip fot TAT: leper tourism. What could be better than be shunned by locals, screaming in fear while they flee you and board the shops you you can't enter. Goes well with a five month quarantine and five feet of paperwork to get in.

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6 hours ago, Rancid said:

Am expecting mid to late next year, of course by then most of the tourism infrastructure will be closed or owned by Chinese.

I think they're waiting for a vaccine. Once available, they will most likely require all foreign visitors to be fully vaccinated. 
That's my guess, but will just have to wait  and see.. 

Edited by Kaopad999
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5 hours ago, ChipButty said:

Go and ask the bar girls see what they say, I see one complaining the other day she's not had sex for 10 weeks

So, they should open the country to facilitate for all the bargirls to have sex on a daily basis? Is that what you are saying?

The Thai population seems to have made up their mind. They do not want their country invaded by 40 million tourists per year. Guess that´s gonna be hard to accept for this little online community.

However, I think they are making a fantastic choice. They are finally starting to understand how nice and calm their country can be without sex tourism and drunken low life. I big Thank You to Thailand and it´s citizens are in order.

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