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Covid-19 Insanity Continues?

Tounge Thaied

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So about all those excess deaths in the US.


2017 Total Deaths US: 2,813,503 (234,000/month)


2018 Total Deaths US: 2,839,205 (237,000/month)


2019 Total Deaths US: 2,855,000 (238,000/month)


2020 Total Deaths US (jan - week 9/26): 2,130,000 (236,000/month)


2,130,000 + (236,000/month x 3) [Oct, Nov, Dec] = 2,838,000 [assumption based on monthly avg]

2020: 2,838,000 [3-month assumption insert]

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14 minutes ago, sezze said:

That generation is your parents or grandparents .... i hope they hear it from you that you hate them ... . And no i do not belong to that generation , but that generation worked for what you got now , including you could go to Thailand before , and you can write stupid things on the internet , and so many more things .

all of the things you mentioned do not excuse the selfishness. 

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8 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I have contributed to the welfare of my son in Australia. Through university, helped him buy a house. Ask my Thai GF if I am selfish.

Yep, I've completely financed the education and upbringing of a Thai girl that isn't related in any way to me.

I'm just as selfish as you.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Yep, I've completely financed the education and upbringing of a Thai girl that isn't related in any way to me.

I'm just as selfish as you.

I'm contributing to the education, feeding and housing of my GF's grand-daughter. We are such selfish barstewards, aren't we?

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15 hours ago, patman30 said:

even when the C19 insnaity ends
the draconian measures put in place will remain, sadly

Which draconian measures...I'm going into town today for some shopping, girl watching, and then a nice lunch at a sit down restaurant. You conspiracy nuts craxk me up

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2 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Wedding I attended in Chiang Mai on Saturday evening, nary a mask or social distance to be seen.

Some people need to get out more.


Soon to follow....“Covidiots and loons”

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22 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Closed borders.

Borders will open , 100% . Thailand has big income from tourism , and they want the tourists , but not at all costs . They've done a good job keeping it out , by 1 reason or another . Testing or not , hospitals arent overflowing , if there were cases you should have known .

They will open , as soon as the situation is under control , which it isnt at all right now , if you look at the rapidly rising nrs in Europe , and on many places on this planet .

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12 minutes ago, sezze said:

Borders will open , 100% . Thailand has big income from tourism , and they want the tourists , but not at all costs . They've done a good job keeping it out , by 1 reason or another . Testing or not , hospitals arent overflowing , if there were cases you should have known .

They will open , as soon as the situation is under control , which it isnt at all right now , if you look at the rapidly rising nrs in Europe , and on many places on this planet .

Having friends and family in the USA, I can attest to ho awful life is there now. Europe also. People are typically going out once a week to the supermarket and then hiding in their homes the rest of the week. Numbers are increasing daily and people are exhauisted and scared. New lockdowns likely coming in Europe and perhaps America too next year. Thailand is not perfect, but being able to get out and socialize, shop, etc etc without fear is a great asset and I'm glad I'm here rather than there. BTW...pretty much all borders are closed all around us...why do people consider Thailand's measure draconian when it is the norm rather than the exception ?


Yes...some things are more inconvenient. I had to buy extra insurance policy for my O-A extension...still a better deal that watching Covidiots in the USA protest wearing masks and instead wearing red hats and carrying guns

Edited by tonray
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16 minutes ago, Kadilo said:


New Jersey, California,....it's work, then home, Supermarket on Saturday or Sunday...nobody wants to eat out, nobody wants to shop (except Amazon online). The mental stress is severe...here in Thailand..I see lots of smiling and happy folks when I go out...quite different over there.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:
4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm contributing to the education, feeding and housing of my GF's grand-daughter. We are such selfish barstewards, aren't we?

I wonder how much money the guy slamming us old folk has given away to other peoples kids?

well since you asked. 


when i met my thai wife she had a 5 year old son. who now at 20 with my selfishness has canadian citizenship. o ya and he is also attending thammasat university on my dime. surely that new house her mother built was paid for out her pocket....... yes it must have. 


but i guess it's only older gentleman who can do such things. 


thanks for the lesson guys. 

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4 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I'm just listening for the sound of foot being extracted from mouth.

you'll be waiting quite a while. maybe go back to that wedding where no one was paying attention to the awesome measures you are arguing here online. 



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2 hours ago, mr mr said:

well since you asked. 


when i met my thai wife she had a 5 year old son. who now at 20 with my selfishness has canadian citizenship. o ya and he is also attending thammasat university on my dime. surely that new house her mother built was paid for out her pocket....... yes it must have. 


but i guess it's only older gentleman who can do such things. 


thanks for the lesson guys. 

I can't recall in any of my posts claiming you were selfish. Self-absorbed and self-pitying, yes.


I went to work in the Pilbara in 1966. First West Australian iron ore boom. Isolated, hot, not much in the way of entertainment apart from drinking and gambling. Not my scene. Somewhat similar to a COVID-19 lockdown.

To occupy my time, I enrolled in a correspondence course in accounting with the West Australian Institute of Technology. Not lightning speed as the internet is nowadays, all done by snail mail with a twice a week postal service to Port Hedland. Three years. I sat the exams each year, aced them thanks to my correspondence coach Mrs. Magnus, and ended up with a Certificate in Accounting. Turned out it gave me an edge on other candidates applying for jobs when I went back to Melbourne, financially secure.

Get the message? Find something to do, preferably that which improves your skills. Get off your butt, and stop wallowing in self-pity.

Edited by Lacessit
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2 hours ago, mr mr said:

you'll be waiting quite a while. maybe go back to that wedding where no one was paying attention to the awesome measures you are arguing here online. 



I sat away from the crowd, stayed only as long as was polite because I don't tolerate loud noise very well.

I am arguing for common sense, which is not all that common.

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2 hours ago, Lacessit said:

I can't recall in any of my posts claiming you were selfish. Self-absorbed and self-pitying, yes.


I went to work in the Pilbara in 1966. First West Australian iron ore boom. Isolated, hot, not much in the way of entertainment apart from drinking and gambling. Not my scene. Somewhat similar to a COVID-19 lockdown.

To occupy my time, I enrolled in a correspondence course in accounting with the West Australian Institute of Technology. Not lightning speed as the internet is nowadays, all done by snail mail with a twice a week postal service to Port Hedland. Three years. I sat the exams each year, aced them thanks to my correspondence coach Mrs. Magnus, and ended up with a Certificate in Accounting. Turned out it gave me an edge on other candidates applying for jobs when I went back to Melbourne, financially secure.

Get the message? Find something to do, preferably that which improves your skills. Get off your butt, and stop wallowing in self-pity.

no self pity here my man. i am simply disgusted with what is happening. it will effect me in so many more ways than most of you guys. hence my anger and self absorbed attitude ? 

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16 minutes ago, mr mr said:

no self pity here my man. i am simply disgusted with what is happening. it will effect me in so many more ways than most of you guys. hence my anger and self absorbed attitude ? 

As the saying goes, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

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9 hours ago, Kadilo said:

Soon to follow....“Covidiots and loons”

They clearly are.

How stupid. 

That should be illegal. 

I have a challenge for people. 
Ask some Thais that are well educated if they actually believe that the virus is not spreading internally here. 


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26 minutes ago, mr mr said:

no self pity here my man. i am simply disgusted with what is happening. it will effect me in so many more ways than most of you guys. hence my anger and self absorbed attitude ? 

In all honesty, you do sound quite selfish and your parents are too good to you, willing to die so that you don't have to wear masks. I'm sure you hate me too. Cheers. 

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18 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

They clearly are.

How stupid. 

That should be illegal. 

I have a challenge for people. 
Ask some Thais that are well educated if they actually believe that the virus is not spreading internally here. 


At the end of the day these kind of gatherings are commonplace without masks in Thailand and they keep boasting about not having any cases. 


So which is it. It either don’t exist so no point covering up or government lies?


As for educated Thais, I value their opinion no more than anyone else’s tbh. 

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

In all honesty, you do sound quite selfish and your parents are too good to you, willing to die so that you don't have to wear masks. I'm sure you hate me too. Cheers. 

selfish that i'm <deleted> about what is going on ? if that is how you see it then yes i am. my parents are too good to me ? covid has effected .001 of the population. how is that being too good ? because they see the insanity of what is going on and you see things a different way ? 

30 million people have died in the same time period of other causes. we shut down the planet for .001. 


i guess when you have had the chance to live a full and eventful life it is easy to see others who haven't as selfish. 



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1 minute ago, Kadilo said:

At the end of the day these kind of gatherings are commonplace without masks in Thailand and they keep boasting about not having any cases. 


So which is it. It either don’t exist so no point covering up or government lies?


As for educated Thais, I value their opinion no more than anyone else’s tbh. 

I'm of the opinion it is a combination of factors protecting Thailand from mass infection. Either that, or herd immunity was already achieved by a less virulent strain of Covid coming from Wuhan through Thailand. I reject the hypothesis it's a cover-up, because Thais are the most socially-connected people on the planet. Facebook and Twitter would be erupting if there were increased levels of sickness and  deaths in the villages.

I compare the Thai and Australian data, because they closed their borders only one or two weeks apart. Australia first, I understand.

Thailand 3600 cases, 59 deaths. Australia 27,000 odd cases, nearly 900 deaths.

In the year leading up to the pandemic, Thailand had 12 million Chinese visitors. Australia had 1.4 million.

I don't know what's going on, but I do know Thailand's apparent immunity is going to generate a truckload of Ph.D theses.


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21 minutes ago, mr mr said:


i guess when you have had the chance to live a full and eventful life it is easy to see others who haven't as selfish. 



It's even easier to see the ones who don't have the gumption of a goldfish.

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1 hour ago, faraday said:

Yup, & now they've got one - or will have, very soon.


It's too soon to say that. I don't count what Russia and China have done, especially Russia with their blatant propaganda vaccine.

Once there are more credible vaccines (maybe never, but most probably as you say relatively "soon") then there has to be the follow through to get it into enough arms and enough people willing to take it. That's going to take several months, optimistically. But say it's 70 percent of people that take it (optimistic) and it's 70 percent effective (also optimistic) you're still looking at well over a year, more like two before people can really ease up on the other mitigation measures. Also consider Thailand is desperate to open up. They won't want to wait two more years for that. So they could open up earlier with a vaccine but the mitigation factors will still be needed here, even more than now. I know people want to hear feel good fairy tales about this, but no, it doesn't work that way.

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