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Why are farangs rude to each other?


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It's a thing, like I started out in Nottingham, where being rude was a way of establishing your authority, then I moved to Brighton and was amazed at how soft people were, finally I came to Thailand, and met softness incorporated. So, to answer the question, if you find farangs rude, you've probably been away from home too long, it's normal behavior back home. Personally, I prefer the soft approach, iron fist in a velvet glove. 

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3 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Let's explore this:


1.  farangs can't work here, except as a worthless English teacher and the farang will know they are worthless


huh? eh?


I work... not as an English teacher.

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45 minutes ago, ravip said:

Bravo! Way to go.

Why ignore anyone? You should give as much as you get, is the policy!


Your policy, not mine. I've got to the stage where I don't take s##t from anybody, unless it is unavoidable here.

Disrespect me, patronise me, put me down and you go on my ignore list. Have had enough a###holes in my life, don't need the ones on TV as well.

Edited by Lacessit
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8 hours ago, lust said:

I find that many of the westerners I come across have some quirks about them, or are total nutcases to be honest... Not all, but many... Thailand is a place for many misfits..

I have met and have so many friends in Thailand

I feel lucky to have met all these great guys from around the world


But on the flip side, the farangs are the worst part of my 20yr experience in Thailand


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4 hours ago, Ventenio said:

Let's explore this:


1.  farangs can't work here, except as a worthless English teacher and the farang will know they are worthless

2.  that leaves doing nothing.  Nothing means drinking, getting young girls to drink, walking nowhere, driving nowhere, talking in horrible Thai that is impossible to understand, and spending 100 baht here and there in 40 C weather

3.  this place will drive you crazy if you have no PATH.   no PASSION means no identity.  Your "identity" will be ladyboys and rice with a lady who probably has 10 other sucker farang boyfriends.


You have to be secure, confident, rich, smart, and PASSIONATE before you come to LOS.


if not, you will hate yourself which means you hate everyone.  


hopefully everyone on here had a plan BEFORE Thailand and is following that plan.  


good luck tattoo farang!!!    I am now a monk, fluent in Thai, worth 100 billion baht, and saved 10,000 frogs from poachers.  

Let's explore you speaking total <deleted>.


You obviously can't get a job as an English teacher so unjustly attack them to inflate your own self-esteem. I bet you don't have a degree, do you?


I came here without a plan in 1002 and am pretty successful now, and extremely happy. I haven't been with bar girls since I got married, 20 years ago. Never been with a ladyboy(sober)


I speak very good Thai.


I have tattoos, do you know what 'akadti' means?

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3 hours ago, suhoaswhas said:

so you didn't reply because you have small ones ? this is what i usually notice around here !


Refer post #99. Congratulations, first time I've ever seen a post of yours and you go on my ignore list immediately.

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5 minutes ago, polpott said:

Also Known As "Department of Trade and Industry".


What's a Glasgow handshake BTW?



Otherwise known as a Liverpool kiss, it consists of head-butting an opponent with one's forehead to the nose and jaw.

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