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"The Stranded": Highlighting the plight of expats unable to return to Thailand; #2 Retirees


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Very grateful for TV starting this topic.

As one of the stranded, I made the mistake in July of expecting that Thailand would open up in the next month.  Now I am stuck in UK., and I do not expect any change of heart on the visitor policy from the Thai government any time soon.

I can only hope that one day we will get back to normal, and, in the meantime,  keep reading TV to learn what is going on, and if there si any way that I might get back to Thailand.

Possibly an  Elite visa might be the only way in, nd it might come to that, but I live in hope that a mere Non-Imm. O retirement extension will still be valid.

i have aa wife living in Thailand and a 'Yellow Book' so I would qualify for an CoE now, but I do not want to go through all the fuss that Thailand requires.

If it was a simple matter of getting a Covid test, (difficult in UK,) and the buying an air ticket to Bangkok, and doing quarantine in my own home, I would be on the flight next week


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On 10/17/2020 at 4:02 PM, ChrisKC said:

but in my life here of nearly 18 years I have not believed for a moment that foreigners are not wanted here.

I moved here in the summer of 1997.   I have worked and now retired in this country.   Immigration rules and procedures have been reduced to almost nothing.   Annual retirement visa takes me about 2.5 hours every 365 days.  That includes getting my bank letter.  Ninety day reporting online, about 7 minutes, 4 times a year.  Try Indonesia or step back in time if you want and live in Cambodia or Vietnam.   This is a very strong country financially and everything you could ever want and more is here on offer.  I do get frustrated with the little things but then I remember what dealing with monkeys is like in my home countries of the USA and Canada.  Then I laugh it off.   I read most of you and am reminded that you won’t be here long since the Thai currency, know as the Baht, will strengthen to the point your pension won’t buy you a Singha.   Sorry, you probably like Chang as do most Thai farmers and country folk.

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4 minutes ago, kuzmabruk said:

I moved here in the summer of 1997.   I have worked and now retired in this country.   Immigration rules and procedures have been reduced to almost nothing.   Annual retirement visa takes me about 2.5 hours every 365 days.  That includes getting my bank letter.  Ninety day reporting online, about 7 minutes, 4 times a year.  Try Indonesia or step back in time if you want and live in Cambodia or Vietnam.   This is a very strong country financially and everything you could ever want and more is here on offer.  I do get frustrated with the little things but then I remember what dealing with monkeys is like in my home countries of the USA and Canada.  Then I laugh it off.   I read most of you and am reminded that you won’t be here long since the Thai currency, know as the Baht, will strengthen to the point your pension won’t buy you a Singha.   Sorry, you probably like Chang as do most Thai farmers and country folk.

Just don't leave at the moment you won't get back! ????

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I am in Thailand by sheer dumb luck. Flew from Melbourne to Bangkok about two weeks before the shutters came down in both countries.

As Tommy Bucks in the TV series "Justified" said, this is supreme BS. The Thai government should be allowing anyone in who has a family connection, as long as they are COVID-free.

They want to get their tourist industry back? Hellooo, this is not the way to do it.

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On 10/17/2020 at 2:46 AM, crazykopite said:

I’ve started taking my 800 k out even though I am living here I’ve always been against using an agent but next year I will gladly pay up for them to sort out my retirement and sod leaving to much money in my account Thailand is on a cliff edge my scb moved my account from one branch to another two years ago and didn’t notify me until 3 weeks after it happened they didn’t even give me a choice they just did it.

800,000 baht is not a lot of money.



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On 10/17/2020 at 4:25 AM, 4MyEgo said:

So what should they have done, not attended his wife's father's funeral, do you hear what you are saying, I am dreading the day my mother passes away if it's in this current climate, I cannot go and visit her because I will have to do 14 days quarantine in my home country and then if lucky to get back in here, I will have to quarantine for 14 days here.


These governments around the world have taken control over all of our lives over a mere coronavirus flu, we have had 4 previous coronaviruses that we have handed well under herd immunity, the tests they are conducting are not accurate, even the WHO has recently stated that, even one of their head doctors has said lockdowns are not the way to go if there is no spreading of the virus.


Have you asked yourself what is really going on, maybe you enjoy listening to the BS you are fed, ask the protesters in BKK why the government has declared a 'state of emergency' for a month, to shut them up and to make them go away or face arrest, nothing to do with Covid-19, is this democracy or another form of lockdown abuse.


I have all the sympathy in the world for this couple who made Thailand their home but now can't get back in because these governments are playing with our lives under their controlled regime. 

You to have to remember it is their country and you are but a guest, and maybe an unwanted guest in 2020.

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On 10/17/2020 at 5:02 AM, ChrisKC said:

If I was in charge and I didn't want foreigners in Thailand, I would let it be known for sure and not just make life difficult, but impossible by legislating to that effect. No confusion, no exceptions!

Although we have an Immigration Department in Thailand, the one thing no foreigner can be is an immigrant! You can stay and live in Thailand and perceive anything as you wish but in my life here of nearly 18 years I have not believed for a moment that foreigners are not wanted here.



The reason they don't let it be known for sure, is many of the corrupt, rich, elite Thais own homes in the UK, Australia and the US and don't want to be barred from entry.

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On 10/17/2020 at 7:08 AM, expat1010 said:

It is really sad what is happening for those retirees whose lives have been so badly disrupted. I wish Thailand would be a little more compassionate towards retirees given their large numbers in Thailand and their often extensive family and financial ties. I let my non Immigrant O-A visa lapse a while back and now split my time 6 months home country and 6 months Thailand on a multiple entry Tourist visa. With Covid this approach has been a god send for me. Still keep a place in Thailand but my expenses to do so are minimal. GF would prefer I stay Thailand year round but I just won't take the risk. The last straw for me was the health insurance requirement; who wants to be 75 or 80 and denied insurance and forced to leave Thailand. 


This winter I may be forced to winter in Mexico or god forbid Florida if I can't get to Thailand due to visa or flight availability or insurance or whatever roadblock the Thai government decides to throw up. 


I will be back to Thailand this winter, if I can get my tourist visa and a reasonably priced flight. Any extra unreasonable restrictions and my money and time will be spent elsewhere.

I moved back to Florida.

God forbid Florida?

Why is that?

My family love it here right near the beach.

Thai groceries, Thai temple, Thai restaurants out the wazoo.

What exactly is there to miss from Thailand?

Florida has nice weather, no VISA's, clean, no concern for crime

There must be a reason so many Thai people live in Florida?

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On 10/17/2020 at 4:38 AM, rooster59 said:

"I came to the Philippines on 9 March on a round trip ticket to supervise a Masonic Youth group on a hiking trip to Mt. Pinatubo. A trip which the group had spent the last two years raising money for. 

I'm curious about the Masonic Youth group hiking trip! (And so are the Qunits...)

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On 10/17/2020 at 4:45 AM, Peter Denis said:

Strange that the article does not mention that there is now a relatively easy solution for all 3 cases.  All of them can now apply for a 1-year Non Imm O-A Visa which would allow them to get the COE to return to Thailand.

Easy solution? maybe... but it doesn't allow me to  come back in Thailand before at best 6 months, because of the rule "equivalent of 500'000 B during 6 months in your checking account". I have more than this amount available, but not in my checking account!

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Those with work permits are allowed back: Helps Thailand in a small way by allowing select jobs to be done. 

Those with spouses are allowed back: Helps Thais who have a foreigner to support them (thus beneficial to Thailand).

Students in official language schools (and international schools) are allowed back: "Learning about the Thai culture through language" is beneficial to Thailand's image. 


Retirees take advantage of the benefits of living in Thailand; Thailand does not get any special benefits from them (their "investments in life costs" in the economy are infinitesimally small). Therefore, Thai authorities see retirees as not contributing to the image or enhancement of Thailand. It's that simple. 


The veil has parted and we know see clearly what some previously assumed: Thailand suffers foreigners at best only if they contribute to Thailand in a way that makes their presence tolerable. Retirees, in the final analysis, have no redeeming qualities here for the country. 


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On 10/17/2020 at 8:57 AM, allane said:

I have lived in Thailand for 25 years, and never bought a condominium here. Now you know one of the reasons why.

Assuming you are not living for free somewhere, then you have been renting for 25 years.


Using the old rule of thumb for monthly rent, as 'current property value divided by 200, equals monthly rent' then it looks like you have already paid for one and a half apartments for your landlords.

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2 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

people who love each other usually get married; Another woman keeps a secret for 18 years; 


And from this and the fact of a singular forced separation after 14 years of apparently loving support, our commentator deduces all kinds of chicanery and double dealing.  That's what's sad.  

It's our commentator who doesn't stand a chance.

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  Unfortunately, are they treating grown men and women like little kids without the chance to get back to their homes, filled refrigerators ( might be a bit smelly after such a long time), gf, friends and to the place they're used to live.


Now waiting in a cold country would be the last thing I'd need and I feel for all of them who're "stranded" somewhere. 


  If a married man is allowed to go back to his wife and family, but I am not permitted with my Non- O retirement visa, plus a re-entry permit, there must be something very wrong.

And this month, we'll see the first Chinese tourists?

 But they are so rich that they can't have the virus, or what?


I don't think that any of them would spend 15 days in a fragged up hotel like a prisoner.



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10 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

You to have to remember it is their country and you are but a guest, and maybe an unwanted guest in 2020.

One can't argue with that, however I think once the plannedemic is over you will have seen a lot of expats who were not allowed back in, sell up and others finding Thailand to have shown her true colours, the ones that were always there, but only seen by those who cared to see anything other than black and white.


That said, maybe if this government is ousted by the students things will change, but can't see that happening anytime real soon, I mean that story about David and Goliath was a story.

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10 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

The common theme of all of the posts are the people who feel THEY have been wronged by not being allowed back into Thailand currently.


Right or wrong, it is not our decision but the decision of the Thai government.


I can say it is wrong, however, when you understand the intention of Thai politicians is to line their own pockets and not help the people, it is easier to understand.


It should be enough evidence to you to realize expats are not high on their list of important people. Maybe not even wanted anymore?


Instead of worrying yourselves sick over when can you return to Thailand, I would be giving serious, serious consideration to the fact that over the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years, the Thai government can change the rules anyway they see fit. New elections and new politicians can change the rules to suit them, not you!


Mandatory insurance is one. Only takes 1 Thai politician to be in charge of that budget to figure out he can make himself filthy rich charging foreigners for insurance. An low and behold? Buried way beneath 1,000 sheets of paper, he will probably or his family, be the owner of the insurance company you will be forced to use. That is exactly how Thailand works.


The folks that keep thinking the Thai government is on their side need to wake up and realize government officials join politics to make themselves rich and powerful. Nothing more and you should learn that and accept it.


Who in their right mind, retirement age, would think from 2020 on, Thailand won't get even worse for expats? Is the crazy requirement for 3,000,000 baht to move back to your OWN condo not evidence of that? Who in their right mind would come up with that kind of crazy scam. Can you image in the UK, US, Australia started charging Thai people 3,000,000 baht to go and visit their foreign homes?


For those that are just thinking they want to return to their residence in Thailand, perhaps you should be formulating a solid plan B if you ever have to exit for any reason. You don't need a Plan B if you sincerely feel the Thai government will do the right thing by you and you will be financially safe and secure the rest of your lives.


Thailand will always have the right to change the rules anyway they see fit and could honestly care less how it impacts your life.


Seems to me living in Thailand going forward would be a huge risk, filled with uncertainty over how things can change even more and not for the better?


It is a down-right shame for the people financially trapped in Thailand, but I think you can look at the evidence from years and years ago, that the attitude towards expats living in Thailand has changed and will continue to change.


Instead of human compassion, officials are hell bent on how they can profit from this misery. Insurance, quarantine, etc. is all about the money.


It is really best to give your own future some serious thought.







This person actually gets it. Good post. 

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9 hours ago, teacherclaire said:

Life's much easier for them, and money comes in without having to do all for him, including sex when he had his Viagra. 


Who knows what will happen when he comes back? House sold, the car sold and gf has gone, she might soon have a new name which is very easy for them to do.


 I hope that all goes well, but there's this feeling that too many women are only married to have more cash.


 If these women miss something, then it's the money, not the older guy who might believe she loves him "too much."

Absolutely 100% spot on. 

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53 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

I think once the plannedemic is over you will have seen a lot of expats who were not allowed back in, sell up and others finding Thailand to have shown her true colours...

That may be true...and seeing how well Thailand weathered the pandemic in terms of cases and a minimal lockdown, people may decide to make the county their home and retirement choice (having learned not to travel during a pandemic). I could also see some number of expats and retirees in the Philippines, who have suffered the worst virus outbreak in Asia, and are still under various lockdowns (over 65s were only recently allowed to leave their homes to shop and eat after over 6 months of home confinement) and travel restrictions to consider relocating to Thailand.

Edited by Pattaya Spotter
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Once again I'm seeing the same stories. While swearing Thailand cares only about money they promote themselves as single handedly supporting the economy of this country. 2 of the stories overlook the fact that they do NOT own a big, beautiful home but the gf/wife and extended family do. (their claimed main worry and objective to returning) when, in fact, those houses can be sold off and the family would go right on living where they have been for 100 years before a female family member meeting them. A little like winning the lottery.

Then it gets immediately followed by the "Chicken Little" stories yet we don't see those people packing up and heading home while they can access all their deposited funds.

Once again, blame China. Thailand nor any other country in the world started all of this.

If you check history, Thailand mistakenly aliened itself with Japan in WWII but rethought that when Japan collapsed.

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11 hours ago, Pattaya46 said:

Easy solution? maybe... but it doesn't allow me to  come back in Thailand before at best 6 months, because of the rule "equivalent of 500'000 B during 6 months in your checking account". I have more than this amount available, but not in my checking account!

What Visa would you be applying for that requires at least 6 months 500K on your bank-account?

The main routes for returning to Thailand are the following:

- Married to a Thai national > Non Imm O marriage Visa (or still valid permission to stay of 1-year extension of stay of such Visa)

- Over 50 years of age > Non Imm O-A or O-X Visa (or still valid Visa or valid permission to stay of such Visa)

- Under 50 years of age and not married to Thai national > still valid Elite Visa or STV (when from low-risk country)

But all of them would be confronted with the 2-week ASQ and pre/past arrival covid-tests.

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2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

That may be true...and seeing how well Thailand weathered the pandemic in terms of cases and a minimal lockdown, people may decide to make the county their home and retirement choice (having learned not to travel during a pandemic).

If you believe the above, then all and good.


2 hours ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

I could also see some number of expats and retirees in the Philippines, who have suffered the worst virus outbreak in Asia, and are still under various lockdowns (over 65s were only recently allowed to leave their homes to shop and eat after over 6 months of home confinement) and travel restrictions to consider relocating to Thailand.

It's all about the levels of control in my opinion, Thailand managed their control measures very easily as the population is quick to listen to the oh mighty.

Edited by 4MyEgo
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14 hours ago, bwpage3 said:

The common theme of all of the posts are the people who feel THEY have been wronged by not being allowed back into Thailand currently.


Right or wrong, it is not our decision but the decision of the Thai government.


I can say it is wrong, however, when you understand the intention of Thai politicians is to line their own pockets and not help the people, it is easier to understand.


It should be enough evidence to you to realize expats are not high on their list of important people. Maybe not even wanted anymore?


Instead of worrying yourselves sick over when can you return to Thailand, I would be giving serious, serious consideration to the fact that over the next 2, 5, 10, 20 years, the Thai government can change the rules anyway they see fit. New elections and new politicians can change the rules to suit them, not you!


Mandatory insurance is one. Only takes 1 Thai politician to be in charge of that budget to figure out he can make himself filthy rich charging foreigners for insurance. An low and behold? Buried way beneath 1,000 sheets of paper, he will probably or his family, be the owner of the insurance company you will be forced to use. That is exactly how Thailand works.


The folks that keep thinking the Thai government is on their side need to wake up and realize government officials join politics to make themselves rich and powerful. Nothing more and you should learn that and accept it.


Who in their right mind, retirement age, would think from 2020 on, Thailand won't get even worse for expats? Is the crazy requirement for 3,000,000 baht to move back to your OWN condo not evidence of that? Who in their right mind would come up with that kind of crazy scam. Can you image in the UK, US, Australia started charging Thai people 3,000,000 baht to go and visit their foreign homes?


For those that are just thinking they want to return to their residence in Thailand, perhaps you should be formulating a solid plan B if you ever have to exit for any reason. You don't need a Plan B if you sincerely feel the Thai government will do the right thing by you and you will be financially safe and secure the rest of your lives.


Thailand will always have the right to change the rules anyway they see fit and could honestly care less how it impacts your life.


Seems to me living in Thailand going forward would be a huge risk, filled with uncertainty over how things can change even more and not for the better?


It is a down-right shame for the people financially trapped in Thailand, but I think you can look at the evidence from years and years ago, that the attitude towards expats living in Thailand has changed and will continue to change.


Instead of human compassion, officials are hell bent on how they can profit from this misery. Insurance, quarantine, etc. is all about the money.


It is really best to give your own future some serious thought.







Here in Thailand at least I get something for my money. In Heidelberg, Germany, I got a kick in my ass. 

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If you are thinking of leaving Thailand. The best thing is to register with Western Union in Thailand in order to take your money out. It is easy and can be done online in a matter of minutes. I removed a million baht from Bangkok Bank and had it deposited within minutes into my bank in the states. It cost about 250 baht for each transfer. 

 The thing is, I had to go to Robinsons in Roi et and find the Western Union table and register. Then I signed up for Western Union Thailand online. Very easy.  

 If you are thinking about leaving Thailand and are worried about your money and how you can get it out. That's the easiest way I found.  Just a side note. I did it in different transfer amounts, making sure all were under $10,000. Didn't want to attract attention from the IRS in the US.

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On 10/17/2020 at 1:51 PM, crazykopite said:

And it’s my understanding that those who own there homes now must have 3 million baht in a Thai bank this was announced last week as soon as I heard this I started withdrawing my savings Thailand is on a cliff edge and I am not going to risk losing my money if and when they put locks on the cash machines and limit what you can withdraw don’t say it can’t happen it happened in the U.K. a few years back never say never .

You'll have to provide a credible link to prove that this is true.

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