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Tourism industry insider optimistic on the upcoming high season


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2 hours ago, Destiny1990 said:

To estimate something isn’t something that thai people in general are very good at imho.

 I think most are good, I mean even excellent to estimate, sorry over estimate themselves. If you want to become rich, buy a TAT guy at its real value and resell him at the value he is estimating himself. Great financial deal....????????

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Ha !
We were just at that tourist attraction (Chiang Khan Skywalk) 2 weeks ago ! We went there fairly early in the morning (9ish I guess) and the place was packed with people ! Lots of tour buses and the parking areas were overflowing. We had to park the bikes on a lane leading to a building site (that was already blocked by vehicles belonging to the workers).

And all Thais (other than me). Not another foreigner in site.

After that, we rode down to Phu That Buek and that places was packed full of people as well. Luckily we had reservations or it would have been a long ride up the mountain for nothing.

I can't see there being any "high" season at all, when "high season" used to coincide with "winter" in many Western countries and that was when people from those countries (UK, Scandinavia, the EU, Canada and the USA) would flood into Thailand. 

Once TAT decided the future lay with the masses of low budget Indians and Chinese, high season died a pretty rapid death as all those "Westerners" went elsewhere. It was quite noticeable in places like Pattaya. Years ago I spoke to a number of business owners (restaurants, bars, hotels) and they said there was no "high season" anymore. Business had basically flat-lined and was no better in the "winter" that it was in the "summer" (the traditional "low" season).
Certain places in good locations were (are) still doing business but a lot of the other businesses, in poorer locations, that used to rely on the overflow from the masses of tourists can't even re-open as there just isn't enough tourists anymore (that are willing to spend money like they were "2 week millionaires"). 

And the small percentage that Domestic Tourism represents of the overall total (what was it, maybe 3-4% of the total Tourism portion of the GDP) isn't going to surge that much over the winter months.
In my estimation, "high season" (as things stand now) will be lucky if it makes 10% of what it was last year. And that's really only if there is a sudden surge of "well heeled" Chinese willing to pay the price, jump through the hoops and stay in quarantine for 3/4s of their vacation. (Most Chinese tourists don't stay as long as the average Western tourist used to and the average Western tourist only averaged around 10 days in country. Basically they were on 2 week holidays with 2 days of travel each way and 10 days in Thailand.)

And most of the Chinese tourists would definitely not fit into the "well heeled" category so I wouldn't expect huge numbers of them. Apparently they can't even get them to the purpose built resorts and casino they (the Chinese) built in Cambodia, despite the nearby airport (built by the Chinese) and lofty expectations (of up to 300,000 Chinese tourists per year just at that one area).

But I guess, like many other things, the gov't has to appear upbeat and hopeful, even if they (and most of the people) know it's all B.S.

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Just this weekend, all half decent to decent places to stay at on Koh Samet were fully booked. 


Thai’s are taking advantage of the 40% discount opportunities along with the 40% off (up to 900 baht) per day in restaurants.


Pattaya was also apparently very busy this weekend, as was Hua Hin. I assume other areas such as Khao Yai, Chiang Mai were also busy (?) - but that is only over a long weekend. 



I can see periods of long weekends, government holidays, school holidays etc as trigging brief periods of high demand - other than that there will be no such thing as high season this year unless Thailand opens up to foreign tourists. 




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There is a 0% chance they will be pessimistic, so I'm not surprised.


I expect GREAT things this high season, lots of spending, happy tourists, Thais traveling, dogs barking, and everyone super super super super super super happy.


OK, that said nothing.



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Some of the Major Hotels such as the Aetas chain have been closed since the end of March and have no re-opening in sight.  That is 7 months of lost revenue.  Amazing Thailand, and all of the unemployed hotel workers.

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i called up my guest house in bkk yesterday she said it was really b ad in bkk right now.  crime and other things goingg on.....................dear thai govt.  let the tourists in just have us tested before we come.  if you dont open up in a month or two the entire tourist industry willl go belly up for a decade.   do it now

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" never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.”  How frustrating for those in the tourist  industry having their fate determined by the gang who couldn't shoot straight .  The question is asked "when will things improve ?" and the bureaucrats say "it is getting better you just don't realize it yet " .  They don't have the courage to tell people how bad it really is nor the courage to take an educated risk to balance risk and reward . People are seeing a lifetime of work disappearing under a flood of incompetence .


High season is here and no sign of the possibility of tourist trade because of diffficult and onerous restrictions . 


 Time is running out to save this years tourism  .  Tic toc ,

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Really?  What makes her think that they will be spending any money in the long term as the looming political crisis and economic fallout have not even hit a fevered pitch yet.  So many hopeful people in this world who have nothing except wishful thinking, and their own views, instead of looking truly at the bigger picture.


She is Hopeful isn't she.  I see it being down 80%, and that's not from some lofty perch she sits upon.  Looks like another one wanted their 15 minutes of fame as well.  Can not be forgotten can they.  Living on past laurels..

Maybe, she has privileged information, 

Mr Monsoon has guaranteed that Mr Jabber will deliver the Chinese vaccine in a way that will guarantee the return of tourists, they will pull the boarding of the hotels in Chiang Mai to reveal new gold shops and maybe casinos 

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4 hours ago, jerolamo said:

if you want to save your country, remove the fake experts paid by big-pharma industries to propagate fear to wait for a blackmail process vaccine to come...

Easy to investigate and detect, just do it and show/speak true.

What was that guys name in star wars 

Mr Jabberwocky. 

May be getting ready now for the biggest Chinese vaccine jabs ever delivered the world record for jabbing will save Thailand. 

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15 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Yes, no need to look past the words she speaks.  She is just brilliant.  She should be working for TAT, and Anutin

I know of a Administration that could use her help, unfortunately may only be a temp job..its luxurious though!

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Tourism industry insider optimistic on the upcoming high season

With many European countries, USA and other nations all sliding back into lock-down measures or experiencing higher infection rates you could change optimistic to a racing certainty.

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