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Seventeen U.S. states report record increase in COVID-19 cases


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Another record day in the U.S. with 118,204 new cases, and 1,125 new daily deaths.


Total cases: 9,919,522

Total deaths: 240,953





I found this case to be quite sad, and informative, as the cause of death was recorded as a pulmonary embollism, so not included in the total death figures for COVID-19. Wonder how many others are in this catgeory?


Indiana college student with COVID-19 dies in her dorm room


Kosciusko County Coroner Anthony Ciriello ruled Tuesday that her official cause of death was a blood clot, noting that "while COVID did play a role in contributing to the death, it was not caused by COVID."





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8 hours ago, Tounge Thaied said:

I have heard of some sporadic reports of long term effects, but no definitive studies or stats that I am aware of. 

There is a bit of info here https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-10-06/coronavirus-post-viral-fatigue-syndrome/12733100 (scroll down to the third section)

One study, in Italy, found that 55% of COVID hospital cases still had at least 3 debilitating symptoms at least two months after “recovering”.

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I live in Utah a bunch of mormon dump FoxI live in Utah a bunch of mormon dump Fox!

Mid June our numbers were approaching 400 cases a day,  our head health  gal Dr Angela Dunn posted that if we dont get our 7 day average below  200 by July 1 we needed a lockdown.  She got called in to the Governor's office.  Maybe  behind the woodshed. She  hasn't said things like that  again.  By early July the Governor changed the 7 day moving average by August  goal to 400 as we had numbers above 500.  We almost  made it to 400 then the rise started. We broke 1000, then new record 10 days ago of 2200.  Then yesterday 2800 blowing previous record day be 500.  Testing positive rate ate 19%+   

This is the fall winter pip health experts predicted 6 months ago for Northern climes.  


As for lasting issues.  We have one gentleman who has had no taste or smell since March.   He says its hell

  The governor actually talks with concern.  But he won't mandate masks because he believes that mayors of each city can make that choice. A few mayors have put mask mandates in place.  But so many anti science free choice  minds here. 

The governor's Daughter and granddaughter have also lost sense of taste and smell.  The granddaughter  has a serious weight loss problem because of this. 

2800 cases a day and less than 3 million  population.   This would be like 60,000+ cases a day in Thailand.  

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17 out of 50 seems pretty good. Here in Canada every province coast to coast  has showed continuous increase. Reports say we’re in the second wave. The world is in different parts of the pandemic at different times. An increase in positive testing doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in the death rate.

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27 minutes ago, PolarAttack said:

17 out of 50 seems pretty good. Here in Canada every province coast to coast  has showed continuous increase. Reports say we’re in the second wave. The world is in different parts of the pandemic at different times. An increase in positive testing doesn’t necessarily mean an increase in the death rate.

True. But are the hospitalizaton rates increasing? That should lead to an increase in the somewhere down the line. Although there will be increasing mitigation of that as treatments continue to improve. Still, it stresses hospital resources and leads to collateral damage.

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Ues hospitals nearing  capacity  in utah.  Amd you know regular medical check ups amd procedures have been lowered.    Just imagine how the understaffed medical professionals feel after 8 months of ever increasing numbers. 

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13 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Another record day in the U.S. with 118,204 new cases, and 1,125 new daily deaths.


Total cases: 9,919,522

Total deaths: 240,953





I found this case to be quite sad, and informative, as the cause of death was recorded as a pulmonary embollism, so not included in the total death figures for COVID-19. Wonder how many others are in this catgeory?


Indiana college student with COVID-19 dies in her dorm room


Kosciusko County Coroner Anthony Ciriello ruled Tuesday that her official cause of death was a blood clot, noting that "while COVID did play a role in contributing to the death, it was not caused by COVID."





One of the most disturbing and serious symptoms of Covid is that it causes blood clots in the lungs. 

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It was 122k USA cases for record high 2 days in a row.  I just don't understand the ignorance or motivation of the expats in Thailand wanting the country to open up tourism and in addition a high probability of covid?   Yes I know many people out of work in Thailand.   But the entire World is hurting.    Yes Thailand relied to heavily on tourism.   They need to concede this and plan for Thailand 5.0.rev b. 

Right now  Thailand is fortunate that most people   are living amd working  a near normal life.   What do expats have to gain?   I just don't understand.   Compassion for their friends who work in tourism?   I dont read about people dying of starvation.    Thailand just needs to hold out for 4-6 months to see what happens on the vaccine front.   Maybe some of the top 5% elite in Thailand can give up 5% of their wealth  to help the hungry?   

Mainly they need to focus on reducing corruption,  dual  legal system, pollution,  traffic deaths,  poor English  ability, low standards for education.  I haven't seen meaningful efforts on any of these issues the last 4 years.   What a monkarchy or monkeyarchy. 

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8 hours ago, PolarAttack said:

17 out of 50 seems pretty good.


Note that seventeen represents "record" increase. A "record" increase means its the largest increase so far.


The other thirty-three states probably have "increases", just not record, yet.


cases newcases total deaths today's deaths


 USA    10,053,781    +127,735    242,184    +1,202



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