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Biden close to U.S. election victory as a defiant Trump vows to fight


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2 hours ago, robblok said:

Most of the Trump supporters on this forum know the race is run. They are awfully quiet thankfully not many are as crazy as Trump. 


Trump has every right to recounts, but his bias hate for mail in votes in time of a pandemic is nothing more then a farce. He knows that Democrats (the smarter part of the populace about covid) fears covid. While Trump his supporters don't fear it at all. So a larger percentage of those mailed in will be democrat votes.


So its just his way of not wanting Democrat votes to count. If anyone is trying to steal an election its the former president by disqualifying people who were smart enough to vote by mail and try to counter the current pandemic. 


What a pathetic little man to want to win by way of legal tricks and cheating. But actually that is all that he has done since he became president. All his lies have been exposed so often its just crazy that he still has a voting base.


At any given time, most of the Trump supporter are on vacation. ????

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18 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

As stated earlier by polpott, Biden is leading in the popular vote but it should also be noted that Trump has also substantially increased his vote from 2016.  The USA is truly a country divided and is going to take a very long time to heal.

His solid base came through and was only stopped as more that didn't approve of him was a larger base.

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13 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

Every right to recounts only where the difference in the number of votes falls within the state defined margin of possible error. For example, there exists no right to demand a recount where he lost by a sizable number of popular votes.

1% in most states.

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25 minutes ago, Fat is a type of crazy said:


Actually in Florida they received 50 voter registrations listed as Democrat from dead people.  Sneaky Antifa. Do that 5000 times in the key states and they get their man in the White House.

Source CNN 30 October 2020



The majority of the people named in the applications -- who were listed as Democrats -- were verified to be deceased and no votes were cast under their names, said Broward County elections spokesman Steven Vancore.



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1 minute ago, polpott said:

4 states haven't declared yet. Unlike Trump who declared his victory on the first day, Biden is doing it by the book.

Yes. President elect Biden understandably can't explicitly declare victory until the major networks call the win. I think that is likely within a day or two when Pennsylvania is called. Which it will be. The only question is exactly when. Biden can lose but won't Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona and still get over the needed 270 when his definite Pennsylvania win is called.

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21 minutes ago, polpott said:



A ham fisted attempt that failed at the first hurdle. Although the majority of the dead people were registered Democrats that isn't evidence that the intention was to vote for the Democrat candidate.


Antifa is not mentioned.

Corpus Christie was making a joke about the nefarious ways Antifa could get fake votes - grannies etc. I was taking the joke a step further suggesting Antifa were behind registering dead people and how done enough times it could have led to a Biden win. A joke. 

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3 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Yes. President elect Biden understandably can't explicitly declare victory until the major networks call the win. I think that is likely within a day or two when Pennsylvania is called. Which it will be. The only question is exactly when. Biden can lose but won't Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona and still get over the needed 270 when his definite Pennsylvania win is called.

NV AZ and GE aren't certainties. PA is and with 20 EC votes is enough to get him over the line alone. Come on PA crack on (and with a big enough majority for it not to be contested, 100k, I reckon)

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1 minute ago, polpott said:

NV AZ and GE aren't certainties. PA is and with 20 EC votes is enough to get him over the line alone. Come on PA crack on (and with a big enough majority for it not to be contested, 100k, I reckon)

A nice fat majority would be nice but I’d be happy with 1 vote over.


And why shouldn’t I?


Be assured Trump and his supporters would.

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19 minutes ago, Sujo said:

You may go crazy when his criminal cases start.


Its like the school bully, you cant help but enjoy him getting a dose of his own.

 I think Trump realizes very well , that , once his diplomatic immunity is gone , he will be held responsible for many bad things he has done ...

But , for a narcissistic personality , that is not easy to swallow .He might think that he will be put with his back against a wall , and his only way out is to attack ...

Just to avoid the trouble waiting for him ...

I hope that he will keep his supporters calm and peaceful ... but there is a certain doubt about that ...

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4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

This is a website about world affairs. Trump is the President of the United States and a controversial one. What's more, only a few members choose the topics. For some reason, lots of them concern Trump. So do you expect members here not to comment on Trump? By what extraordinary method do you infer that outside of these pages members are obsessed with Trump? Stop projecting. Just because you've confessed to an obsession with Trump, that doesn't mean others share your predilection. 


   Trump seems to get a mention in nearly every thread on TVF ,  usually on the first page ' haven't you noticed ?

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6 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:


   You need to take into consideration that people may have been attempting to vote fraudulently 

Well yes repubs have been caught emailing people to do just that.

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OK, looks like a Biden win and the Dems will take the House, which I'm sure they will be happy about of course.


However, the celebrations are somewhat mooted as it has hardly turned out as expected with Trump getting over 80 million votes and states being decided on razor-thin margins either way ... not a "blue wave" at all, more like a ripple. Also, the Dems have lost 10 seats in Congress, not going to get control of the Senate and the Supreme Court is 6-3 against them. So, all-in-all, the Republicans will be exhaling a huge sigh of relief and be thinking that this is not that bad considering what we were led to believe. Once again, the mainstream media, social media, big business, polling companies and others showed their bias and arrogance by getting the figures completely wrong (same as last time). There seems to be plenty of closet conservatives that won't say so due to the venom of society and backlash if you don't say you're a raving lefty (cancel culture/social media trolling or getting fired from your job etc.).


Biden might have to pull out the "rule by executive order" book too as getting anything meaningful through the Senate will be hard. The figures again show the gaping divide between the metropolitan/coastal areas and everywhere else and almost looks like it is pretty much a 50-50 split in American society ... even though we were led to believe otherwise. If either of the two sides is happiest with the result, then I'd be tempted to say it's the Republicans even if they lose the WH.


One thing Trump has managed though is that his four-year presidency with be talked about, diagnosed and debated for decades.

Edited by Sir Dude
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