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What Other Things Do Tvers' Check Out On The Internet


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Just wondering what everybody else looks at beside Forums Newspapers Ebay etc.on the net.

I haven't been using IT for long and am very unimaginative when it comes to looking for things of interest, and you can only spend so long on forums etc before getting bored or just going over the same old topics etc.So I thought maybe I'd get some suggestions on here.

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What about FREE TV on demand, using "Joost" (from the same guys who created Skype and Kazaa).

It's only Beta for now and on invitation only, but it will be open to all soon. Quite nice, good quality. Need good Download speed, but I manage to watch movies on a 37" LCD using ffdshow to "upsize" the resolution to 1080i and display the signal through component cable to my LCD TV.


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I'm usually just on other forums. If i'm really bored I'll browse the news, or read articles on Wiki.

Regarding Joost, it looks cool, but it would really only work well if you had something like a 10Mbit/1Mbit line. Nothing irritates me more than watching choppy video.

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  • Catching most of my favorite updates (including ThaiVisa) via RSS news feeds on NetVibes and Snarfer. Also, a customized Google Home Page, makes for a full day.
  • One of my favorite podcasts, DL.TV. By Tech Fans, For Tech Fans! Product reviews, tech tips, viewer questions, gaming and great guests, all brought to you by Patrick, Robert and the DL.TV crew. (RSS)
  • A daily dose of Dilbert. (RSS)
  • On Wednesdays, the online version of Database pages in the Bangkok Post.
  • Phil Connors beat me to LifeHacker but I think he would agree, L.H deserves to be listed more than once. (RSS)
  • Last, but certainly NOT least, Google Earth. Talk about a "time sponge." I can lose myself for HOURS on it!

What did we do with the hours in the day prior to Al Gore inventing the internet?

Edited by Rice_King
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I'm very interested in trying Joost. If anyone can throw me an invitation (via PM perhaps) I would be most appreciative. I'm in BKK with 2.5MB True ADSL which theoretically should be ample. My (currently limited)understanding is that Joost is using some sort of peer-to-peer technology similar to bit-torrent etc. I get excellent speeds downloading popular torrents, so if Joost works anywhere near as effectively...

A few of my favourite sites (from hundreds), that haven't been listed yet


pointlesswasteoftime.com (craption contests),



If I'm really searching for something to read (not often), digg.com always a good place to start. or news.google.com

hel_l, even just google.com :o

Work, research, email, messaging, banking, finance/stock markets, sports betting, news, entertainment, blogs, photos, videos, music, ebay.... I'm trying to spend LESS time on the internet. I wish I had your 'problem'.

Pssst, tubefetch.com

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Work, research, email, messaging, banking, finance/stock markets, sports betting, news, entertainment, blogs, photos, videos, music, ebay.... I'm trying to spend LESS time on the internet. I wish I had your 'problem'.

Same here. Engadget RSS and news websites [news.bbc.co.uk] usually do it for me. Add ThaiVisa and the day has gone by. I am actively trying to spend less time on th

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In the same veain as DL.TV

I really enjoy the work that the guys over at cnet.com do i read up on reviews and new tech products.

I particurally love the Buzz out loud podcast! BOL Daily tech pod cast with up to the minuet news and great geek humor!

give it a try!

Other great podcasts that I hit are diggnation, by the guys who run Digg.com

and This week in tech TWiT

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In the same veain as DL.TV

I really enjoy the work that the guys over at cnet.com do i read up on reviews and new tech products.

I particurally love the Buzz out loud podcast! BOL Daily tech pod cast with up to the minuet news and great geek humor!

give it a try!

Other great podcasts that I hit are diggnation, by the guys who run Digg.com

and This week in tech TWiT

Great shows. You may want to add Cranky Geeks to that.

And just for fun, go visit the Tiki Bar.

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Anything you are interested in, enjoy viewing, or need to buy or find is out there, with a lot of the other people's recommendations^^ as a good starting point. Happy surfing.

Lots 'o laughs here! :o

Edited by kmart
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Sorry to threadjack (again)

Thanks for the Joost invite Simmo. I tried to send you a PM reply but I got:

"We could not find any matches for the member names you entered into the carbon copy box, please check the input before resubmitting

This personal message has not been sent"

Maybe just a temp glitch in the matrix.

Thanks to others who also offered.

Looking forward to trying Joost out after work this eve, and will try and provide some feedback (in a new thread) in due course.

Another site similar to www.b3ta.com with more emphasis on photoshopping skills and a bit less on the comedy gold is www.worth1000.com Both sites good for more than a casual browse.


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