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Long weekend: TAT upbeat as "lively" weekend sees 3.1 million Thai tourists splash out 12 billion baht


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9 hours ago, BigStar said:

So much spoon feeding needed, poor thing. TAT's been at this for decades. They had the account of bookings already and preliminary verification coming in from from the hotels, wats and businesses from the first day. And so it's simple and normal, as they did, to extrapolate based on past performance. Basic statistical analysis any (cough) college kid could do.

That such a 'superior' person believes they are actually that sophisticated - beggars belief.  Its almost certainly Somchai's guesswork.  He will have arrived at the office, thought 'what rubbish can I write today' ? - spent 1.5 hours coming up with some figures on the back of a fag packet, then gone to lunch before winding his day up with an important meeting on the golf course.


Hotels in Thailand haven't even learned to answer e-mails from customers, never mind respond to questions from the TAT.

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On 12/13/2020 at 3:00 AM, bwpage3 said:

Yuthasak said that 3.11 million Thais - trips would be undertaken and the economy would get a 12.6 billion baht injection.


No mention of how many actually DID take a trip and how much was actually spent.


Don't you find it odd the weekend is barely over and they have all these statistics already compiled?

Propaganda under a Junta Military regime is not too surprising ???? 

Edited by meechai
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12 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

That such a 'superior' person believes they are actually that sophisticated - beggars belief.  Its almost certainly Somchai's guesswork.  He will have arrived at the office, thought 'what rubbish can I write today' ? - spent 1.5 hours coming up with some figures on the back of a fag packet, then gone to lunch before winding his day up with an important meeting on the golf course.


Hotels in Thailand haven't even learned to answer e-mails from customers, never mind respond to questions from the TAT.

Merely a bash based on ignorant, stereotypical, bigoted speculation. Very insular Brit, BTW. Proves my earlier point quite well, thank you. Still insisting your wife always say "Central" in English for you, as part of your superior foreigner entitled "allowance?" Learned to pronounce "Koh Chang" yet?????

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17 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

Similarily both the government and the TAT seem to be under some illusion that domestic tourism can somehow make a significant impact on the losses incurred by the missing millions of international tourists.  Against a background of a worsening economy they expect domestic tourists to spend more? Stupidity.

You just havin' such a hard time w/ basic reading skills. Turns out you're merely under some illusion. Again:


On 12/12/2020 at 10:54 AM, BigStar said:

TAT in no way said, suggested, or implied--at any time--that

  • domestic tourism will make up for the loss of international tourism
  • domestic tourism will "save" Thailand
  • Thailand no longer needs or wants international tourism
  • Thailand isn't strongly considering how to revive international tourism at earliest opportunity.

In fact, no one has ever thought any such thing, esp TVF posters of course.


To successfully address this point, you'll need to come out with the actual imagined "'real world' facts" you claim you have, not just blow the usual hot air. Assertions and repetitions of assertions don't really count, sorry. 


Thai people are very different to others in their travel habits. For example, my wife and her family did indeed travel this holiday weekend. They travelled to my house near Khao Yai, taking their food with them and cooking it at home - this is typical Thai behaviour, they made little if any contribution to the local economy.


Merely typical Thai behavior among the lower class poor Thais you're familiar with, like many of our posters. Hence an ignorant, blanket stereotype you imagine represents all Thais.


But you see the domestic tourism promotions aren't geared towards the low class Thais you know, or think you know. They're targeted at the Thai middle and upper class. Those Thais stay in hotels, as TAT noted and has been verified numerous times by TVF posters observing hotels in Pattaya during holidays. And they eat in the restos and shop in the malls and--OH NO!!!--behave very much like typical UK tourists do in the UK. I mean, right down to preferring Thai dishes like a Brit does  fish 'n' chips! ???? Of course, UK tourists might also pack lunches and do a day trip to the beach, prepare family dinners at home, etc. You may not know Brits very well either, come to think of it. 


from a 'real world' point of view it seems at the very least 'naive' for the TAT to make claims about the spending of a population who's income has been badly hit by unemployment and the general economic conditions resulting from the current pandemic. 


Again, your simple-minded, naive view is based on the lower class members who've been most hit by the difficult economic conditions, and especially those working for businesses dependent on international tourism.


The middle class is mostly still doing well enough to spend, and so they unquestionably do during holidays. And this helps unemployment from growing further as it helps keep businesses alive that cater to domestic tourists. Numerous posters have verified exactly that in Pattaya and elsewhere; hotels have verified it; why pretend otherwise? Except to feel that only farang have money, giving an illusory sense of self-importance--this is probably the source of the reluctance to recognize domestic tourism. Same thing re: Chinese, BTW. TAT: TVF totally ignores all the spending they do as well in the malls, better hotels, and restos. Hee hee!


So that's a good thing and TAT should continue doing what it can in the way of promotion. It would be stupid to follow the recommendations of our ace TVF Economists and do otherwise. 

Edited by BigStar
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21 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

Anybody with a solid case would not need to resort to smarmy namecalling.

You appear to consider yourself superior to many others on this forum , I rather suspect in fact that the image you portray is as shambolic as the nonsense you peddle.

Have a nice day !

Still waiting on your "facts."

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2 hours ago, BigStar said:

You just havin' such a hard time w/ basic reading skills. Turns out you're merely under some illusion. Again:

Complete waste of time trying to debate with you.  You are totally wrong on all counts and incapable of even considering a different viewpoint - in a word, arrogant, one of the worst qualities a human being can possess.


You say I'm under 'some illusion'?  Your entire attitude is one of delusion - delusion of grandeur, you may not have said it in as many words but 'who you are' and 'what you are' is quite clear from your statements.  I'm under no illusion at all - especially on that point.


My wife and her family are not lower class at all but unlike you, I wouldn't give a damn if they were - and you talk of bigotry in an earlier post.................. pot calling kettle again.


I don't know British behaviour?  I am a Brit.


Don't take my word for it, your sirly, pompous attitude and incorrect statements have been universally condemend - perhaps your life would he happier if you took note of that and possibly humbled yourself.  However, on that point, maybe I am under 'some dillusion'.

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1 hour ago, KhaoYai said:

Complete waste of time trying to debate with you. 

Yup. If you've got no facts or logical arguments, just biased opinions, flimsy speculations, and facile assertions, you're not going to get anywhere in any debate with me and just make yourself unhappy; then, inevitably resort personal attacks, as you also have in previous discussions. Retiring from the field is probably your best move; well done.


Me, I've met and worked with quite a range of Thais over my many years here and I love 'em all. I do find a marked tendency here, however, to try to ignore the existence of middle-class Thais as much as possible, 'cause, after all (besides our never having known any), they have money--money to spend in malls, for example, which a Big Spending TVF Economist would never do, ostensibly on moral grounds.???? By definition Thais aren't supposed to have any money, unlike ourselves, so we do want to avoid that discomfiting fact.


Hence it's only after the quarantine that TAT: TVF has been forced hold their noses and recognize the very existence of domestic tourism. In fact, however, domestic tourists have been a growing economic force in Pattaya for nearly a decade and had much to do with the initial success and then the continuing success, as the range of international tourists widened, with the shopping malls--to mention the most prominent, visible example.


Much the same has been happening elsewhere, which is exactly why TAT is encouraging domestic tourism with good effect. Yep, TAT is entitled to make an estimate and it's probably accurate enough. Certainly none of our posters have given their own verified figures, as they never do. But note that the TAT estimate of 40 million tourists, once the object of universal derision, is now accepted unquestionably, as in "TAT's never going to make up for 40 million tourists with domestic tourists (or strict COVID-inspired entry requirements)!!! Stupid!" Rhetorical convenience plays SUCH an important role in what we "believe," no?


Edited by BigStar
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1 minute ago, BigStar said:

Yup. If you've got no facts or logical arguments, just biased opinions, flimsy speculations, and facile assertions, you're not going to get anywhere in any debate with me and make yourself unhappy; then, inevitably resort personal attacks, as you also have in previous discussions. Retiring from the field is probably your best move, well done...................................................................................

Some people just can't help themselves ????????.

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4 hours ago, BigStar said:

At least as much time as you have to read and then respond with a mere slur and no argument, having none. ????


I didn't read it. Calling your posts "pompous walls of text" isn't a slur, it's a statement of fact. No need to present an argument to a wind-up merchant.

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On 12/14/2020 at 4:46 PM, joecoolfrog said:

Anybody with a solid case would not need to resort to smarmy namecalling.

You appear to consider yourself superior to many others on this forum


He almost sounds like Jsixpack, don't you agree?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/12/2020 at 9:32 AM, Pottinger said:

The amazing, prescient TAT - one day into a four day holiday and they already have the figures!

Is there anything they don't know in advance?

Money spent is in Thai Baht which is already accounted for so it adds no value to the economy .

what is required is foreign money which isn't accounted for which could add money to the Thai Foreign Reserve Account, so no tourists no foreign money .Can't pay foreign debts in Thai Baht .

Thai money which is accounted fore just circulates from one person to another gaining no value.

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