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FRP Wholehouse water filters question


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FRP tanks getting ridiculously cheap nowadays. 12"x52" with valve and strainer for 2600-3200 baht + some more for media inside. I want to get some to eliminate chlorine and odor from government water here in Phuket. I also have Koi fish pond and I don't want to add water with chlorine in it from time to time.


What sort of system should I build? I don't want to use one FRP tank and put everything inside like a layered media. I want to use separate tanks for each media. I don't need water softener so Resin is out of the question. I'm interested in Carbon and Anthracite. Is this enough? Should I add Sand filter before Anthracite? Does it matter what size anthracite or carbon media I buy for filtration?


They suggest filter tanks before Water tank and considering govt. water pressure is pretty high, I guess that makes sense. However, other companies like Pure recommends filter to be placed after water tank and pump. Also, I'm not getting auto backwash valves, but would I regret not buying them? What's the avg backwash time for Anthracite or Carbon media for municipality water? Once a day? Once a week?


Thanks in advance for replies.

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Just wait a bit and there are some knowledgable gentlement will put you right.

I just changed one of my portable water filter tank's media  to Echo Clear plate glass. Great, look it up.

I think Valentine in Phuket has some for his pools, but I don't know if he does portable water. Valentine Pools, or Valiant Pools I think is his company. Give him a call.

If no one comes along in a while I'll let you know how I did it, but I'll wait for the experts first. ????

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I thought you would have some replies by now, soooo... The first thing you do is test the water and see what filters you need. Then buy a big storage tank (mine 3000 L) bigger the better. Your water comes from your supply to the tank first. Then when you pump to your house etc you know where the waters coming from, if you pump from the mains you could be sucking water from someone's fish tank. ????

From my tank I go to 2 1256 (I think that's the tank type, 12" wide and 56" long) backwashable filters. One has carbon and one Echo Clear media. From there to the pump and then to a Big Blue sediment filter. This is for the house, yard, sprinklers, pool fill, aquaponics. From the big blue it also goes to a 6 stage Reverse Osmosis filter for our drinking water.

That's my set up with the filters. I also have another aquifier pump down the back with no filters for irrigation as well.

Hope this helps.:)

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Thanks for the answers carlyai

I wonder, why they install or recommend big blue filters along with FRP system? Sand or Echo Clear can be backwashed, Big Blue filters require manual washing or replacing.


How often do you perform backwash for your echo clear and carbon media?


Thanks again.

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2 hours ago, muratremix said:

Thanks for the answers carlyai

I wonder, why they install or recommend big blue filters along with FRP system? Sand or Echo Clear can be backwashed, Big Blue filters require manual washing or replacing.


How often do you perform backwash for your echo clear and carbon media?


Thanks again.

Not sure, but it's just another sediment filter, before the drinking water filter. I think 50 microns rings a bell, so it probably catches what the other filters miss.

I don't backwash enough I think and I have plans to install pressure gauges on the intake and output to the 1256 filters. I usually backwash when the irrigation micro system sprinklers reduce their sprinkling ability. They come on in the morning and evening and it's easy to see when they start to struggle. Not the best way to check.

I had sand and carbon in the filters before, but replaced the sand with the Echo Clear glass. Same with the pool filter media. You could see that the sand had channelled (in the pool filter) and was using the same channels for the water to flow, so not really good filtering I thought. Also the water guy said they don't use the correct sand in Thailand just river sand. Not quite understanding all That, but I like the Echo Clear. Noticed the performance increase in the mini sprinklers. Pool cost has dropped as not running pump as much to clean the pool. Cut the time per day down 2 running the 2 HP motor and pool seems the same.

So in Phuket I'd give Valentine a call as he was my adviser on my pool build and I also asked him about Echo Clear before I bought it. I'm in Isaan. 

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On 12/12/2020 at 11:43 PM, carlyai said:

I think 50 microns rings a bell, so it probably catches what the other filters miss.



 The water from your supply should be first pre-filtered though a sediment filter to extend the life of the other filters in your system,  Water filters have a micron rating. The smaller the number rating the cleaner the water will be. As an example, a 25 micron filter will stop particles larger than 25 microns from passing thru it. Those particles that do pass thru would be trapped by progressively lower          numbered micron filters. (Exp. 25-15-10-5) 

   I recently drilled a 39 meter deep well and installed a submersible pump. Although the water appeared clear, I installed a 10 micron sediment filter to reduce sediment build-up in 2 - 1050L on ground storage tanks. The water from then tanks is pumped thru a 5 micron sediment, then a charcoal filter and resin filter.  Drinking water goes thru a separate 5-stage system. 


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11 hours ago, tweedledee2 said:



 The water from your supply should be first pre-filtered though a sediment filter to extend the life of the other filters in your system,  Water filters have a micron rating. The smaller the number rating the cleaner the water will be. As an example, a 25 micron filter will stop particles larger than 25 microns from passing thru it. Those particles that do pass thru would be trapped by progressively lower          numbered micron filters. (Exp. 25-15-10-5) 

   I recently drilled a 39 meter deep well and installed a submersible pump. Although the water appeared clear, I installed a 10 micron sediment filter to reduce sediment build-up in 2 - 1050L on ground storage tanks. The water from then tanks is pumped thru a 5 micron sediment, then a charcoal filter and resin filter.  Drinking water goes thru a separate 5-stage system. 


I didn't put a sediment filter straight from the aquifer pump but the tank. The tank acts as a settlement and storage tank. When I tested the water before I started with filters, we have a lot of iron that precipitated out of the water when it hits the air, so the tank catches a lot of this as it settled in the tank bottom. If we had a sediment filter first, it would have been continually blocked.

So the water test will indicate if you need a sediment filter straight from the bore or not. ????

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