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Thailand reports 382 new COVID-19 cases


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16 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

People past their life expectancy? Seriously? You're heartless.  And many in the prime of their lives are being struck down also, some suffering long term effects.


A covid denier for sure.

Some truth to it to be fair. 70,815 over 75 died of covid out of 261,530 total deaths in th US. Average life expectancy in  the US IN 78.

55, 985 were in the 65-74 age range. That is pretty much half of the total of covid deaths.  

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23 minutes ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Some truth to it to be fair. 70,815 over 75 died of covid out of 261,530 total deaths in th US. Average life expectancy in  the US IN 78.

55, 985 were in the 65-74 age range. That is pretty much half of the total of covid deaths.  

Yeah, I know the stats.  But thanks for pointing them out!  I guess as I get older (63), I have less tolerance for those who are OK with throwing the elderly under the bus so they can live their lives without masks, etc.  Kinda bugs me.  Especially when they say people past the country life expectancy are not valuable.  ????

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The people should be angry, and be demanding explanations from the authorities. As I said yesterday, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. The Thai army is getting hundreds of billions of baht a year from the people. The very least the people can expect in return, is protection of some sort. With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, what on earth are these guys doing with their time? Where is that huge budget being spent? And why?


The soldiers, customs and immigration officials should be out there with tens of thousands of ATV's, patrolling the mountain areas around the borders, where people are sneaking in. Fishing boats should be randomly stopped, and checked. Borders should be locked down. Something seems very fishy here. Are we looking at gross incompetence? Are we looking at total indifference? Corruption? Laziness? Total derelicton of duty, on the part of Prayuth, Anutin, and the entire leadership? 


Prayuth once again says responsibility needs to be shared. So, I ask. When was the last time he took responsibility for anything? Has he apologized? Has he admitted this happened on his watch, and it very possibly could have been prevented, by his army? If not, Prayuth should offer to resign immediately, and the people, and especially the youth, should demand that. It is their right to demand a competent leader, during an emergency, especially. 

Edited by spidermike007
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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

The people should be angry, and be demanding explanations from the authorities. As I said yesterday, the more I think about it, the angrier I get. The Thai army is getting hundreds of billions of baht a year from the people. The very least the people can expect in return, is protection of some sort. With hundreds of thousands of soldiers, what on earth are these guys doing with their time? Where is that huge budget being spent? And why?


The soldiers, customs and immigration officials should be out there with tens of thousands of ATV's, patrolling the mountain areas around the borders, where people are sneaking in. Fishing boats should be randomly stopped, and checked. Borders should be locked down. Something seems very fishy here. Are we looking at gross incompetence? Are we looking at total indifference? Corruption? Laziness? Total derelicton of duty, on the part of Prayuth, Anutin, and the entire leadership? 


Prayuth once again says responsibility needs to be shared. So, I ask. When was the last time he took responsibility for anything? Has he apologized? Has he admitted this happened on his watch, and it very possibly could have been prevented, by his army? If not, Prayuth should offer to resign immediately, and the people, and especially the youth, should demand that. It is their right to demand a competent leader, during an emergency, especially. 

Good points.  But me thinks a majority of the problems are due to corruption.  Like with the casino in Burma, allowing workers to cross without quarantine due to help from officials.  Illegal migrants working here, with help from officials.  And brought in by smugglers with connections to various government officials.  As stated in other articles here.


Stop this and the outbreak might not have happened.

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3 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Apparently 485000 people die each year from drinking contaminated water something which could be solved with concerted effort at least that's what we are being told.I can rely on that.In ten years 4.85 million dead.Imagine the lives that could be saved if we put as much effort to save the vulnerable,the elderly,the young and the healthy as we have been for this virus. 



Yes, but this is a topic on covid. 


Your argument is called the logical fallacy of false equivalence.


False equivalence is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone incorrectly asserts that two or more things are equivalent, simply because they share some characteristics, despite the fact that there are also notable differences between them.




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2 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

Wait a minute - if average life expectancy is 78 and all those people you reference were between 65 and 74, then that means they weren't past their life expectancy.

Not all of the people i refered to were between 65- 74. Maybe you need to read it again. 70, 815 were between 75-84. The other  50,000 were 65-74.

Anyway my point being that it seems to be targeting elderly people obviously.  A quick fact check shows that 8 out of 10 deaths of covid in the US were over 65. From the data provided if we took people under 42 half the age of the highest age given we would see that people under that age group only account for 7,367 people. Less than 2%.  Its seems that maybe it isnt that dangerous to younger people considering this age group is the people who tend to break the rules more like meeting friends/partners. Drinking, partying attending protests and breaking curfews.

Considering this it seems unreasonable to impose these lockdowns to the masses. Protect the old, ill  and even the ones that are scared and let everybody else get on with normal life. If there is little to no immunity and if it mutates then present vaccines will probably not work then what other choices do we have?


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4 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

That's a good point about distortion and I suspect I have seen lots of distortion in this pandemic but I don't really know for sure what is being distorted and despite my negative distortions I do hope to see positive results from the vaccines apart from making a quick buck from something as effective as a glass of water.I don't know if the vaccines have been approved manly because they cause no immediate harmful effects and it all seems to be very rushed and we are being asked to trust people whose main goal is to make money for their investors.That being said I'm sure there are some developers whose aim is to make no profit.

I am really glad that my time on this planet is nearly over.

To question what is good for the world population is a disease in itself and those that promote it will end up bringing back the likes of cholera, typhoid, yellow fever and other nasties.

In an internationally mobile world, immunisation is the only viable solution against a global spread.

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

Good points.  But me thinks a majority of the problems are due to corruption.  Like with the casino in Burma, allowing workers to cross without quarantine due to help from officials.  Illegal migrants working here, with help from officials.  And brought in by smugglers with connections to various government officials.  As stated in other articles here.


Stop this and the outbreak might not have happened.


Likely quite accurate. If people only understood the level of corruption happening at the highest level here, they would likely vote for and support big changes, to the highly toxic status quo. 

Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:

Agreed few wear masks.  But that was before the past few days wave of infections.  Thais I'm talking to now are very scared.  You said you'd go maskless for NYE.  Not sure that's a good idea considering what's going on.


In our Tesco, everyone wears a mask.  Except the odd farang.

Think it depends where you go, in rural areas I suspect many see a lower risk, particularly where they all know one another. We go to the market at Bang Saen fairly regularly and normally everyone wears a mask unless they are sat down at a table. All the main shops around here ask you wear them.

Just been up to CM for a few days and it is quite simple, if you do not wear a mask then you do not travel, you also have to register your details. Everywhere we went in CM almost everyone was wearing a mask. I was quite surprised how many were walking the streets with mask, I usually take mine off when few people around as it tends to make my glasses steam up.

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15 hours ago, brucec64 said:

Yes, but this is a topic on covid. 


Your argument is called the logical fallacy of false equivalence.


False equivalence is a logical fallacy that occurs when someone incorrectly asserts that two or more things are equivalent, simply because they share some characteristics, despite the fact that there are also notable differences between them.




Saving lives is what defenders of covid often quote when justifying the the extreme measures and level of attention because the lives of rich countries are being lost where as your argument supports this,it neglects supporting the lives of those who suffer and die in the poorest nations in the world because they can't afford clean water to drink.So you argument is a sad indictment of the rich caring only for themselves.

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17 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Some truth to it to be fair. 70,815 over 75 died of covid out of 261,530 total deaths in th US. Average life expectancy in  the US IN 78.

55, 985 were in the 65-74 age range. That is pretty much half of the total of covid deaths.  

Well, hell! Why didn’t you say so before? Screw those old people. It’s not like they have anyone who loves them, and let’s be honest, suffocating to death all alone in a hospital isn’t that bad.

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16 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

Protect the old, ill  and even the ones that are scared and let everybody else get on with normal life. If there is little to no immunity and if it mutates then present vaccines will probably not work then what other choices do we have?

Do you know that the yearly flu vaccine changes? 


They change it based on predictions to determine the strain that will make rounds that year.


We’ll eventually get this to a point that we can live with. Scientists and pharmaceutical companies have an unlimited budget and all the resources on the planet to figure this out. Such a response with unlimited funding is unprecedented. 

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On 12/21/2020 at 2:11 PM, shady86 said:

No point doing normal temperature checks and contact tracings as 90% of the infections are asymptomatic. The only way is do massive tests to check the how many are actually infected. Else, just focus on those with symptoms and live with the virus until vaccine comes.  

Not as cut and dried as you describe Shady, people in there thirties up wards  have  been harmed for life because they took it easy , the virus creates blood clots that effect the kidneys, lunges not to mention the heart.  Germany at one stage nearly run out of blood thinners 

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7 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Saving lives is what defenders of covid often quote when justifying the the extreme measures and level of attention because the lives of rich countries are being lost where as your argument supports this,it neglects supporting the lives of those who suffer and die in the poorest nations in the world because they can't afford clean water to drink.So you argument is a sad indictment of the rich caring only for themselves.

I think you missed the point - Imgur


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I had a relative in his fifties just die of covid Anton, so you and the others can go suck rocks if you think that

only the elderly die from this virus.  Also a friend of mine in his 30s  died and both he and my relative

had been sick a few months ago, so their immune systems were not able to battle the Covid 19

and they are both dead.  In Calgary there was a woman in her 20s that recently died.  But you purple 

cool aid drinkers, just put on your ruby red glasses, and la la la at the world that you must live in.

Fantasy land, or what.  Here in the real world there are still way too many people dying of this virus.


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