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Lockdown now or face dire consequences like Japan, warns top doc


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2 hours ago, starky said:

Love how you cherry pick the only 2 things that have been successfully eliminated in the whole history of modern medicine. You know what medicine hasnt eliminated?

  Everything else! AIDS has now killed over 70 million, flu hundreds of thousands every year world wide. No one knows the true efficacy of these vaccines yet or even how long the potentially can make you immune for. I have seen very few negative posts here but I have seen a lot of realistic ones. You keep talking about "short term" like you've got the answers. You want to live in a bubble for the rest of your life fine many of us don't.  I spent 10 months confined to 1 part or one state I've done now 8 weeks of quarantine. Guess what? Here we are a year later? Guess what else? It hasn't gone anywhere. I wish you well and of course everyone is entitled to their opinion but please stop with let's just lock our selves up for another few weeks and everything will be hunky dory spiel.


I can't believe you think this is going to be for the rest of your life. Now it's 10 months locked down? I think your the one confused. What part of the world do you live in, I thought it was Australia? COVID didn't even come into Australia until the 25th of Jan, and there were no lockdowns until March. Victoria underwent a second strict lockdown which eventually lasted almost four months. The wave ended with zero new cases being recorded on 26 October. So who's confused, exaggerating and just wrong? You mate. That's who.

OH NO confined to one state for 10 months? W-T-F! Most people spend most of the year within their own state/county.


You're also completely ignoring the evidence. Australia has had next to no cases for over 3 and a half months now - because of a successful lockdown and fantastic virus response teams. Shutting off borders to states with a few cases of COVID is a perfectly reasonable response. Scientific evidence has stated the vaccines efficacy of over 95% in two different vaccines. Another has 94% and there are others who have yet to be determined. COVID is completely different from the flu - and AIDS is a killer no matter who develops it from HIV (without meds). They are completely different things.


2 hours ago, starky said:

Mate he's confused. In one post he says it will all be over in a few weeks. In others he talks about countries controlling it by just not opening up. You can't have it both ways. Lol.

  I also don't want that version of life because that's not a life at all.


What do you mean? Are you purposefully being obtuse? I clearly was referring to not opening up to incoming tourists from countries full of COVID. In fact my post specifically mentioned this. Unless your impaired, that much should have been obvious. Your country has successfully contained COVID - due to lockdowns and virus response teams. Why are you moaning? Life has been pretty normal in OZ for a long time now. Yeah, some borders may close to infected states - but then again, do you really want to go to a state where there's a chance you could catch COVID and pass it on to a loved one / friend who could die from it?



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On 1/4/2021 at 1:15 PM, Surelynot said:

Lockdown isn't the answer....sure....... let the virus cull all the old, the obese and those with underlying heath conditions.....what the hell........ I'm not one of them so why do I care!!!!!

Better to decrease the surface population!

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Every wanna be expert says they know better than the doctors "Lockdowns don't help" and similar brown musings from a really poop-brown crowd--and they also can program their own EPROMs, do photolithograghy in their bathrooms, and have the mystic prophetic powers of the ancient Mages.... Yeah.  Right.  I ask doctors to explain medicine, not eggplant -brained conspiracy nuts.

Edited by FangFerang
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