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Local production of AstraZeneca vaccine kicks off, Thailand signs up for 2 million doses from Chinese firm


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9 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Who would take a Chinese vaccine with far less efficacy than Modern’s, or Astra-Zeneca?

I don't think there are any phase 3 results for the Chinese vaccine as yet.

Eother way, the Thai FDA would ahve to approve the vaccine for it to be used here. So I think they are jumping the gun a bit on X number of shots by a given date. 

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I am taking an optimistic view of worldwide vaccine production.  Everyone is working full steam 24/7 to under promise and over deliver.  So I believe the vaccine production and rollout will ramp up faster than what is being promised.  This will mean that countries further down the line will be able to get the vaccines sooner than expected and in larger quantities.


Adding to this is that more vaccines are being approved.  So far we have 3 approved in some western countries.  I believe the Johnson & Johnson single shot vaccine will be approved this month or next month so that will increase worldwide supply and reduce overall demand for other vaccines which will also help accelerate things.

Edited by shdmn
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On 1/4/2021 at 4:27 PM, Cake Monster said:

Why does Anutin still have a Job.

This procurement of a few Doses of a Vaccine is really pathetic.

He should have negotiated for Millions of Doses months ago.

The Money was borrowed from ADB to do this, so why has it not been done is the question the people have to ask.

Knowing Thailand, the first batch will probably be for the rich and wealthy... :coffee1:

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On 1/3/2021 at 11:37 PM, John Drake said:

Before I take a vaccine, I want to know which one it is. No Chinese or Russian vaccines for me. I want the Moderna or the upcoming J&J single shot. But I'll wait to see how its effect on initial recipients first.

I had the first Moderna jab last Saturday.

Zero side effects.  But of course I might be autistic tomorrow.


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22 hours ago, natway09 said:

If you read the article 200 million doses should be produced in Thailand by March next year.

They will be exporting by then if all goes well.

The warning is that the single shot dose will not protect for more than 8 months so

I will wait for the double shot if this proves to look like being true




Most of the companies we hear about produce vaccines that are not expected to last for several years, so we need rejabs if the virus continue to cause havoc , but there are some trying to develop vaccines that will last for life, just like some of the vaccines we have for other diseases.

That would be nice with a vaccine that would last for life. 


It's just so more complex to develop those, so we probably won't see those types before 2022/2023. 

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3 hours ago, anyone said:

China must give all jabs for free and even add $500 to each. They are guilty as hell!


I don't think China would release something they knew could harm people, but to be honest I wouldn't take their vaccine even if they gave me $5000


I feel more safe using Moderna/Pfizer/Astra zeneca in that order. 

I hope to get the new mRNA types and not the old school that Astra zeneca make, but I'm last in line here, so I probably get Astra zenecas after summer. 


If I get the chance to pay for my own shots so I can choose, I'm willing to do that. 



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22 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:


And what ?? I'm aware of the prices, what would you like to add ?

Sorry, i should have placed it at  Lujanit's remark, who asked for price. Somehow I probably did wrong and placed it in your remark.  

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On 1/4/2021 at 10:55 AM, Joinaman said:

is this the same Astra Zeneca that has had numerous court cases and paid out billions in fines and compensation to the courts and the poor sods who took their meds and vaccines, then found themselves with debilitating illness after Astra lied and misinformed them about passing the safety tests, about how safe they were, about how they had had long term testing , when they knew they had not

See how many outstanding cases still remaining against Astra Zeneca, even after their almost annual outing to the courts 

sound familiar  to this vaccine by any chance ?


Most drug companies face lawsuits on a regular basis, most are spurious claims but once in a while they do screw up.


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On 1/5/2021 at 9:18 PM, DavisH said:

I don't think there are any phase 3 results for the Chinese vaccine as yet.

Eother way, the Thai FDA would ahve to approve the vaccine for it to be used here. So I think they are jumping the gun a bit on X number of shots by a given date. 

China announced last week that Sinopharm's vaccine has 79% efficacy rate.

Just now Brazil announced that Sinovac's vaccine has 78% efficacy rate.

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On 1/6/2021 at 3:54 AM, Letseng said:

Singapore also buys Sinovac amongst others. I trust Singapore.

300 million doses have already been sold by Sinovac to many countries around the world. Hong Kong is also buying Sinovac's vaccine.

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