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Pattaya Is Great For Lonely Men

Ling Kae

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On the other hand, places like Pattaya might be the best place to meet 'liberal minded' Thai girls.

I wouldn't come here without oodles of medical insurance and a very strong constitution.

You might live to regret it - or not as the case may. :D

I seem to have a fairly strong constitution, Mobi, but don't subscribe to any private medical insurance. Medical treatment is basically free in Australia. When I travel, I buy my ticket with my Gold Mastercard which includes free insurance; part of the benefits flowing from a slightly higher annual subscription for the card.

Accidents, however, cannot be predicted. No amount of medical insurance can prevent you being killed in a road accident.

Hm... Check the fine print if I was you - otherwise one day you might find yourself being shipped out to Chon Buri hospital... :o

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Hm... Check the fine print if I was you - otherwise one day you might find yourself being shipped out to Chon Buri hospital... :o

The best preparation for such an eventuality is to avoid unnecessarily placing oneself in a dangerous situation. I used to ride a 250cc Honda some years ago, because it was more economical than a car. After a couple of frightening near misses, which could have been fatal if the timing had been different by a second or so, I decided that sooner or later I would probably have a serious accident, not because I was not confident I could handle the bike and not because I was not a careful rider, but because I had no control over the bahaviour of other drivers on the road. In any collision, no matter who is to blame, the motorcyclist comes off worse. I sold the bike with no regrets.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, YOU DO TALK SOME CR.P, What is wrong with working girls ????? poor and just trying to impove their lives, they tell lies, the punters tell lies, "horses for courses! "quid pro quo" get real pal ! Pattaya, the best fun place I can find on route fom Blighty to Aus !! keep it that way !


Where did I say there was something wrong with working girls???? In their place they are fine and serve a community service.

The point which you missed was that they are not the ultimate marriage partners or girlfriends and that people (probably you're one) are deluded to think they do.

Get real pal!

Even many of those so called old punters, socially inadequate, not handsome, morbidly obese falang have made it to their own high school graduation.

In reality, many if not most of the pay to play girls are rice farmers with a 6th grade education in a crappy province school. I am not being judgmental, simply truthful. Some of them develop nasty attitudes to boot. Maybe yaba/booze come into play or simply just the compounding effect of living and working in a place where intellectual development seems non existent.

Anyway the other night at the marine disco was fun, i won't deny it.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, YOU DO TALK SOME CR.P, What is wrong with working girls ????? poor and just trying to impove their lives, they tell lies, the punters tell lies, "horses for courses! "quid pro quo" get real pal ! Pattaya, the best fun place I can find on route fom Blighty to Aus !! keep it that way !


Where did I say there was something wrong with working girls???? In their place they are fine and serve a community service.

The point which you missed was that they are not the ultimate marriage partners or girlfriends and that people (probably you're one) are deluded to think they do.

Get real pal!

Even many of those so called old punters, socially inadequate, not handsome, morbidly obese falang have made it to their own high school graduation.

In reality, many if not most of the pay to play girls are rice farmers with a 6th grade education in a crappy province school. I am not being judgmental, simply truthful. Some of them develop nasty attitudes to boot. Maybe yaba/booze come into play or simply just the compounding effect of living and working in a place where intellectual development seems non existent.

Anyway the other night at the marine disco was fun, i won't deny it.

Surprised to see this one still running after being away, so going on what you say, one deserves the other ! So the original poster was right "Pattaya is great for the lonely man" I would much prefer the simple country girl to the super foxy, super bitch of the western world (the USA in particular) who usually goes from man to man fleecing him of his property/ wealth.

I have a friend who has £20 million uk pounds in one bank account, he only uses the services of certain ladies, he is happy, they are happy, he simply looses a little money, and does not want another wife !

And to put a few people straight esp the poisoners on this site, I am niether old or decrepit, or deluded, I would never wish to live in Thailand, but allways love to visit.

If I was ever in the position of the lonely man brigade, Thailand/ pattaya would be my choice over a miserable life in say the UK.

Great original post, it really amazes me why so many people that live in Patters have not much good to say about it, Guess they must be the missfits from there own country of origin.

Does someone who say comes from middle class USA, Really think he can have it all like back home ? Oh yes he thinks he can, and when the poor uneducated / simple people (his words not mine) dont come up to standard, all is Shit !!!

And I won't be drawn into stupid slanging mathes over this post.


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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

Edited by Gary74
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Hm... Check the fine print if I was you - otherwise one day you might find yourself being shipped out to Chon Buri hospital... :o

The best preparation for such an eventuality is to avoid unnecessarily placing oneself in a dangerous situation. I used to ride a 250cc Honda some years ago, because it was more economical than a car. After a couple of frightening near misses, which could have been fatal if the timing had been different by a second or so, I decided that sooner or later I would probably have a serious accident, not because I was not confident I could handle the bike and not because I was not a careful rider, but because I had no control over the bahaviour of other drivers on the road. In any collision, no matter who is to blame, the motorcyclist comes off worse. I sold the bike with no regrets.


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Christ Almighty! Nearly 7500 hits for this thread.....Must be a lotta lonely guys out there!

Pattaya is great for lonely men with Dosh. But if you are poor......it must be the loneliest place on the Planet!


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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

In reality, Pattaya is the type of "paradise" you discribe only for guys with little money.

People with BIG money can find "paradise" anywhere they please. People with that sort of money are seldom lonely anywhere.

Asia (I'm not limiting this to Pattaya) has always been a budget destination with cheap (as in inexpensive) women.

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Some people here assume that being an adult means that you have your wits about you when you come to Thailand. Men so often here can't get their heads around the fact that virtually all the ladies are only interested in a comfortable life at their expense, literally. They get emotionally blindsided.

That they don't actually fall in love you the foreigner like he thinks of love in the West, can befuddle him later, usually after a good deal of money has flown out of his bank account and into hers.

As for a place to live, unless you are a total horndog and are only after the women, Pattaya sucks. The beaches are not pretty, they are overcrowded and the city is an industrial-looking eyesore.

Samui has its strong points, as does Phangan. Pattaya's reason for existence is teaming hookers with said stated "lonely men," not for settling down for a nice life.

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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

That's not nice, talking about Weho like that ! :o

Yes, lots of lonely men's dreams have been shattered when they've run out of money and their teerak has dumped them. Some of those lonely men somehow got the impression that their true love wouldn't mind living a life of poverty with a farang. Some of those lonely men probably thought that poor little farm girl would like to leave her family behind and go live in a squalid little flat in farang land with no future.

Most women (not just Thais) know that you won't get far trying to "live on love" alone. It doesn't pay the bills and it sure as h3ll won't support the family back in Nakon Nowhere.

It's unfortunate you can't teach common sense to people. Some of these people just can't be taught any ways. No matter what you tell them, the first thing out of their mouths will be "but My Girl Is Different" ! (also known as the MGID disease).

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

That's not nice, talking about Weho like that ! :o

Yes, lots of lonely men's dreams have been shattered when they've run out of money and their teerak has dumped them. Some of those lonely men somehow got the impression that their true love wouldn't mind living a life of poverty with a farang. Some of those lonely men probably thought that poor little farm girl would like to leave her family behind and go live in a squalid little flat in farang land with no future.

Most women (not just Thais) know that you won't get far trying to "live on love" alone. It doesn't pay the bills and it sure as h3ll won't support the family back in Nakon Nowhere.

It's unfortunate you can't teach common sense to people. Some of these people just can't be taught any ways. No matter what you tell them, the first thing out of their mouths will be "but My Girl Is Different" ! (also known as the MGID disease).

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

What total cr.p you write !, you are so typicall of the total cynics that write on here !

So lets take an example, lonely man sells his house in UK, and its Uk I am talking about, assuming he is in reasonable heath, he moves to Pattaya, does all his money in five years, but had some fun, and plenty girls to boot, !

All he needs is his air fair back to UK, where his local council is obliged to house him !

Dont you know life has its highs and lows ? he would probably only get lows in UK, SO HE HAS HAD A LITTLE FUN BEFORE HE DIES, QUOTE IT IS BETTER TO HAVE LOVED AND LOST, THAN NEVER TO HAVE LOVED AT ALL !

Weho is a total <deleted>, that should be pushed off the pier in a trolly, what rubbish the man writes ! and I bet a Yank !!!!!!!!!!!! have good day.

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

"I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand."

I feel very, very sick :o

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When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

I don't think most men eventually try suicide over a Thai bargirl/massage girl/"Oh, I just work in a restaurant".

I think there is an emotional toll and sometimes, a financial one.

One answer is education alongside support. This is an uphill battle, however, since the aforementioned MGID disease has as one of its symptoms the notion that there is nothing wrong with the situation.

Remember the Tamagotchi? That digital pet on a keychain that you had to "take care of" by:

* Feeding the Tamagotchi a piece of food or a snack.

* Playing a game with the Tamagotchi.

* Cleaning up a Tamagotchi's messes.

* Checking its age, discipline, hunger, weight, and happiness levels.

* Connecting with other playmates.

(-- Wikipedia)

Like Thai females, as long as you maintain them in a manner in which they find acceptable, they will stay with you (or not die in Tamagotchi terms). Neglect the Thai female financially or abuse her and she will be out the door before you can say Jack Johnson.

The very notion of "boyfriend" is corrupted here in Thailand. Just today I ran into a bargirl I know, who I have not known in the Biblical sense I might add, and she said she was just seeing her "boyfriend" off at the airport.

Mark: "Boyfriend, eh? How long had you been together?"

Noi: "Two weeks."

And this was said in a kind of "Good, eh?" spirit.

Boyfriend means customer, and the paying kind are the only kind.

Many people here who have either seen the light by virtue of self experience or who have had this wisdom imbued often find themselves feeling very much like Cassandra.

(By the way, the post previous by Thehedonist was ever so thoughtful and erudite. It is refreshing to see well-thought out posts that really make you stop and think, "Hey, this guy really has something to say.")

Edited by Mark Wolfe
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Yes pattaya is a great place for lonely men ,

back home they dont have much of a life so they jump on a plane head for pattaya , launch them selfs into 2 -4 weeks of drinking and othere nocturnal activites , fall in love with a stunning girl or boy go home then send money to there loved one's then fly back blow all there dosh on new mobiles, gold chains ,vets bills ( for the sick buffalo) and every other sob story , and never take any advice from friends , and always reply by saying.


6 -12 months later they go home tale between the legs skint slagging off thailand under there breath's

god i love pattaya its better than any tv soap in the world who needs ubc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

This seems very true in the short term but also seems to be a lonely existence over the long term, same with other places in Thailand also.

Many farangs live an illusion of having close Thai friends, neighbors and family. More often than not it is not the case.

Probably still beats back home for many.

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On some subjects their is so much to say...........yet so little point..........but yet so hard to resist a few comments :o

IMO this is one of them........

Although I have rarely visited Pattaya.........I am well familiar with similar "goings on" elsewhere in Thailand.............

At one end of course Mr Farang is sometimes a gullible idiot who thinks he is getting true love and is merely getting fleeced slowly, and the other end their are couples who despite the odds are the "real deal"....................but in the main I would say most fall somewhere in between and have consciously or unconsciously settled for a degree of compromise in their relationship........

If I was an elderly farang whose choice was between Edna aged 73 and being based in Hull or Noi aged 23 based In Pattaya, I would be quite prepared to sacrifice a large degree of "true love", for acting like a silly old b#gger. ...........even if it took 10 years off my life.

I would feel no guilt as Noi is old enough to know exactly what she is doing and make her own compromises..........and is very often more than capable of running rings around Mr Farang if she wants to.

IMO the "trick" is to keep control of yer money, and plan for the worst.........and don't bet all your financial future on someone else, whether a BG or GTG with a smile or anyone else. Thailand is not a place to be with no money for both Farang and locals alike.

Edited by Jersey_UK
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This seems very true in the short term but also seems to be a lonely existence over the long term, same with other places in Thailand also.

There is a good point here.

While a person might be lonely in his home country, this isn't as bad as being emotionally crushed at the end of a relationship with a girl from Thailand which has also made him poorer.

The ride might be fun for a while, but in the end, the costs might be high indeed.

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

"I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand."

I feel very, very sick :o

For this sickness may I prescribe "stay at home" heheh :D

Sorry could not resist

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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

That's not nice, talking about Weho like that ! :D

Yes, lots of lonely men's dreams have been shattered when they've run out of money and their teerak has dumped them. Some of those lonely men somehow got the impression that their true love wouldn't mind living a life of poverty with a farang. Some of those lonely men probably thought that poor little farm girl would like to leave her family behind and go live in a squalid little flat in farang land with no future.

Most women (not just Thais) know that you won't get far trying to "live on love" alone. It doesn't pay the bills and it sure as h3ll won't support the family back in Nakon Nowhere.

It's unfortunate you can't teach common sense to people. Some of these people just can't be taught any ways. No matter what you tell them, the first thing out of their mouths will be "but My Girl Is Different" ! (also known as the MGID disease).

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

A post of distinction. :o

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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

Ummm... rent/sell only ground floor or single-level properties to the +65 bunch?

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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

That's not nice, talking about Weho like that ! :o

Yes, lots of lonely men's dreams have been shattered when they've run out of money and their teerak has dumped them. Some of those lonely men somehow got the impression that their true love wouldn't mind living a life of poverty with a farang. Some of those lonely men probably thought that poor little farm girl would like to leave her family behind and go live in a squalid little flat in farang land with no future.

Most women (not just Thais) know that you won't get far trying to "live on love" alone. It doesn't pay the bills and it sure as h3ll won't support the family back in Nakon Nowhere.

It's unfortunate you can't teach common sense to people. Some of these people just can't be taught any ways. No matter what you tell them, the first thing out of their mouths will be "but My Girl Is Different" ! (also known as the MGID disease).

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

Well said. You can take the mule to the well but you can't force the donkey to drink. Let the jackasses learn the hard way.

Edited by Gary74
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Yes, Pattaya and other parts of Thailand is paradise to world's loneliest men, as long has they have MONEY.

However, it can also be hel_l and pay the ultimate price for world's biggest fools and jackasses. And you all know what I'm talking about.

When the sad reality of life finally gets through their thick noggins, some feel their only alternative is a short step from a high balcony.

So, what is the solution to the problem then ?

Ummm... rent/sell only ground floor or single-level properties to the +65 bunch?

Cold..........very cold.

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Today I went shopping and for a stroll on the beach and thought about how so many single men come here to Pattaya and are very Happy with their lives here. I saw men from all countries, all ages, all sizes, some were disabled as well. Most of these guys had a nice Thai lady looking after them, same as myself I guess.

The point I am trying to make is that some of these guys would be just stuck in room alone back in farangland wherever that may be but coming to Thailand has turned their life around completely. Sure in the beginning some guys may have paid for company but most end up finding a nice lady to take care of them eventually.

I think Pattaya is a great place to come and visit and start living life again. You could never get a live in care-er, companion, cook and maybe lover in farangland 24/7 (full time care-ers are hard to find) but here in Thailand many ladies are happy to provide this kind of care and some are quite happy to eventually get married to the man. I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand.

"I would highly recommend Thailand to anybody for the above reasons, the happy men with smiling faces I see everyday speak for themselves, well done Thai ladies and Thailand."

I feel very, very sick :o

Yes, you would be much better off sticking with your tractor ! you can love and cherish a tractor and as long as you maintain it well it won't let you down (unlike a woman)

And when you fall out of love with your tractor Globeliner, I have a customer in the Filly pines that would love it and cherish it more than you.

Actually I do prefer the tractors to the Fillys there ! not so in Los, the Fillys are much better.

To the lonely men of the world be warned ,woman are more trouble than tractors, but not half as fun !

I shall be on another trip down under soon, Pattaya here I come !

Does your tractor give you "The ride of your life" ?

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  • 8 months later...
Good post, the world needs Pattaya, hooray!

Pattaya was certainly an amazing experience the first time. One could never imagine in their wildest dreams such a place could exist.

An occasional holiday there is ok since you may not learn enough to understand the dynamics at work. One can certainly satisfy every physical need there, and then some.

Correct me if i am wrong, it seems most of the "business girls" do not seem to have much of a plan if any for the future. Normally people have hopes, dreams, aspirations, goals, self actualization, etc etc. The concept of saving money for the future or for a business also seems hard to find.

Some of the male "knights in white armor" will argue and say the girls are too poor to go to school/university. In the know Thai friends that are fluent in english say the government does indeed help anyone wanting to attend university to do so. I personally know of a girl from a poor Issan family that wanted to study, got this government help, and is a university graduate.

Ther also seems to be a goal of many Pattaya girls to extract as much money from the non thai men as they can. This includes girls that maintain multiple foreign boyfriends assuring each of them they are the "only one" and love them very much. Many girls receive money from multiple men who are in essence being scammed.

Another verified scam is the so called Thai girl university student complete with genuine university ID card. Ramkamhaeng Univ is an open enrollment school where ANYONE can enroll and get such an ID card. Some of the Nana girls have done this and claim to be university students though it boggles the mind how they can study and party(solicit) 7 nights a week til 4-5 am drunk to boot.

Mention of the guys who find a "nice woman" to take care of them is not without a price. Typically the guy takes financial care of the girl and often her entire family. Often her family members are young and healthy but would rather get money for nothing and their checks for free than work. Mainstream Thai society stays clear of this and does not have a positive opinion for the reasons mentioned above.

you will be hard pressed to find a middle class or above Thai son or daughter marrying into the family of many of those pattaya girls/boys because they do not want to become the welfare provider for the entire family, not to mention the relative lack of education likely in the entertainment girl. Many of those girls cant speak without yelling, and what they do talk about makes relative nobel laureates out of coconuts.

most thai men would not dream of paying those girls for their company, let alone supporting their extended families. they learn many tricks of the trade from their girlfriends. you are called cheap charlie if you don't throw money at their every whim. they often refer to chinese thais as cheap charlies also. chinese thais are hugely successful, work very hard, save money, become professionals, quite the opposite of much of the Isaan mentality. There are exceptions but in my experience they are few and far between.

Basically many girls that dont want to study, lack goals, a plan for the future, a clue, or are simply morons learn from their girlfriends that it is possible to find a foreign man gullable enough to be a "carte blanche" for them and their family,

Enjoy the entertainment aspect but please do not have ANY expectations about more than "entertainment"

"most thai men would not dream of paying those girls for their company " ,Do you think its all farang that patronise these places? take a look in bkk, ful of karaoke bars, massage parlours.barbers !, not a farang in sight,,

Is the thread not about Pattaya? Pattaya is an entire city that serves the sex industry. Non-Thai at that. I have heard about middle class and above, thai men having mistresses, though they sure don't appear to be from Pattaya. Educated thai men have said yes, some do indeed maintain girlfriends, however when I ask them about bar girls, the uniform answer is "no good" They refer to bona-fide university students that may need some help for school, their primary goal is some plan for the future, rather than scamming a man as the future. I have noticed a huge difference between actual university students opposed to bar girls. Yes, exceptions do exist.

Yes, Pattaya does serve a very clear purpose and is regarded as heaven by many. What I comment about is the "realities" there and not the wishful thinking of some.

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The OP may have been genuine or not and this thread has degenerated but the essential point is true.

Let me tell you the tale of two men I know.

One is a carpenter by trade and makes good money has a nice house and car and is socially a very pleasant guy but he is UGLY. Bald, face the shape and colour of a turnip, big nose with thread veins, just the way he looks, his father looked the same.

Other actually a handsome man. Hugely intelligent, a teacher , does not drink smoke or even like pubs. Likes walking and reading books and likes to be in bed early.

Both men are also eldest sons and devoted to the care of their mothers, their fathers have died young.

All both mens dearest wish was to marry a nice woman and have a family.

With western women they could not get arrested. One ugly forget it the other dull because he doesn't get pissed up all the time.

Both now married to Thai women, yes they are ex-bar girls, the Thai women adore and care for their husbands and are adored and cared for in return. Both have two kids now. The Thai girls also appreciate rather than resent the time these men spend on their mothers and when the mothers die they will both go back to Thailand with their families.

Thai women are born to expect not very much and appreciate these men for what they are, hard working devoted family men. Western women hate them because they think they are entitled to Brad Pitt.

OK not all relationships work out but these men had NO HOPE of marriage and family with Western women. NONE.

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Ling and taxexcile, you both right on the mark. On my daily walks I see many many happy content men and some amazing sights too. There's a French guy in my condo who rides a push bike, his wife goes with him everywhere on the bike, she stands on the back with him and loves to be with him every step of the way. Then another day I saw a guy in an electric wheelchair that had custom steps on the back where his wife stands, they zoom around Pattaya having a great time, these kind of things I never see in my home country, really really happy people. The real point is that not for any money in the west would a lady enjoy and take care of you like that. Yeah I just had a vision of a 60 yo old guy donkeying his missus on his bike in Sydney, yeah right never happens. Every man deserves the right to companionship and Thai women are more than happy to help out.

An old cartoon in the Pattaya Mail years ago summed up the situation quite well. On one side there was this old man sitting in his pyjamas in a dark room, it was cold and raining outside. The caption read, divorced, kids won't come and see me, the rent is due, no friends........

On the other side it was the same old man in Pattaya, he had a tan, was standing on the beach, had his arms around a lady one on each side and the caption read, I've never felt better, kids what kids, new apartment, nice new friends............

If I was in this predicament I know what choice I would make.

Spot on, !

Do you mean this cartoon? Oops I said I would not post gain on this topic :o


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Good post, the world needs Pattaya, hooray!

Pattaya was certainly an amazing experience the first time...

Is the thread not about Pattaya?.....

Ho hum... low season on TV. A 9 month-old thread resurrected.

4 out of 10. Must try harder.

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Please remember that discussing prostitution including bar girls is against the forum rules.

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I met a girl who assured me she did not have a boyfriend, but as soon as I left, she was back with her old boyfriend, who may have been in on the scam himself. She e mailed me when I was back home and asked me for money, but I did not send her any. Her later e mail to me said she did have a boyfriend. The next time I came to town, I saw her at a bar. I asked her what happened to her boyfriend. He said he was dead. I later found out he was killed in a road rage incident with a tuk tuk driver. I guess what goes around , comes around. She told me he did not know that she was cheating on him. and that he would be mad if he found out about her other guy friends. I guess it is only natural to have a lot of guys on the line, as most of the guys only come around for a couple of weeks or a month anyway. What is she going to do the other 11 months when the guy is back at home working away? The only problem is when two guys show up at the same time. Then it is juggling time. Some boyfriends or their pimps even encourage this behaviour and use the goods the other boyfriends leave behind. The girl I know got a suv and a lot of other things from one guy, which she promptly put to good use driving around her other bar customers. :o

whats the relevence of your post here? an excellent post anyway :D

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