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Thailand still plans for international tourists to return on Oct 1


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2 hours ago, trainman34014 said:

Best thing they can do is stop carping on about opening up as not a single person here has had a jab yet and the job won't even be completed this year, so why even contemplate opening in 2021 at all ?     All these people try to do is justify their own salary by keep opening their mouth's and spouting garbage; best to keep their gobs shut !

Uniforms, gold braide, wings, selfies, finger pointing, utterances, charts, graphs, projections, etc. Land of Illusion.

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3 hours ago, pookondee said:

Obviously this will garner a whole lot of the usual responses about what Thailand does wrong, so let me add a few differing viewpoints:


At the end of the day, who is going to risk diving into the unknown when a real pandemic is going on?

(unless you REALLY have to)


Would i rather stay in my own country (relatively Covid free) 


go somewhere i might get trapped without flights or exit. 

have to worry about getting trapped without a visa and have to stay long term in expensive accomodation..


Then there is always the unknown with Thailand...

If i do end up with Covid, will i be forced into a private hospital, even if i dont have symptoms?

Any number of ways this could pan out, and they all sound bad.


For the average traveller Its all about confidence and risk.


Do i stay at home, where we are looked after, no visa issues, no exclusions because of racism and nationalism..

AND able to work and even get welfare..


or travel to Thailand and go through countless hoops and expense,

in the end, to be treated not much better than a short term visitor, even if married or on retirement.


Then there is the issue of those of us (Australian) are not even allowed outward travel as tourists)

I dont really get why this endless debate keeps going.

Its all pretty much a no brainer id say.


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1 hour ago, Knobby37 said:

Personally I think they are trying to keep the dream alive by giving the desperate people false hope. Not sure who’s leading everyone over a cliff, but I have a good idea

As it's a Bhuddist country, this dream is called "Maya" or the illusion in Bhuddism

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Not until October well that's bad news for Europeans who will have say the Pfizer jab ( x2) who are reckoned to be generally safe. ( Many have already or nearly). Its bad news for those wanting to visit close friends, family, relations, do business, invest etc.,

It's bad news for all those Thais who either directly or indirectly depend on Tourist income. Its bad news for the travel industry. its bad news for the Thai economy, especially if other Tourist countries like Spain, Turkey or Greece open up or Vietnam ( whose economy is booming as it captures production  from China and  Thailand as its human capital/education is considered good etc.,)    


Yes I know due diligence is needed about the vaccinations but if the evidence is convincing that protection is very high then Thailand hopefully would be more open to idea of receiving Europeans etc.,  

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2 hours ago, Guderian said:


Note the important qualifying words, "proposed" and "possible".

Nothing definite, so don't get your hopes up.

And if Siam Bioscience does not perform at 100% capacity from Day one, starting by Mid June, there is not a Snow Flakes chance in Hell of any Tourists by October 1st.

Thailand has to Vaccinate its population fully before Tourists will expose themselves to any risk.


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53 minutes ago, KamalaRider said:

Not necessary with a lockdown, just make sure the vaccine is given to riskgroups and then open borders, ever heard about flock immunity?

Outside risk groups,  the virus is as deadly as a flue. 

Flock or herd immunity will never be achieved this way as this group of non vaccinated people will be vectors in spreading the virus further... 

6 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

And if Siam Bioscience does not perform at 100% capacity from Day one, starting by Mid June, there is not a Snow Flakes chance in Hell of any Tourists by October 1st.

Thailand has to Vaccinate its population fully before Tourists will expose themselves to any risk.

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Pookondee has the real problems mentioned in his post. It’s not only the global economic situation in the west stopping tourists, but the uncertainty of what would happen if one fell ill with the virus in Thailand ? Even with a travel insurance, who can be sure they won’t end up being charged millions in health care ? Thailand hasn’t got a good reputation for looking after its visitors !

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11 minutes ago, peter48 said:

"Not necessary with a lockdown, just make sure the vaccine is given to risk groups and then open borders, ever heard about flock immunity?

Flock immunity: the ability to dine in Indian restaurants without eye pain?

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Once again they raise false hopes in the service industry...hang on...hang on...Those that are already in debt through waiting will get further in debt by waiting yet again. They don't need hope they need help. I don't suppose these TAT 'advisers' have to worry about their bank accounts as they come out with these ideas. Yes, hopefully the Covid 19 situation worldwide will improve soon but people in many other countries will be thinking about attaining some stable norm before they think of a holiday in Thailand.

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16 minutes ago, newnative said:

    Just another example of why Thailand should have been much, much faster to get its vaccination program up and running.  It should be going full tilt right NOW--as other countries are--and not in June.  The country is hugely reliant on tourism, the country won't open for tourists until the population is vaccinated, so why in the World all the foot dragging?  Gross incompetence.  

It's pretty much all World Class Standard, innit? 

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40 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

Once again they raise false hopes in the service industry...hang on...hang on...Those that are already in debt through waiting will get further in debt by waiting yet again. They don't need hope they need help. I don't suppose these TAT 'advisers' have to worry about their bank accounts as they come out with these ideas. Yes, hopefully the Covid 19 situation worldwide will improve soon but people in many other countries will be thinking about attaining some stable norm before they think of a holiday in Thailand.

5,000 baht will help them to get out of the darkness. Maybe not really, but...............

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