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MP debunks claims about PM’s alcohol spraying gestures


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1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

In the UK this could be deemed as inflicting "actual bodily harm" and is a criminal offence.  Remember, if the alcohol gets in to the eyes, it hurts and hurt is bodily harm.  Does Thailand have a similar law?

not for the PM 

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1 hour ago, robertson468 said:

In the UK this could be deemed as inflicting "actual bodily harm" and is a criminal offence.  Remember, if the alcohol gets in to the eyes, it hurts and hurt is bodily harm.  Does Thailand have a similar law?

It probably does buried  somewhere deep in the bowels of "never to be used by the riff-raff" meaning no, it doesn't have. 


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What a lot of arrant nonsense. The problem that most supporters of Prayuth have is this. They volunteered to ride the tiger, and now they dare not get off lest the tiger decide to eat them.

The next 2 years is going to be interesting for Thai-watchers. I doubt that Mr Oranges or Mr Watches will survive the next 2 years, and i suspect both will decide to flee the country before horrendous charges of corruption are laid at their doors. I guess we'll see what the tiger-riders will decide to do then. My money's on a sudden change of heart in true Thai fashion.


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20 minutes ago, Taswegian23 said:

What a lot of arrant nonsense. The problem that most supporters of Prayuth have is this. They volunteered to ride the tiger, and now they dare not get off lest the tiger decide to eat them.

The next 2 years is going to be interesting for Thai-watchers. I doubt that Mr Oranges or Mr Watches will survive the next 2 years, and i suspect both will decide to flee the country before horrendous charges of corruption are laid at their doors. I guess we'll see what the tiger-riders will decide to do then. My money's on a sudden change of heart in true Thai fashion.


Don't bet the family jewels...... 

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7 hours ago, Artisi said:

It probably does buried  somewhere deep in the bowels of "never to be used by the riff-raff" meaning no, it doesn't have. 


I'm sure they would quickly come up with some laws if a reporter "playfully" sprayed him in the face with sanitiser.

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15 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I'm sure they would quickly come up with some laws if a reporter "playfully" sprayed him in the face with sanitiser.

As I said, probably already there and available to those special  people who need to use it, but certainly not you or I. 

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turn of events - he said sorry, sort of.

he was ungry again - at thai journos, who recorded is behaviour and made it to an international media.

"Usually I joke around with reporters like this. I won’t do it again and will follow the rules. Sorry, I guess,” he said.

When pressed on the fact that international news outlets picked up on the story, the general changed his tone to a ngon one – a mix of pouty disappointment.

“Well, who was the one who distributed that footage? I was just teasing you. I’ve resolved never to joke around with you again. End of story,” he said angrily."


So he did shot himself at foot - at time of writing about his antics, media did mention his military coup, political repressions and prisoners, abuse of lese majeste law and similar. Democracy is coming to thailand through national and international media, having it's toll in the ruling class

Edited by internationalism
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1 hour ago, internationalism said:

turn of events - he said sorry, sort of.

he was ungry again - at thai journos, who recorded is behaviour and made it to an international media.

"Usually I joke around with reporters like this. I won’t do it again and will follow the rules. Sorry, I guess,” he said.

When pressed on the fact that international news outlets picked up on the story, the general changed his tone to a ngon one – a mix of pouty disappointment.

“Well, who was the one who distributed that footage? I was just teasing you. I’ve resolved never to joke around with you again. End of story,” he said angrily."


So he did shot himself at foot - at time of writing about his antics, media did mention his military coup, political repressions and prisoners, abuse of lese majeste law and similar. Democracy is coming to thailand through national and international media, having it's toll in the ruling class

What a load of red bull dust, the body language, facial expression and general demeanour was anything but a joke. He deserves everything he gets plus from this little escapade that just adds to his stupid antics, luckily this time  it's been picked up and viewed world-wide. 

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journalists and the media are not neutral and are very much engaged in politics and report news in a biased manner, even when they choose to not report. Western media/journalists are no exception.

Pretty impossible to get unbiased news nowadays unless you are on the distribution list of a paid information service (expensive!).

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19 hours ago, Artisi said:

Don't bet the family jewels...... 

I won't. My experience-based faith in Thai psychology is such that I will never make assumptions of 'normal behaviour' on their part unless one counts dishonesty and venality as normal behaviour. It's one of the reasons so many folk lament that Thailand draws unto itself the dregs of other cultures, who seem to find a natural resonance with Thai society. It could so easily be a  sub-tropical paradise (and perhaps once was until the grifters moved in)  but it isn't now, and will likely never be again.

Thanks for the caution though, you're pretty much spot on with it.

Edited by Taswegian23
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"MP debunks claims about PM’s alcohol spraying gestures"

Nice to see our elected representatives doing their job so assiduously well. there were always people like this gathered around the playground bully when I was at school, I suppose it's nice in a way to see so many of them graduate with honours.  Human nature doesn't change very much, it just morphs into the next lamentable iteration.

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