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Post-Brexit Britain's global ambitions start with investment at home, says PM


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11 hours ago, bannork said:

Realism. The stupidity of Brexit enhanced by Johnson's rejection of an interim period whereby there would be sufficient time to set up the necessary customs checks and personnel.

Now we are a third country regarding the EU with all the disadvantages that brings. What can Johnson replace the market access we previously had with the EU with?

Nothing. The UK has truly shot itself in the foot.

Disagree I don't give up easily and give way to speculation of the future.

I refer to my earlier comment :-

OK doom and gloom always from many here as usual.

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20 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

My mate Boris forgot to mention future jobs in development of the wind farm projects and the planning of a tunnel between Nth Ireland and Scotland. 

A tunnel is a good idea, but who knows the Irish in future might decide to unite and then there needs to be a border check. I wonder if a tunnel is profitable, it certainly would make trade better. But then why first put trade barriers up. Not smart, but the tunnel thing might work. Though such a big project might increase UK debt more. Has a feasability study been done.

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20 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

My mate Boris forgot to mention future jobs in development of the wind farm projects and the planning of a tunnel between Nth Ireland and Scotland. 

A tunnel is a good idea, but who knows the Irish in future might decide to unite and then there needs to be a border check. I wonder if a tunnel is profitable, it certainly would make trade better. But then why first put trade barriers up. Not smart, but the tunnel thing might work. Though such a big project might increase UK debt more. Has a feasability study been done.

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11 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

You honestly think that tunnel will ever happen?

My mate Boris says.

Britain to the island of Ireland could be given the go-ahead next month.

There another being built the Stonehenge tunnel in Somerset.

It's work for people not gloom and doom from the likes of nice people here.

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24 minutes ago, robblok said:

Though such a big project might increase UK debt more. Has a feasability study been done.

I would say so going by reports good for jobs too.

I refer to my previous post :-

"Britain to the island of Ireland tunnel could be given the go-ahead next month."

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8 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I would say so going by reports good for jobs too.

I refer to my previous post :-

"Britain to the island of Ireland tunnel could be given the go-ahead next month."

So they have studied it, I wonder if it was based on figures that took Brexit into account. I personally think that spending money on infrastructure is in general a good thing. Though I have no clue if its feasible as N Ireland is small. But if they did their calculations well then it might well be good. (cant say I know as I have no clue about the studies). 

The channel tunnel makes a nice profit though i think it will be lower because of Brexit (less trade going through it and less passengers as there is more hassle)

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7 minutes ago, robblok said:

The channel tunnel makes a nice profit though i think it will be lower because of Brexit (less trade going through it and less passengers as there is more hassle)

I was thinking more along the lines the new tunnel will be good for jobs in the North.

The channel tunnel is still good if a simple boarder cross system could be settled.

Due to the hostility of Brexit and the following pandemic things ain't easy.


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2 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

I was thinking more along the lines the new tunnel will be good for jobs in the North.

The channel tunnel is still good if a simple boarder cross system could be settled.

Due to the hostility of Brexit and the following pandemic things ain't easy.


You can build a tunnel and there will be construction jobs, but other jobs. Not sure maybe. As i said need to read studies about that to know. I mean N ireland is not that big and a tunnel will cost a lot. But easier travel might create jobs. But usually tunnels are made between places with large populations. N Ireland has no such thing. 

Even though I think BJ is a complete fool, im sure that some people have done studies that show some benefits. Hopefully not the same people who did the Brexit studies ????

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8 hours ago, Hi from France said:


More than a just third country, the UK is now a major rival: very close, same industries and intends to scr*w us by all means available, as treaties turn out to be worthless. 

The EU really needs to factor this in, we keep on being too naive.


Well the UK has left EU get over it, enjoy yourself with the gloom and doom club here.

As for the EU club being too naive I agree, it looks like France is going into third lockdown the way they have preformed with covid, shame on them..

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Some interesting comments from Cummings......starting to warm to guy after he said he was more than happy to attend any select committees and let them know what really happened behind closed doors at No 10.........

Their first mistake, he claims, was to trigger Article 50 without putting in place infrastructure around the world to manage trade.

Leaving the single market and customs union, with "frictionless" trade and no change to the Irish border -  were "logically, legally and practically incompatible".....he claimed.

“The prime minister came to speak to me the Sunday and said: will I come to Downing Street to help sort out the huge Brexit nightmare?”

The Department of Health was a "smoking wreck"........

Laugh? I nearly paid my TV license.

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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

You can build a tunnel and there will be construction jobs, but other jobs. Not sure maybe. As i said need to read studies about that to know. I mean N ireland is not that big and a tunnel will cost a lot. But easier travel might create jobs. But usually tunnels are made between places with large populations. N Ireland has no such thing. 

Even though I think BJ is a complete fool, im sure that some people have done studies that show some benefits. Hopefully not the same people who did the Brexit studies ????

Well I like to a take a more positive view of the future you are not English and respect your point of view but again we will have to agree to disagree.

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8 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

“The prime minister came to speak to me the Sunday and said: will I come to Downing Street to help sort out the huge Brexit nightmare?”

The nightmare started by disgraced T. May with it being left to deal with by my buddy Boris.

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12 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Well I like to a take a more positive view of the future you are not English and respect your point of view but again we will have to agree to disagree.

Yea some people are positive and others are realistic. I prefer the latter, I base my decisions on facts and studies.  Im sure you look up the specs and read reviews and do a test ride before buying a bike. I just wonder if the tunnel has been properly studied. Its not the first time Boris has lied. Brexit is far more damaging then he led to believe also a lot harder then he led to believe.  So sorry that I don't take everything that guy says for the truth. I mean he is a known liar. 

But I am not saying its untrue, i just like to know what studies have been conducted. I mean I am no genius and I have not too much knowledge of that area. My remarks were more based on the fact of the population. I have seen no data or projections ect. In my country they do studies before they build things. But quite often those studies paint a far to positive picture. Take for example the new subways in Amsterdam. Loads of problems came from that and its way over budget. 

So I am always skeptical even in my own country. We had many new infrastructure development go way over budget. 

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15 hours ago, Kwasaki said:

OK doom and gloom always from many here as usual.

Our hero.....

1. Discussed having a journalist beaten up

2. Endangered a British mum jailed in Iran

3. Called black people 'piccannies'

4. Wrote a racist column describing Muslim women as 'letterboxes'

5. Broke Parliament's rules on declaring financial interests - repeatedly

6. Blew millions on the Garden Bridge before it was unceremoniously. scrapped

7. Wasted £300,000 of public money on illegal water cannon

What a man



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3 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

OK then well lets just say l like to be optimistic instead of pessimistic like you and others seem to be here, also making judgments on people like Boris at every negative moment instead of good things his done taking on a job that nobody else had the guts to do..

I don't rely on said specs and peoples reviews before a test ride a bike, I make the assessment myself riding it any other way is not realistic in my book.

Be as skeptical as you want about projects the initial costs are estimates I never seen a build project in my working career in the construction industry that hasn't gone over budget.

Boris is a liar, you cannot deny that. So he deserves all the scorn he gets. I rely on specs and reviews and then ride it myself. Same goes for computer stuff, i read reviews and specs then make a choice. In the end of course its how you use it. But I am pretty sure you use the specs as a basis too. I mean you would not try out a 155cc when looking for a liter bike. So specs are important. 

If you never seen a project that has not gone over budget then you know that the people projecting it are wrong and then with that their entire assessment of profitability. So its a fair call to make. I see the same mistakes in the Netherlands. Its not a Brit vs other countries thing. It just a general remark about how people often push projects through that in the end fail to live up to what they have been selling. I feel that is fraud be it in the UK or Netherlands or whatever country.

I guess you and I have different opinion, Id say im a realist and your an optimist. 

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31 minutes ago, nauseus said:

Maybeze part of it goes passes under Zummerzet, arrggh. Hoping to catch some subterranean scrumpy leakages from the barns above? Ooh arrgghh. ????

I remember visiting a Somerset farm selling scrumpy from the barrel. It looked and tasted fairly innocuous, nothing to fear there, I thought, knock it back. A pint and a half and 20 minutes later I was reeling and rolling all over the place. Man it was strong!

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