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Chiang Mai: "Sea of Fire" engulfs Doi Samoeng - fires lit when officials went to monitor elections


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1 hour ago, elgenon said:

I was wondering why the government doesn't provide a fleet of mulchers to mulch the cane stalks etc. It will save money by Thais having better health, it will provide a better environment to attract tourism money, and it will lower the need for chemical fertilizers. Win, win, win.


Where I live in the States, the city mulches and gives the residents free mulch for their gardens.


Since the government can afford a space program this would be a pittance with practical and immediate benefits.

Don't you understand Submarines are much more important way bigger backhanders.

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17 hours ago, Card said:

You mean the Nancy whose husband was a notorious dope runner for the contras? You mean that Nancy?


As her husband was semi senile after taking the bullet in 1981, don't think he was running the dope. Try Ollie North or someone. Still its more conspiracy theory (Dark Alliance) than fact. Were a bunch of contra and contra types involved in drugs, sure. Were they assisted by CIA and US military actually flying in the coke? No. 


Back to the burning season, there was  a lot of talk about doing something this season. However this is a pandemic year, poor people need the mushroom money, no tourists here anyway. Maybe better burn patrols next year.

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20 hours ago, Wuvu2 said:

Burning of fields is agriculture, and yes agree there are alternate practices, and that burning on owned land is a lot easier to govern than wildfires. But the purpose of burning of the mountains is to reveal mushrooms for foraging which done by mostly landless super poor people. I read that the most recent big fire was intended to drive wild game to kill zones...another hunger inspired fire. Just sayin...it would help the situation alot if those folks had better ways to make money where they live. 

Maybe you want to educate yourself about the role of big capital has:



There is a famous article about this problem in Chiang Mai City Life.

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9 hours ago, brianthainess said:

Roger that. Even on a small neighborhood scale, watching the neighbor burn off just one rai, thick smoke over his house, with not just his kids inside, but his wife runs a day care for a few other kids, they seem to be completely oblivious to the dangers of anything in life.  Mai pen rai, init.

Smoke they just love it

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On 3/30/2021 at 3:03 PM, Pilotman said:

Just face the truth, the Thais don't give a monkeys about the environment, or how their actions negatively  impact other people, or indeed themselves and their families, they are clueless. They don't care, they never will care and it will never stop.   

Which is why I will never live here , visit yes in high season to our condo but the rest of the year the lure of 'green' UK is to be much preferred. 

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1 hour ago, najomtiensun said:

Which is why I will never live here , visit yes in high season to our condo but the rest of the year the lure of 'green' UK is to be much preferred. 

The green of UK would certainly be alluring, but is offset by the unfriendliness of the people, the crowded roads, the weather ( even in what is laughingly called Summer) , the airport experience when arriving and departing, I don't live in a burn area here, so my life is much more tranquil and less stressful than it would be in the UK. 

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On 3/30/2021 at 1:16 PM, cardinalblue said:

Until the gov takes burning seriously and prosecute vigorously, this silly cat and mouse game will continue to play out...


and the local communities continue to suffer on many fronts...


Not just the locals. The smog from these fires spread all over Thailand. Hard to believe that the Government turns a blind eye.

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:16 AM, cardinalblue said:

Until the gov takes burning seriously and prosecute vigorously, this silly cat and mouse game will continue to play out...


and the local communities continue to suffer on many fronts...

 Please do not make excuses. The local communities  accept the practice. I they did not,  the  responsible parties would be stopped. These are the local landowners and tenants, many of whom are small land holders. It is the community that commits this rape of the land. These are the same people who poach and encroach on protected lands because they just do not care about anyone but themselves

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On 3/30/2021 at 2:04 PM, wombat said:

curious asks...is bamboo a plant that needs fire through it to generate the next crop of bamboo shoots for sale?

No. The burning can be for many reasons: (1) to make it easy to harvest mushrooms, (2) land clearing so they can grow crops, (3) to herd animals for easy capture, (4) etc.

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One good thing about the burning - keeps all those Wishy Washy - Save the Planet - Tree Hugging - Snowflakes from moving here.

Now if we could find a way to stop their ENDLESS posting of the Bloody Obvious !!! 555

Edited by canthai55
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On 3/30/2021 at 2:57 PM, Card said:

You mean the Nancy whose husband was a notorious dope runner for the contras? You mean that Nancy?

  Really?  Can we get some credible sources here? Or are other viewers not allowed to ask for that? (seriously, I'm a newbie, and am just finding out which way the site leans)

Not saying you're wrong, just want to learn more...

Edited by brian stoner
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21 hours ago, canthai55 said:

One good thing about the burning - keeps all those Wishy Washy - Save the Planet - Tree Hugging - Snowflakes from moving here.

Now if we could find a way to stop their ENDLESS posting of the Bloody Obvious !!! 555

Yeah, imagine that, someone actually trying to save the planet because so many people/companies/countries have absolutely no respect for the environment, what a drag! And people being concerned about their health because the Thai government does absolutely nothing about the endless burning, that must get really old quick! 

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