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Non-mask wearing foreigner makes national news - sticks his middle finger up and refuses free mask


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6 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Yes... look it up.  Good idea.  Tell me....if I’m not infected, and I’m fully vaccinated, how in hell am I supposed to spread Covid?

  When I’m fully vaccinated, I’m returning to normal life. 
We’re now into about the 65th week of the “..”just two weeks to “flatten the curve””. 
Enough is enough.  You don’t like me returning to normal life after I’m fully vaccinated?  Too bad for you. You’re not my dictator. You’re free to continue to wear a face diaper or muzzle if you like. I won’t tell you to stop.  Freedom over fear. 

Quote:  “

After warning for months that vaccinated people should still be cautious in order to not infect others, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests they may not be at much risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

“Vaccinated people do not carry the virus — they don’t get sick,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the CDC, told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow on Tuesday. That’s “not just in the clinical trials, but it’s also in real-world data.”

Walensky was referring to a new CDC study that suggests those fully inoculated with the vaccines produced by Moderna and Pfizer don’t transmit the virus. Researchers looked at how the shots protected nearly 4,000 health-care workers, first responders, and other essential workers toiling in eight U.S. locations against the virus and more-contagious variants. Following a single dose of either vaccine, the participants’ risk of infection was reduced by 80 percent, and that figure jumped to 90 percent after the second dose. Without infection, people are unable to spread the virus. The results are similar to what scientists saw in clinical trials for the vaccines, which found that two doses of either two-dose vaccine had an efficacy rate of around 95 percent.”

Yes.  Look it up.  Great idea. 
New York Intelligencer,  UPDATED APR. 1, 2021



Is the reporting date of 1st April a clue on this one?......................

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Lets call on anyone who recognises this selfish individual to report him so he can be removed from Thailand. As a local resident I don`t want to see this person remaining here and further tarnishing the image of foreigners in Thailand.

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5 hours ago, BobinBKK said:

His attitude is a reflection on how Thailand looks at us wanting to be vaccinated same as the Thai people. I have never gone outside my room without wearing my mask correctly, but I agree with his attitude towards Thailand 100% ????


His `attitude` displayed here represents the worst of the ill educated, self centred foreigners in the country.

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4 minutes ago, kralledr said:

To anyone who say get him arrested, HE GOT ARRESTED, as he was on visa overstay..


Where does it say that? 



If true, what a fool. Drawing attention to oneself when here illegally.


Fortunately, its idiots such as this who are usually architects of their own downfall. 



Hopefully those foreigners refusing the vaccinate will be the next to be kicked out and Thailand we will have fewer whack jobs and nutters walking around. We then won't have to walk around avoiding eye contact with other Westerners to avoid having to extract ourselves from conversation as the last guy we were polite kicked off into conspiracies..... ????





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2 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


Where does it say that? 



If true, what a fool. Drawing attention to oneself when here illegally.


Fortunately, its idiots such as this who are usually architects of their own downfall. 



Hopefully those foreigners refusing the vaccinate will be the next to be kicked out and Thailand we will have fewer whack jobs and nutters walking around. We then won't have to walk around avoiding eye contact with other Westerners to avoid having to extract ourselves from conversation as the last guy we were polite kicked off into conspiracies..... ????





It's 100% true there is a video going around on some small thai news, he is handcuffed and they said, visa expired, (it's him yes ^^)

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49 minutes ago, holy cow cm said:

Did I miss this posted or in the news somewhere? If true what a complete ignoramous.

62-year-old German on a visa overstay- unnecessarily rocking the boat and drawing attention to himself was a move south of brilliant...



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After reading about this guy I looked around to see if I could see other examples:  1) I was walking on the sidewalk with a mask on and I see an old guy riding a bicycle on the same sidewalk.  Of course he was not wearing a mask and came within inches of myself and others who were walking on the same sidewalk with masks on(of course most sidewalks in CNX are rather narrow).  2) I saw another old guy eating an ice cream at a Dairy Queen.  He didn't even have a mask around his neck. Obviously one is not allowed to "dine-in". He was the only person who was enjoying his ice cream at DQ. .  3) On this occasion I saw an old foreign woman who was not wearing a mask enjoying her coffee while seated on a bench in the same mall as the ice cream guy.  There was sign posted next to her which read "no eating or drinking".  


It is not my place to tell someone what to do or what not to do.  But the actions of one foreigner impacts all of us.  Wearing a mask all the time when you are outside sucks but right now as a foreigner in LOS the only thing to do is what I learned in the Army a long time ago:  "Mine is not to wonder who, what or why, mine is to simply do or die".  Please just comply with the rules.  

Edited by sqwakvfr
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I walked the dog a few times without wearing a mask, but I wear one now just for appearances sake and I want the neighbors to continue to think well of me (at least I'd like to believe they think well of me????).  The dog still refuses to wear one, but he's always been a 'Damn the consequences!' type of rebel.????

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19 minutes ago, flare said:

62-year-old German on a visa overstay- unnecessarily rocking the boat and drawing attention to himself was a move south of brilliant...



One thing is for sure, he is not a descendant of Einstein. I have been to that market in the past when I was visiting a Thai and foreign friend down in that area. I would now think all the foreigners will get the evil eagle eye for awhile as it is predominately Thai.

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2 minutes ago, Catoni said:

Obey your government no matter what.  
You are correct. It is not for you to think for yourself. It is for you to obey. 
  Obey the government at all times. Believe what the leaders say. And obey.  Do what you are told. And WEAR YOUR MASK! 



There are enough debates on this forum over simple matters such as wearing your masks in public or the need to wear a mask.... also the importance of vaccination etc.... that some people are so far off base governments have little choice but to implement seemingly tyrannical laws over seemingly small stuff. 


Time and time again too many people show the cannot do what they are told.....  Some laws are of course dumb (i.e. wearing a mask in the family car), but others are incapable of intelligent discretion and think they don’t need to wear a mask in busy market because they don’t believe they have a virus.


Others want to walk in public out in the open in open space without a mask, which IMO is absolutely fine, but there is a law in place so I won’t do that. 



So no... Do not 'obey our government no matter what'. But for the most part our government is ’not out to get us’, for the most part the government aim is to look after everyone....  unless of course a person is one of those ‘conspiracists’ who’s belief is the government only has self interest and no interest or concern for the populace, in which case that person is a nutter and can’t be reasoned with.




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On 5/7/2021 at 2:30 PM, Keesters said:


The amount of Biden supporters  in A is Crazy Ridiculous

Well look what B has accomplished, you would have to ok be a Complete Moron to support The Cult of T

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3 hours ago, Ajarnbrian said:

His `attitude` displayed here represents the worst of the ill educated, self centred foreigners in the country.

Same same as the two faced back stabbing locals ????

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re. outdoor transmission:
“Prof Cath Noakes, an airborne infection expert from the University of Leeds, says someone would have to cough right at you, at the moment you're inhaling, for an infection to happen.”

source: BBC.com

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9 hours ago, 1FinickyOne said:

you are correct..

but, you don't have to put up with it... get out while you can!!

I don't put up with it but it seems you are happy to  because you are on here trying to justify racism towards yourself and your fellow expat just because one white guy didn't wear a mask.


Notice stories like the one below don't make front page headlines of the biggest national news agency in Thailand but for some reason one white guy not wearing a mask does? Do you ever pause to ask yourself why? or are you completely in denial?



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On 5/7/2021 at 6:46 AM, Rampant Rabbit said:

What makes you think I'm  worried, I could not care  less except when this krap is  repeatedly posted up about bad farangs ignoringthe overwhelming amount of  Thai not  following their own rules.

The story is not really about a farang not wearing a mask. It's about his aggression / arrogance when challenged. 

Anyone who goes around behaving like that bloke would probably miss that subtle detail. I'm sure you don't though ????

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1 hour ago, CG1 Blue said:

The story is not really about a farang not wearing a mask. It's about his aggression / arrogance when challenged. 

Anyone who goes around behaving like that bloke would probably miss that subtle detail. I'm sure you don't though ????

The story is about demonising white people. Yes he was an idiot but the question we should be asking is why is it front page news?

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1 minute ago, JamieM said:

The story is about demonising white people. Yes he was an idiot but the question we should be asking is why is it front page news?

 It is not about demonizing white people IMO, but rather deflecting attention away from their failure to secure adequate vaccines, and control the pandemic,   and towards an easily recognizable group.

On that respect some of the idiots among us  are doing a great job at giving them all the ammunition they need.   

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11 minutes ago, sirineou said:

 It is not about demonizing white people IMO, but rather deflecting attention away from their failure to secure adequate vaccines, and control the pandemic,   and towards an easily recognizable group.

On that respect some of the idiots among us  are doing a great job at giving them all the ammunition they need.   

Deflecting negative attention from themselves and projecting that negativity towards another race is surely the definition of demonizing no? I mean they don't put this stuff on the front page when it is an Asian doing it do they? 


As I said we have some idiots among us just like any race but when they single out some idiot for not wearing a mask just because he's white it's dangerous and wouldn't happen anywhere else in the world except for perhaps mainland China.


Edited by JamieM
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4 minutes ago, JamieM said:

Deflecting attention from themselves towards race  of people is surely the definition of demonizing no? I mean they don't put this stuff on the front page when it is an Asian doing it do they? 


As I said we have some idiots among us just like any race but when they single out some idiot for not wearing a mask just because he's white it's dangerous and wouldn't happen anywhere else in the world except for perhaps mainland China.

You do have a point.

The point I was trying to make, is that even though the result is indeed to demonize a particular group, the intent is to deflect. it is what politicians do, and not only in Thailand. . It is important to recognize it for what it is, IMO so we can more affectively defend agonist it.

This idiot in the news is not doing any of us any favors, people all over the world are stresses out over the covid situation and are looking for scapegoats , Look what is happening in the US and the attacks on Asians. 

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1 minute ago, CG1 Blue said:

I agree if he was a local this story probably wouldn't have made the news. When immigrants in the UK behave badly they are demonised more than locals are.  It's a natural reaction, i.e.  'we have enough bad guys of our own without importing them too'. 


But you also have to admit this story wouldn't have made the news if the guy had just walked on without resorting to the pathetic middle finger antics. 


I have already said he's an idiot but that's not my point and a story of an Asian person behaving badly in UK it doesn't even make the local newspaper let alone the national newspaper. I made a few comments since then which outline more what my point is have a look and see what you think and let me know.

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