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Thailand reports 2,419 new coronavirus cases, 19 new deaths


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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Yes it does just float away, like the experts keep telling us this virus is airborne, this has been known from the beginning but some people think that it's only transmitted by droplets which is why so many health care workers get infected at work.Take a look at the story in the link, it's a worry when so many refuse to listen to the experts and at least I did some independent research to confirm what our internet friends tell us.Follow the science and get up to date.



There was a time when it was thought that the particles could float around and live for many days on surfaces.

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Just now, FarFlungFalang said:

So what happened to change your mind?

CDC and other organizations did research to determine the efficacy of face masks, and found that they were useful in blocking transmission of the virus. Not 100%, but every bit helps.


So, yes, there may be some particles floating around, but the vast majority of transmission is via water droplets.


This is like the issue of motorcycle drivers wearing a helmet. The helmet will not save wearers 100% of the time, but it helps. The anti-helmet types will point to accidents where the helmet wearer died, or where someone not wearing a helmet survived, but anecdotes are not evidence.





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5 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

So, yes, there may be some particles floating around, but the vast majority of transmission is via water droplets.

Any links to this absurd claim you make?How can anybody possibly prove this?How can anyone determine wether a transmission took place via  droplets or aerosol?You could put them in seperate rooms and see if infections occur like what's been happening in Oz hotel quarantine system.It's the reason why so few infection occur outside it why they talk about ventilation so much.Inside the virus just swirls around until it reaches somebody.Stop being an aerosol denier and get with the program and get with the science and try my experiment and see for yourself.

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13 hours ago, Swimfan said:
17 hours ago, 10baht said:

Who is counting, but cases per capita is about the same as India and some days worse. Great job ????


who taught you maths ? 

Sorry, I was off by a factor of 10. That's what I get trying to do the math in my head. "maths" ? 

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48 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Any links to this absurd claim you make?How can anybody possibly prove this?How can anyone determine wether a transmission took place via  droplets or aerosol?You could put them in seperate rooms and see if infections occur like what's been happening in Oz hotel quarantine system.It's the reason why so few infection occur outside it why they talk about ventilation so much.Inside the virus just swirls around until it reaches somebody.Stop being an aerosol denier and get with the program and get with the science and try my experiment and see for yourself.

Even if you are 100% correct, you have to admit that some virus is carried by water droplets, and therefore face masks are useful.


Unless you want to make the claim that no virus is carried by water droplets.

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4 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Even if you are 100% correct, you have to admit that some virus is carried by water droplets, and therefore face masks are useful.


Unless you want to make the claim that no virus is carried by water droplets.

I readily acknowledge that the virus is carried in water droplets and can be a source of infection but it seems clear to me after imagining and picturing aerosols for a long time that the main driver for this pandemic is aerosol transmission (not the only driver but the main one).Aerosol transmission answers a lot of questions and poses problems if people deny this is a main driver of transmissions.Aerosol transmission reduces the perceived effectiveness of masks, I don't say masks don't do anything, but rather they are not as effective in this pandemic as some would believe.So as funny as my stupid little experiment was it clearly showed that if the virus is airborne masks are next to useless in stoping this pandemic.I don't even object to wearing masks rather I object to the lack of intelligence behind making them legally mandatory by way of knee jerk reaction.Can you tell me how many infections occurred outdoors in the open?In recent days some dismay has been expressed that transmissions might be occurring in the family home.

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6 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I readily acknowledge that the virus is carried in water droplets and can be a source of infection but it seems clear to me after imagining and picturing aerosols for a long time that the main driver for this pandemic is aerosol transmission (not the only driver but the main one).Aerosol transmission answers a lot of questions and poses problems if people deny this is a main driver of transmissions.Aerosol transmission reduces the perceived effectiveness of masks, I don't say masks don't do anything, but rather they are not as effective in this pandemic as some would believe.So as funny as my stupid little experiment was it clearly showed that if the virus is airborne masks are next to useless in stoping this pandemic.I don't even object to wearing masks rather I object to the lack of intelligence behind making them legally mandatory by way of knee jerk reaction.Can you tell me how many infections occurred outdoors in the open?In recent days some dismay has been expressed that transmissions might be occurring in the family home.

Given that the virus can be carried by water droplets, your entire posting history today is kind of stupid.  Face masks protect against transmission of the virus by water droplets, and therefore should be worn. It doesn't matter if there are other transmission vectors.


Your position is like someone posting that anyone using condoms to protect against HIV transmission is stupid because HIV can be passed via syringes.

Edited by Danderman123
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18 minutes ago, anchadian said:
BREAKING: Thai health ministry reporting 17 deaths and 2,101 cases on Sunday. Full update at 12:30pm.
5 May: 2,112 - 15 dead
6 May: 1,911 - 18 dead
7 May: 2,044 - 27 dead
8 May: 2,419 - 19 dead
9 May: 2,101 - 17 dead <— TODAY #COVID19 #โควิด19 #โควิดวันนี้ #Thailand

High numbers again, seven day rolling average shows us back on the upwards trajectory and thats with a two day lag, so more to come. Field hospitals at breaking point now in Bangkok





Edited by Bkk Brian
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9 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

Given that the virus can be carried by water droplets, your entire posting history today is kind of stupid.  Face masks protect against transmission of the virus by water droplets, and therefore should be worn. It doesn't matter if there are other transmission vectors.


Your position is like someone posting that anyone using condoms to protect against HIV transmission is stupid because HIV can be passed via syringes.

Have you sneezed with a mask on? I know I have and when I put my hand a couple of inches in front of the mask and sneezed my hand got wet with water droplets not to mention the billions of viral particles I expelled during the sneeze projected into the air to infect people through their eyeballs because they are not wearing a sealed mask respirator.It's known that full hazmat suits with enclosed respiratory system are very effective at stopping transmission so why aren't these mandatory?

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Have you sneezed with a mask on? I know I have and when I put my hand a couple of inches in front of the mask and sneezed my hand got wet with water droplets not to mention the billions of viral particles I expelled during the sneeze projected into the air to infect people through their eyeballs because they are not wearing a sealed mask respirator.It's known that full hazmat suits with enclosed respiratory system are very effective at stopping transmission so why aren't these mandatory?

No one has claimed that face masks are 100% effective. But, stopping some of the droplets is better than stopping none of the droplets. 

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9 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

High numbers again, seven day rolling average shows us back on the upwards trajectory and thats with a two day lag, so more to come. Field hospitals at breaking point now in Bangkok





If they use the field hospital when the hospitals are full and the field hospitals are full then that doesn't sound like a situation that is under control.

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

If they use the field hospital when the hospitals are full and the field hospitals are full then that doesn't sound like a situation that is under control.

Yep, just about sums the situation up.

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2 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Is it?What happens to the viral particles caught by the mask when the moisture evaporates from the mask?Do you think they just stay with the mask or do they end up joining the rest of the floating virus in the air?

Some people throw away paper masks and wash cloth face masks. 

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7 minutes ago, FarFlungFalang said:

If they use the field hospital when the hospitals are full and the field hospitals are full then that doesn't sound like a situation that is under control.

I would like to see some hospital occupancy data. 


I believe that yesterday more people left hospitals than entered. Not sure though. 

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3 minutes ago, Danderman123 said:

I would like to see some hospital occupancy data. 


I believe that yesterday more people left hospitals than entered. Not sure though. 

Sometimes it just stares you in the face that they are struggling:


"Ambulances from different hospitals made about 10 trips to take the patients to the field hospital which is, so far, accommodating about 600 patients from Bangkok and its neighboring provinces."

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1 hour ago, anchadian said:




Chonburi Public Health Office has just just announced that they have 96

new cases today. The total so far is now 3,298. Most new cases in Bang Lamung/Pattaya (41), Chonburi City (13), and Sriracha (25) #COVID19 #โควิด19 #Thailand



So between yesterday and today we have an uptick in cases, which would seem to show that it is till moving around with people being infected and seems that it does not want to abate.  Eventually it will wain, but when? after everyone in Chonburi is infected, or ?  Stay vigilant and safe folks.


I was just advised by my son in the US, who was vaccinated back in January, as he is with the military, that he has now tested positive for Covid and he indicated he thought it was just like he had a Hay Fever cold like he seems to get when he is around Oak Trees, but there are no Oak trees where he is based.

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Read more:  https://www.facebook.com/nbtworld/posts/10158001982397050


The Commerce Ministry has tightened controls on delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent operators from profiteering as online orders have surged following a fresh wave of infections.

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1 hour ago, 10baht said:

Sorry, I was off by a factor of 10. That's what I get trying to do the math in my head. "maths" ? 

Yes maths. It’s part of the English language. 
Back to school for you. 

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6 minutes ago, anchadian said:



Phuket netizens were up in arms recently over a foreigner who was caught on camera driving a motorcycle without a mask or helmet. Witnesses said he was driving fast and also gave the middle finger to other drivers. Local media report that police were able to track him down.

Do you mean it was "a nut in" falang disguise or a falang disguised as a nut in public?

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34 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Yep, just about sums the situation up.

Note the marked difference to the rhetoric of the Oz and Thai officials in Oz 1-2 positives and things are out of control yet in Thailand the officials are the last to say it's out of control even with thousands of new infections a day. 

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"According to the report of #COVID19 cases in #Thailand, there is a high number of infections in #Bangkok. BMA plans to work on active case finding, with the goal of testing 26,850 persons per week, to find new cases and prevent the spread of the disease effectively."


This works out around 3,800 tests a day in Bangkok through active finding, an improvement but falling far short of what is necessary and leaving many areas where their are hospital walk ins untouched.





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8 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

"According to the report of #COVID19 cases in #Thailand, there is a high number of infections in #Bangkok. BMA plans to work on active case finding, with the goal of testing 26,850 persons per week, to find new cases and prevent the spread of the disease effectively."


This works out around 3,800 tests a day in Bangkok through active finding, an improvement but falling far short of what is necessary and leaving many areas where their are hospital walk ins untouched.






Thanks for that. Only Bangkok but still, IMO, they are stretched or they would have increased those numbers. Not a good sign.

Edited by MikeyIdea
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