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Dr Yong: Praises Thailand's Covid-19 response and targets 70% jabbed in next four months


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9 hours ago, EricTh said:

Yes, Thailand did a great job in the first two waves but failed badly in the third wave so stop patting yourself.


Other Asian countries like China, HK, Vietnam, Taiwan, Cambodia, Laos, Singapore have much lower total virus count.


The vaccine rollout was also too slow and messy.



What did Thailand do that was so right? It was the virus itself that didn't take off for some reason. The country was some how lucky.

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4 hours ago, mrfill said:

The UK started jabbing before Christmas, 5 months ago. The roll out has been very successful and praised widely and as of yesterday 56.8% had received at least one dose.

Thailand intends to jab 25% more people in a month less with little organisation or the vast number of volunteers which has made the UK roll out successful.


It also helps to actually have the vaccines rather than a dream that they might have.

Exactly. They don’t have the vaccines and even if they did, they don’t have the organizational skills to get them into arms quickly.


Talk is cheap. If they manage to do half what they are predicting I’d be amazed.

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11 hours ago, webfact said:

He stressed the importance of getting 70% of the population vaccinated over the next 4 months

“Come on you target for faraway laughter
Come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine

You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon
Shine on you crazy diamond“

Pink Floyd

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