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Winge Of The Week - Butchered Test


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Having just typed up a post and done "preview post" to see how it was going to get

chopped up with single-word lines and corrected it three or four times until it was

"baby bear" just right and posted it and found it was hacked to bits anyway I'm

not sure if my English influence leaves me "slightly miffed" or my Irish influence

leaves me "something else (I'm being really polite there)".

:o:D :D and off to discuss this with Khun Chang.

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Beer + posting = nonsense

Please repost when you are sober and maybe we will be able to help

totster :o

In this case it was posting BEFORE beer.

I was just failing to be humorous with the last line.

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Perhaps make your problem a tad clearer?

Are you saying that your paragraphs get chopped up after posting? Your sentences get chopped up? Not sure what you are doing to get such a result, but perhaps it has more to do with your posting style than anything else. I see many people who manage to post long posts without getting chopped up one line posts.

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Beer + posting = nonsense

Please repost when you are sober and maybe we will be able to help

totster :D

In this case it was posting BEFORE beer.

I was just failing to be humorous with the last line.

Then my apologies.. although, it would have been a good excuse .... :o

Anyway.. as SBK has said, you'll need to try and be more clear as to what the problem is.

Totster :D

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Anyway farangsay, can you post a link to your "hacked up" post and we'll tidy it up for you?

I think a random pick would do it. :o

Don't use carriage returns when you type except at paragraph breaks, just let it automatically word wrap and it will look fine. Trying to manually format lines will guarantee orphaned words and will display differently on different screens depending on resolution.

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Another problem I've found is trying to use the "space" bar to seperate things out a bit.

For what ever reason, the software lets me put in multiple spaces, and it (sometimes) shows up properly on the Preview Post, but when you Add Reply, all the extra spaces are removed.

For example. I'm going to put (10) spaces between these ^ ^. Looks OK so far. Time for a Preview.

Nope. Spaces were removed. Really annoying when you are trying to do "Headers" and such. You end up having to do things like ^..........^ to get the seperation.

Ah if only all the problems in life were so small ! :o

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Sorry for not responding to all your helpful replies but I kind of took the first one as a "<deleted> off' and didn't look for any more. Only stumbled upon t'others looking for something else.

Tywais' post actually has half the answer.

The other half is the difference in width between the "post" window and the "preview post" window". The latter is wider as it doesn't have the smileys and stuff to the left. The post display is similarly narrower as it has the member/poster stuff on the left. If one wanted to nitpick one could say there is a flaw in the "preview post" option as it does not give a representation of what the post will look like , but one doesn't so .....

Yes , I do use carriage return to format text , but that is from years of wrestling with Microcrap products in an attempt to produce my version and not BFG's.

PS JD I do normally do a spellcheck , except when I'm miffed.

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Sorry for not responding to all your helpful replies but I kind of took the first one as a "<deleted> off' and didn't look for any more. Only stumbled upon t'others looking for something else.

Oops.. I didn't realise you were so sensitive... apologies again.

I still think the whole post is rather cryptic... glad you managed to get some helpful feedback though.

totster :o

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