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Thailand and its fight against Alcohol

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On 6/18/2021 at 2:54 PM, WineOh said:

I think I can.


As Thailand is a Buddhist country and has a solid conservative core, many older Thais view drinking as a sin.


Hence why, since the ultra right-wing conservative army stole power in 2014, there has been a war waged on the alcohol industry via heavy taxation and regulation.


Ultimately the junta would love to do away with drinking all together, though they know that it is practically impossible so they opt for the next best thing - milk as much money from the sale of booze as they can whilst simultaneously being actively seen trying to discourage the promotion of alcohol to appease their right wing core constituents.



The high levels of taxation and restrictions on when you can buy alcohol have been in place for many years and long before the current crowd took over.

Its interesting that Thaksin never took any steps to remove the restrictions.

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28 minutes ago, sipi said:

Ahh nice. You one, me nil. I owe you a beer.

So back to that argument about whether we went to the moon or not? ????


13 years ago. My god it felt like yesterday. How time flies. I honestly thought it was later than that.

When you're 85 years old and been in Thailand since 1985 you're allowed to be out a few years.????

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This 'fight' against alcohol is a little strange, Ive spent numerous days in Thailand on these Buddha days / no alcohol days and tbh not that im desperate for a drink however its not hard to get served alcohol in many places, however the girly / prossy bars are closed on these days.


So it seems as a Buddhist country which would be more of a scorn on their religion / beliefs, Prostitution or a glass of wine with your meal?


With the Thai authorities unliklely to admit that prostitution is actually going on, they would also like to appease Buddha without actually admitting outwardly to their allowance of such activities.


So rather than saying we are shutting down the prostitution outlets for a couple of days, they alternatively ban alcohol, which just means the girly bars have to remain closed?


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6 hours ago, jomtienisgood said:

Too much fun around these 4 pages, I'm getting outta here. Going to buy a beer across the road.????????

And "poster of the thread award" goes to "jomtienisgood".

Who would have thought that some random act of parliament would have taken 3 years to filter from Bangkok to Phon Charoen?

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

People have been sneaking stuff in your drink when you say you don't drink and you call them friends. That is totally crazy an unacceptable. 


You get some very strange people in the world.  There are various vices that people swear are totally normal and cool, and if you don't like them you're just an old prude.  But good god, if one of these people who likes to overindulge in one or more of these vices finds one that does not, they will almost constantly try to get them to.  Seems that deep down they know what they're doing is likely negative, so they want the other person to do it as well to stop them from feeling bad.


Misery loves company, as they say.

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2 hours ago, Disparate Dan said:

till receipts? Where are you?

In Thailand, its an electronic till im sure that with a few commands they can make a print of what has been sold on a day during certain hours (i call that till receipts) sorry non native speaker. I just mean now they only have to look at a certain time to see if alcohol was sold. That is a much easier check and can be done at a later time then trying to catch people in the act. Hence a ban works better.  (or is easier to enforce)

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:


You get some very strange people in the world.  There are various vices that people swear are totally normal and cool, and if you don't like them you're just an old prude.  But good god, if one of these people who likes to overindulge in one or more of these vices finds one that does not, they will almost constantly try to get them to.  Seems that deep down they know what they're doing is likely negative, so they want the other person to do it as well to stop them from feeling bad.


Misery loves company, as they say.

I would not call drinking alcohol that bad, getting drunk all the time also not that bad (probably for health). I only have a problem with people who are drunk and make trouble (drunk drivers and aggressive (from the drug alcohol) people ect). I have no problem with people drinking or doing any other drugs. Up to them as long as they dont bother anyone. But i would never slip a  drug to someone (alcohol is a harddrug) without them knowing. I mean that is just mean. Just imagine if someone slipped you an xtc tablet and said it was a breath mint. 


Same goes for alcohol drugging someone is not fun. Though most people would notice the alcohol not the xtc (before it works) but the principle is the same trying to drug someone. 

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

In Thailand, its an electronic till im sure that with a few commands they can make a print of what has been sold on a day during certain hours (i call that till receipts) sorry non native speaker. I just mean now they only have to look at a certain time to see if alcohol was sold. That is a much easier check and can be done at a later time then trying to catch people in the act. Hence a ban works better.  (or is easier to enforce)

Not round any of my local shops, sunshine. You're correct, I don't speak Thai, but I can get beer any time of the day.

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3 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

Not round any of my local shops, sunshine. You're correct, I don't speak Thai, but I can get beer any time of the day.

Oh sure the family shops dont have electronic tills if they have tills at all and yes you can get beer there anytime. But i think the 711 and other real shops outnumber them.

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50 minutes ago, Disparate Dan said:

and yours is a slightly odd comment since you weren't involved..........


Everyone's involved on a public forum, buddy.


It's a big happy party of wonderfulness here on Thai Visa, and everyone's invited!  ????

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20 hours ago, sipi said:

When you're 85 years old and been in Thailand since 1985 you're allowed to be out a few years.????


I have to say you had me starting to doubt myself. I'm not even half your age yet but there are still times I'll recall things with such conviction only to be proved wrong. It's why I stopped making bets based on said convictions; I've learned that I'm usually wrong ????


Anyway at least I got this one. I rewarded myself with a beer. And then another. And then anoth....


And today I have a headache to show for all my hard work. Strange how that seems to happen every single time... ????

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4 hours ago, JayClay said:


I have to say you had me starting to doubt myself. I'm not even half your age yet but there are still times I'll recall things with such conviction only to be proved wrong. It's why I stopped making bets based on said convictions; I've learned that I'm usually wrong ????


Anyway at least I got this one. I rewarded myself with a beer. And then another. And then anoth....


And today I have a headache to show for all my hard work. Strange how that seems to happen every single time... ????

I'll apologise for sounding a bit harsh. That's just the way I am. There was nothing personal in it.

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On 6/18/2021 at 2:59 PM, sipi said:

I believe the 14.00 to 17.00 curfew was bought in originally to stop school kids buying alcohol.

Other than that I got no idea.


I think it was more to stop drinking on the job. Probably construction and trades. Lao Khao being the usual suspect.

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On 6/19/2021 at 4:06 PM, LawrenceN said:

Not supposed to do this outside the Thai language forum, but since you asked:

ขี้เมา=drinks too much


ติดยาเสพติด=addicted to drugs 

ติดใจ=stuck on anything else. 

Too late to edit, correcting my typo from yesterday:




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