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Thai PM urges all to do their utmost to make reopening of Thailand possible in October


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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Irrelevant comparison..... 

Surgical facemasks are effective at reducing particles of 0.1 microns >99%.

Comparing normal breathing of air at negligible pressure drop to water being delivered at about 20-30 psi is foolish. 

They don't wear them in operating theaters for a laugh!




but do they wear the cheap Chinese masks that most Thais do ?

The ones that state on the box " Not for medical use " ?

So how good are these in protecting you, when worn all day, often many days ?

How many Thais, and expats, wear the true medical masks, and replace them after short time like surgeons do ?

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4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

What happened to TWO shots? 

Is ONE shot now acceptable to be classified as vaccinated.

Good news for the sandbox folk. They only need one jab.


The vaccine companies aren't certain as to how long the protection lasts with two jabs let alone one.


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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


How to Uninspire People - Playbook Chapter 1.


"don't", "unattainable" and "I".




"We can, and we will, attain this goal"









Mr PM and health minister, we have our "arms" ready so do your job, get the vaccines out. You know where the bottleneck is give that "factory" a shake up.

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6 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

If anything the unvaccinated Thais are the ones posing the risk. 

Lets lock all the unvaccinated people up and force them into unvaxxed ghettos for our protection.

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2 hours ago, JustinCredible said:


With an attitude like yours (referring to Thai nationals as Peasants) I would hope it is a very long time before you get vaccinated.  

I was referring to how those on the top look at the remaining 99%. 

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Glad to hear the PM has "urges"...just what his true urges are is another story...if they are not getting as much QUALITY vaccine as he can into the arms of his fellow Thai citizens and expats alike, then his urges are nothing more than a pre-pubescent hormonal rant.

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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:


That's a bit harsh, no?


I hope that everyone including @djayz gets an invite to get vaccinated.


...and the needle hits his Humerus and breaks.

The truth can sometimes hurt. 

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1 hour ago, FarFlungFalang said:

Well then try putting some water in a cup and dribble some water into the mask and see how quickly the water flows through the mask with absolutely no pressure just try it and see for yourself instead of denying outright, the masks do next to nothing to restrict water droplets.

I am not doing all these silly experiments for you.....you don't even know water weighs 1kg/liter and hence gravity creates the pressure you say does not exist! You are lacking in scientific knowledge....actually I am tired of being trolled and you are gone to me!

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4 hours ago, riverhigh said:

Absolute rubbish statement. Private hospitals back in December of last year pleaded with the Thai government to allow them to order the covid vaccine but were turned down.

For the very same reason Thaksin was chased away, the narrative must be maintained at any cost, and private ventures, no matter how philanthropic, well meaning or beneficial, are not permitted.


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18 minutes ago, connda said:

Lets lock all the unvaccinated people up and force them into unvaxxed ghettos for our protection.

I certainly don't favor that however to "lock up" tourists who have been tested and have had the vaccine certainly is locking up those who are least likely to either contract or pass the virus.  However the quarantine of incoming tourists is unquestionably a huge deterrent for tourists to even want to try to visit Thailand.  The government policy is 180 degrees opposite of its stated intention of reviving the economy and it serves absolutely no useful purpose. 

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37 minutes ago, Joinaman said:

but do they wear the cheap Chinese masks that most Thais do ?

Diversion, but I do feel they mostly are less effective but will stop the majority of droplets from a cough or sneeze. 

Better than nothing...


Many Thais use reusable ones and some are better than others, fitting well, are larger and don't slip down... my Mrs got some and I would expect they do the job better than disposable surgical masks.  What ya going to do?

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How can this man Pruyet, who calls himself both Prime Minister

and Covid Czar, who has been dictating all decisions on the handling

of this 'pandemic',  dare put the onus of 'opening the country'  on the

people of Thailand at this time. It is has been a year and a half of  

issuing absolute orders, must be obeyed, which has decimated this

country. This lies squarely on his shoulders.  He has said, 120 more days

till the country is opened to foreigners, and he has to stick to that. The

restrictions on some cities are being lifted today, Monday June 21,

and that needs to happen. 


How dare he play the 'admonishing father' to the people of Thailand.

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Reopening under the sandbox scheme is not going to work. Nobody wants to come here and be tagged, checked every few days, restricted to a small choice of hotels and not allowed to leave the island for 2 weeks. Sad for Thai people who desperately need tourists to survive but this scheme is 100% doomed to fail. 

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2 hours ago, Moti24 said:

“We do the job with a clear target,” he said, as he predicted that there may be some disruptions, such as delayed vaccine deliveries, the possible emergence of new variants or other factors. Meanwhile, 91.4% of respondents to an opinion poll, conducted by Super Poll, said they agree with the government’s plan to reopen Thailand, in parallel with proper disease controls, after at least 50 million Thais have received their first vaccine dose.


The target was clear some time ago.  Unfortunately, the initial reaction to procure vaccine is responsible for the current situation.


A recent report from The UK detailed the cost in GBP of procuring vaccines per dose:

          Moderna        - 28

          Pfizer               - 15

          Astrazeneca  -  3

So far, more than 42 million people have had a first vaccine dose - about 80% of the adult population - and over 30 million have had a second.


Vaccines currently available here in Thailand are Sinovac, Sinopharm and Astrazeneca; I'll leave you to make-up your own minds.

I wonder if Thailand is paying cash for the sinovac they are receiving, or getting it donated for free.


haven’t seen any reporting on that.

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2 minutes ago, Charlie Halliday said:

Reopening under the sandbox scheme is not going to work. Nobody wants to come here and be tagged, checked every few days, restricted to a small choice of hotels and not allowed to leave the island for 2 weeks. Sad for Thai people who desperately need tourists to survive but this scheme is 100% doomed to fail. 

The actual requirements to make this happen have yet to be defined.... months away yet, plenty of time for each wannabe to have an input and get a photo opportunity. Bet it ends up being as popular as the Special Tourist Visa....

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2 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Comparing normal breathing of air at negligible pressure drop to water being delivered at about 20-30 psi is foolish. 

I'm glad you mentioned the issue of pressure because when someone coughs or sneezes a considerable amount of pressure is exerted on any residual moisture in the fabric of the mask forcing the any liquid to to be expelled in the form of even smaller size and the finer vaporised liquid will remain in the air longer and travel further than the larger droplets would if one was not wearing a mask making the risk of infecting others even greater. 

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1 hour ago, Antonymous said:


Research shows that they are mostly ineffective, yes. A surgical or cloth mask will to some extent help to stop you snotting all over someone close to you if you cough or sneeze, but they cannot and are not designed to stop aerosol particles. Problem is that despite scientists telling us this even before Covid based on decades of research into influenza and again loudly when Covid started, the CDC did not admit that it was possible until May 7th 2021. By then the damage was done and everyone (who hadn't studied the actual research) was gripped with FEAR and felt it necessary to wear masks even in the least appropriate situations.


“Disposable medical masks (also known as surgical masks) are loose-fitting devices that were designed to be worn by medical personnel to protect accidental contamination of patient wounds, and to protect the wearer against splashes or sprays of bodily fluids …


There is limited evidence for their effectiveness in preventing influenza virus transmission either when worn by the infected person for source control or when worn by uninfected persons to reduce exposure.


Our systematic review found no significant effect of face masks on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza … In this review, we did not find evidence to support a protective effect of personal protective measures or environmental measures in reducing influenza transmission.”


Emerging Infectious Diseases May 2020; 26(5)


"C.D.C. has now caught up to the latest scientific evidence, and they’ve gotten rid of some old problematic terms and thinking about how transmission occurs,” Linsey Marr, an aerosol expert at Virginia Tech, told the paper. University of Maryland aerosol scientist Donald Milton said there should be a “better focus on good respirators” for those forced to work in close quarters. “A surgical mask, even if it’s tucked in on the edges, is still not really going to give you enough protection if you’re in a meatpacking plant elbow to elbow all day long with other people,” he said.”


And more here:


"Federal health officials on Friday updated public guidance about how the coronavirus spreads, emphasizing that transmission occurs by inhaling very fine respiratory droplets and aerosolized particles, as well as through contact with sprayed droplets or touching contaminated hands to one’s mouth, nose or eyes.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention now states explicitly — in large, bold lettering — that airborne virus can be inhaled even when one is more than six feet away from an infected individual. The new language, posted online, is a change from the agency’s previous position that most infections were acquired through “close contact, not airborne transmission.”

Nice effort to parse words to make it sound like CDC says face masks are ineffective in stopping transmission of the virus. 


Since you are quoting the CDC:


In an editorial published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), CDC reviewed the latest science and affirms that cloth face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 that could reduce the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities. There is increasing evidence that cloth face coverings help prevent people who have COVID-19 from spreading the virus to others.

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1 minute ago, FarFlungFalang said:

I'm glad you mentioned the issue of pressure because when someone coughs or sneezes a considerable amount of pressure is exerted on any residual moisture in the fabric of the mask forcing the any liquid to to be expelled in the form of even smaller size and the finer vaporised liquid will remain in the air longer and travel further than the larger droplets would if one was not wearing a mask making the risk of infecting others even greater. 

Of course, if you are not wearing a face mask, all of the particles are free to infect others. 


CDC recommends wearing a face mask to slow viral transmission. 

Edited by Danderman123
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1 hour ago, Joinaman said:

but do they wear the cheap Chinese masks that most Thais do ?

The ones that state on the box " Not for medical use " ?

So how good are these in protecting you, when worn all day, often many days ?

How many Thais, and expats, wear the true medical masks, and replace them after short time like surgeons do ?

So, your alternative is no face masks at all? 

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43 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

How about starting with getting rid of some ridiculous restrictions.  Start with tourists who have been tested are fully vaccinated not having to stay in quarantine. 

Vaccinated tourists can still be carriers and transmit the virus to Thais who have not been vaccinated.


The ONLY safe way to open Thailand is by having the local population vaccinated. 


Moot point anyway as mass tourism is gone for many years yet, and with mutations of the virus happening, maybe permanently. 

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