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Government urged to try harder to procure sufficient vaccine for the Thai people


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3 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

Thailand is not doing too bad compared to the region:

Australia - - 23%

Malaysia - ~ 17%

Indonesia - ~10%

Thailand - ~ 10%

Philippines - ~ 8%

Vietnam - ~ 3.4%



It would be nice if you explained what your % figures mean! (%'s of what?)

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5 hours ago, JonnyF said:


I have a feeling the administration of the jabs themselves will take a lot of time as well. I had my first jab on Monday. It went like this.


  • Queue for a ticket like you do at the bank (10 minutes)
  • 30 minutes later move to a different room to receive some forms, check passport etc.
  • Took me 20 minutes to fill in 3 pages of questions (all in Thai language only). Fortunately our HR Manager was on hand to help me with this.
  • Go to another room for someone to check the forms were filled in correctly. 15 minutes wait.
  • Ushered to another room for someone to type the info into a computer (45 minutes wait)
  • Move to another room to get blood pressure taken (40 minutes wait)
  • Go to another room for the jab (15 minute wait).
  • Go to another room for 30 minutes post jab to see if there is a reaction (good idea).


Total process over 3 hours for a single jab. I arrived early and it wasn't particularly busy there either, presumably due to the vaccine shortage. This type of process severely limits how many needles can go into arms each day, even if they had unlimited vaccines.


Maybe they could streamline the process? Have a standard form that can be filled in prior to the visit? Turn up with the form and show ID, then get blood pressure taken and the needle in the arm (could these 2 processes possibly be done by the same nurse?). 


I know in the UK they have a 'grab a jab' scheme where you can just go to a supermarket or a mall or whatever and just walk in. A few questions and the needle is in your arm. Maybe that's why they rolled it out so quickly? Too much to ask here?

A lower slower process than where I live and less information needed.

It seems to be a shambles in Australia and we are supposed to be an advanced country

However you know how they like paperwork here I needed a new bank book the other day as mine was full.

(I think they stopped using bank books in Aus about 20 years ago)

It was virtually the same as opening a new account.

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On 6/29/2021 at 1:59 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Where has anything ever been done harder and faster in Thailand when it comes to Government work and bureaucracy.  Slow and steady is how things are done just like the vaccine rollout without any expediency.  However, I know that when I get a certain urge I get on top of it and work harder and faster, but that is a different type of work I would suppose. ????


The Government's waiting for the home grown vaccine to be available in large quantities so has to make them look good and maybe make a profit. Ha!


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The only way to get this Government to act urgently would be to stick a hot poker up their rectum. Whoops they probably would not know it was there.

You can guarantee all politicians have received their Vaccinations against the Virus. Even the politician that tried to import illegal substances into Australia and was caught found guilty and jailed in Australia. He still sits in the Parliament. 

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2 hours ago, sambum said:


I don't think they were thinking of China as a  "quality vaccine" provider. They were probably referring to Pfizer (American) Moderna (American), and J&J (American), which of course would mean stepping on some influetial Oriental toes were they to acquire substantial supplies from the West!

It reminds me of how Thailand took the side of the Japanese many, many years ago - during a major world war. That didn’t play out so well either. 

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10 hours ago, sambum said:


Absolutely scandalous if true - they will probably tryt to justify it by  saying  that the deal was sealed long before Covid came to Thailand.

Actually they said they needed it to transport vaccine throughout the country. They could have leased a plane for a year, if that was the true purpose of getting more cargo planes to move vaccine.


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8 hours ago, Banana7 said:

Actually they said they needed it to transport vaccine throughout the country. They could have leased a plane for a year, if that was the true purpose of getting more cargo planes to move vaccine.


I expect there are a few domestic airlines that could have helped there. 

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On 6/29/2021 at 4:59 PM, ThailandRyan said:

Where has anything ever been done harder and faster in Thailand when it comes to Government work and bureaucracy.  Slow and steady is how things are done just like the vaccine rollout without any expediency.  However, I know that when I get a certain urge I get on top of it and work harder and faster, but that is a different type of work I would suppose. ????


I can not understand why you's up there Thai or farang's are going on about your vaccine rollout come here to Australia we are the lowest country in the western world.we sill only have one vaccine available if you can get it,There is so much bull sh-t going on between the poli's and health departments and state's. as  any Aussie lucky enough to live up there would know. The whole country is now in some sort of  lockdown. It is just F--ked down I'm out of work for the 3rd time in 18months,Pubs and clubs are closed bottle shops open but up go the prices, can get Chang down here at some places 6 pack sm bottles $17.00 smokes up to $30.00 for 20 Morrison has to get of his a-- and get these border's open cause I'm on the first plane out of here, and by that time will be vaccinated And my beloved Thailand will have no quarantine and sandboxes. Anyone  in BKK are the trains still running and how. JUST KEEP THE BAR'S OPEN. 

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On 6/30/2021 at 8:01 AM, robsamui said:

Things that everybody ought to know about Thailand's numbers and statistics.

1. No Thai 'spokesperson' actually knows the reality of the figures or statistics that they quote. They're handed numbers which have been prepared by somebody else.

2. When a Thai 'spokesperson' isn't given any figures or statistics, they make them up, trying to sound as optimistic as possible.

3. The people who compile the figures or statistics for the Thai 'spokespeople' usually believe that they are accurate, even though they know nothing much about figures or statistics. These figures or statistics are usually ordered to be biased for effect and are frequently inaccurate.

4. Often the people who compile the figures or statistics couldn't care less, as they will be handing the figures or statistics on to somebody else and there's no way of proving them right or wrong, so they just make them up.


CONCLUSION: Absolutely no figures or statistics produced or stated by a Thai 'spokesperson' are accurate and can be believed, even if they genuinely think that they are.

laughing out loudTINY.png



Nothing but fake news on COVID from the government.  They should take down all their FB pages in order to comply with Thai law. 

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Thonburi Healthcare Group (THG) posted today,  July 2, 2021, that they contacted Moderna and asked when the vaccine will arrive in Thailand. Moderna replied they are waiting for the Thai government to sign the contract.


Obviously the Thai government is stalling to procure a highly effective vaccine. Amazing Thailand!


Why do the Thai people tolerate this government, and its inaction?




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