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90 day reporting with new passport

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I have to complete a 90 day report later this month.  Since my last 90 day report I have renewed my passport and had  the stamps from my old passport transferred to my new one at Chaeng Wattana. 


Normally I do my 90 day report online but realise this may not  work this time around due to the change of passport. 


As the appointment system is down for the time-being this will mean a trip to MTT, without an appointment, and joining the inevitable long queue, which I'm reluctant to do with the escalating Covid situation.  


So I have several questions:


1. Can do my online report using my old passport details  - although I've renewed it, the expiry date is not until 2022?

2. If not, is it possible to use the postal method or send a proxy given this will be the first 90 day report with the new passport?

3. Do other options exist?


Many thanks in advance

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1. You could try but immigration may reject it since you have already transferred your stamps to the new passport.

2. Either way could be done since your stamps have been transferred to the new one.

3. Try online first since with you new passport you do not have any records of doing one before and it may go through or with luck they may of updated your records to show the new passport number.

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27 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

1. You could try but immigration may reject it since you have already transferred your stamps to the new passport.

2. Either way could be done since your stamps have been transferred to the new one.

3. Try online first since with you new passport you do not have any records of doing one before and it may go through or with luck they may of updated your records to show the new passport number.

Many thanks. Sounds like a plan 

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I would not report using my old passport details, but read the terms and conditions covering this.


You can try on line/app, it shouldn't work, but given this system, it probably will.


You can send a proxy, I'd have them bring both old and new passports.


You can report by post - I'd do this.

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I suggest that you mail in your documents as registered mail with the emphasis on *registered* mail. I've done this for the last year. I never have a problem with this. My province's Immigration can't manage reporting by email and it's 150 kms. round trip to their office.. 

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2 hours ago, renaissanc said:

I suggest that you mail in your documents as registered mail with the emphasis on *registered* mail. I've done this for the last year. I never have a problem with this. My province's Immigration can't manage reporting by email and it's 150 kms. round trip to their office.. 

I have same problem , but have never used the on line Reporting just in person and for the last 8 -10 years by mail. Which is what I plan on doing on the 13th of July. I think I will mail all the new pass port copies plus the old Pass port one with written on it OLD PASS PORT SEE "NEW PASS PORT Copies"

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Just to demonstrate the inconsistencies of Thai Immigration, when they transferred my stamps to my new passport about 3 weeks ago, they automatically gave me a new 90 day report starting from that date, even though I had done one online with the old passport 2 weeks earlier!!!!

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In the end I went to MTT yesterday to do my 90 day report. I was very concerned it might be busy. They are supposed to be closed for lunch 12-1 so when I arrived at 12.30 I was surprised I was processed immediately. I was the only one there! No queues, no waiting, immediate service. Brilliant. 

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