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Bumrungrad Hospital to start registration for Moderna vaccine today - jabs from November

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11 minutes ago, streetlite said:

Did anyone get through and register? I would like to hear that story. 


There are thousands of posts on FB, but all in Thai. And translations were suspended weeks ago. And I can't get Google Translate within Chrome to (right-click) translate, which is a new issue for me. And no time to trouble-shoot it.





6 hours ago, webfact said:

One of Bangkok's top hospitals - Bumrungrad in Sukhumvit Road Soi 1 - will be accepting registration for a vaccine of choice against Covid-19 from 9 am today, they announced yesterday as reported by Daily News.

Money to be made... otherwise stay away.

  • Like 1
18 hours ago, mtls2005 said:


There are thousands of posts on FB, but all in Thai. And translations were suspended weeks ago. And I can't get Google Translate within Chrome to (right-click) translate, which is a new issue for me. And no time to trouble-shoot it.





Bumrungrad Day 2:


Was on their site since 8:30am this morning. Joined the queue at 9am, with less than 1 hour to wait. At 9:27am, the screen blanked out, and then came up with "Today's registration limit for Moderna Alternative Vaccine has been reached.  You can register for the vaccine tomorrow from 09.00 am onwards."



"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke


I did much the same. I was online from about 8.30. At 9, I got in the queue. Initially it said I had a 7 minute wait, but within a minute or so, that went to 50 minutes. Got kicked off just before 9.30, when I was down to 20 minutes.


Same here, trying to help a mate register, figured the more of us trying the more chance he'd have.  Opened at 9:02, wait time 16 hours, then changed to 1 hour, then service unavailable, refreshed the window, wait time 38 minutes, then an hour, then 'sorry full'.  More chance of winning the lottery.  The way things are going with Covid, along with the increasing reports of the efficacy of Sinovac, will only make booking vaccines in this way harder and harder, impossible for many.  Disgrace really.

  • Like 2
3 hours ago, Misty said:

Bumrungrad Day 2:


At least it was a quick and painful death today, compared to yesterday.


Scanning social media today, still having a hard time finding others who registered.


A ThaiVisa member, Yellowtail said in multiple posts that they were able to register yesterday, and pay today via an email link.


So at least one Sisyphus made up the mountain, while most of us, alas, watched our boulder roll back down.


There's always tomorrow.



1 hour ago, mtls2005 said:


At least it was a quick and painful death today, compared to yesterday.


Scanning social media today, still having a hard time finding others who registered.


A ThaiVisa member, Yellowtail said in multiple posts that they were able to register yesterday, and pay today via an email link.


So at least one Sisyphus made up the mountain, while most of us, alas, watched our boulder roll back down.


There's always tomorrow.



Thanks, that's good news for Yellowtail.  It does feel like a twisted game of Survivor at this point.  Is it Season 35-Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers? Or maybe Season 38-Edge of Extinction.

"Why do some places prosper and thrive, while others just suck?" - P.J. O'Rourke


Managed to get through the actual form filling stage today.  Problem is, by the time I'd typed all the info in and hit 'Submit' it said 'Form Closed'.  Not sure whether that means it went or not or "thanks for wasting your time again on the <deleted> systems of Thailand".  I'm guessing the latter.  

  • Thanks 1


10 minutes ago, Misty said:

Hope you got in.  Not me. I was on their site from 8:30am, got into the queue and then got the kiss of death at 9:10am. 


Nice way to treat long term customers, Bumrungrad. The site said they had "2 million visitors" as an excuse.  Do they have actually have 2 million customers I wonder.




Yeah as I say, I actually got to the form filling stage today but just got 'Form Closed' at the bottom when I clicked 'Submit'.  Not 'Submitted', 'Received' or whatever.  So it looks like it's a frantic race to get the form filled in in time even when you get to that stage, otherwise the quota will fill up and close on you.  The way they are doing might seem fair to them, the downside is there's probably thousands of people sat at their computers for 3 days now, wasting time on this BS.


Pitiful state the powers that be have landed this country in.  Not much mutual back patting going on at the moment I bet, lower than cockroaches the bloody lot of them.

  • Haha 1
11 minutes ago, Misty said:

Hope you got in.  Not me. I was on their site from 8:30am, got into the queue and then got the kiss of death at 9:10am. 


Nice way to treat long term customers, Bumrungrad. The site said they had "2 million visitors" as an excuse.  Do they have actually have 2 million customers I wonder.



Same for me. I was on at 8.00am, got the all done message at 9.09.


Congrats on making it further at least SooKee. Any tips on how you got to the form, or is it just the luck of the draw?


Also, what info do they want on the form? So I can at least be ready if I ever get that far. 



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1.คำนำหน้าRequired to answer. Single choice.
นาย / Mr.
2.โปรดระบุชื่อRequired to answer. Single line text.
Please enter your name

3.โปรดระบุนามสกุลRequired to answer. Single line text.
Please enter your surname

4.ท่านเคยมีประวัติการรักษาที่โรงพยาบาลบำรุงราษฎร์หรือไม่ ?Required to answer. Single choice.
Have you had a history of treatment at Bumrungrad Hospital ?
มี / Yes
ไม่มี / No
5.โปรดระบุ Hospital Number (HN) กรณีเคยมีประวัติที่โรงพยาบาลบำรุงราษฎร์Single line text.
Please specify your Hospital Number (HN), if you have a history of treatment at Bumrungrad Hospital.

6.ประเภทของบัตรประจำตัวRequired to answer. Single choice.
Identification Card Type
บัตรประจำตัวประชาชน / Thai National ID
พาสปอร์ต / Passport
บัตรประจำตัวคนซึ่งไม่มีสัญชาติไทย / Non Thai Identification Card
อื่นๆ /Other
7.สัญชาติRequired to answer. Single choice.
8.หมายเลขบัตรประจำตัวRequired to answer. Single line text.
Identification Number
9.วันเดือนปีเกิดRequired to answer. Date.
Date of Birth
10.หมายเลขโทรศัพท์มือถือRequired to answer. Single line text.
Mobile phone number
11.E-mail Address : กรณีที่ท่านได้รับการจัดสรรวัคซีน ทางโรงพยาบาลจะดำเนินการส่งข้อมูลการชำระเงินทาง E-mail Address นี้ โปรดตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของ E-mail AddressRequired to answer. Single line text.
If you have been allocated vaccinations, the hospital will send a payment information via this e-mail address. Please verify your e-mail Address before submit form
12.ที่อยู่ปัจจุบัน : บ้านเลขที่Required to answer. Single line text.
Address : House Number
13.ตำบล/เขตRequired to answer. Single line text.

14.อำเภอRequired to answer. Single line text.
15.จังหวัดRequired to answer. Single line text.
16.โปรดระบุประวัติการได้รับวัคซีนโควิดRequired to answer. Single choice.
Please provide a history of COVID-19 vaccination
ไม่เคยได้รับวัคซีนมาก่อน / Never been vaccinated
ได้รับ Sinovac ครบ 2 สองเข็มแล้ว /Fully vaccinated with Sinovac
ได้รับ Sinovac เพียง 1 เข็ม / Only one dose of Sinovac vaccine
ได้รับ AstraZeneca เพียง 1 เข็ม หรือครบ 2 เข็มแล้ว / One dose or Fully vaccinated of AstraZeneca
อื่นๆ / Other
17.ท่านได้รับโควต้าในการจองวัคซีนจำนวน 2 doseRequired to answer. Single choice.
You receive a quota for booking two dose
รับทราบ / acknowledged
18.นโยบายการคืนเงิน: ทางโรงพยาบาลมีนโยบายไม่คืนเงินในทุกกรณี ยกเว้นกรณีที่ทางโรงพยาบาลไม่สามารถจัดหาวัคซีนมาให้กับท่านได้ โดยทางโรงพยาบาลจะทำการคืนเงินให้กับผู้ที่ไม่ได้รับการจัดสรรวัคซีน หลังจากที่ได้รับทราบการจัดสรรวัคซีนจากองค์การเภสัชกรรม หรือหลังจากที่ได้รับชำระเงินจากท่าน ภายใน 15 วันทำการ ทางโรงพยาบาลไม่อนุญาตให้มีการโอนสิทธิ์การจองวัคซีนนี้ไปให้บุคคลอื่นRequired to answer. Single choice.
Refund Policy: no refund in all cases, except only in the event that the hospital is unable to provide you with the vaccine. The hospital will make a refund for unallocated vaccine person after the hospital knows allocated vaccine amount from GPO or after receipt of your payment within 15 working days The hospital will not allow any transfer of vaccine quota to other person.
รับทราบ / acknowledged
This form is closed.
  • Thanks 2
3 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Thank you both for the info anyway. Please let us know if you get a payment link in the next few days!

I'll be announcing my winning lottery ticket before that happens I think.

  • Like 1

One more question, please! At 9.00am, did you constantly refresh, or just wait for it to update? I had 2 browsers open and refreshed one, and left the other to update on it own. They seemed to change at the same time, but maybe there's a pattern. (Or maybe I am grasping at straws)


Gave up on Bumngrad.  Someone sent me a link for Kasemrad Hospitals.  Registered and paid for my chum for Moderna full dose (2) at World Medical Hospital, Chaeng Wattana.  Took much refreshing of screens and re-submitting of details following 'Can't be processed at this time' but persevered and it all went through eventually.


Had dozens of attempts due to their servers doubtless being busy and had to change hospitals once (don't know it that helped or not) but all sorted, at least inasmuch as you can count registered and paid as being sorted.

  • Like 1
4 hours ago, Polar Bear said:

One more question, please! At 9.00am, did you constantly refresh, or just wait for it to update? I had 2 browsers open and refreshed one, and left the other to update on it own. They seemed to change at the same time, but maybe there's a pattern. (Or maybe I am grasping at straws)

Tried multiple browser windows the 2nd day.  Today just had the one window open which I opened at 08:59 then kept clicking the 'Register now' and back button until it got through on about the 15th attempt.

  • Thanks 1

Bumrungrad have ditched the ridiculous website registration. It sounds like the new plan will involve them contact people instead, but they haven't given details yet.


Bumrungrad, Like every other reported hospitals that offer vaccinations other than Chinese worthless shots, the registration is near impossible. The very limited supply of effective vaccine makes getting an appointment even next year a pipe dream. 

On 7/9/2021 at 3:01 PM, streetlite said:

Did anyone get through and register? I would like to hear that story. 

let me tell you a story about my registration on thailandintervac.com ???? lol

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