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Need reliable computer shop for PC computer repairs and new PC design

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  I've used many shops in Pantip, Computer Plaza, and ICON over the years for computer repairs and purchasing new machines.  I've had some good shops but unfortunately they're no longer in business.  Right now I'm not happy with my current shop (bad communication skills, questionable pricing) and I'm hoping someone can recommend a better one. 


  I would like a Thai person with decent English language skills who can repair old PC's and help me design a new desktop PC.  I'm putting together a new i7 gen 11 machine and need someone to give me an estimate and help me assemble it.


  Please let me know if you know someone reliable.




"Befixed" , has fixed my PC problems for years, speaks English,

his prices are very reasonable , is an honest man ,is open 10.30

- 6.00  Monday - Saturday , his shop is upstairs near Rim Ping, in Ruamchok

Plaza , on Mae Jo road , look for McDonalds sign.

regards Worgeordie

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First of all sorry for my English spelling but I'll do my best.I can't give you tips which stores and where.But if I analyze your post well, some things are not clear.

Excuse me for that.I understand that some people like to work with the latest technologies and materials. But ask yourself what you do with it. Some have a huge amount of software and preferably of all the most advanced but they use a computer precisely to access the internet ( only for look this or these websites that's all)

Now an older computer with more RAM is if not faster than a newer model with less RAM. Check for example which programs all start at the same time. If you use

windows check the telemetry and we can go on like this for a while. If you use the last model of an iphone you can do more with it than an old model but if you use

only a telephone for call someone now and than an older model is equivalent.Also don't make the mistake of thinking that a newer model will increase the speed of your internet, there are others factors that play a role.




  • Thanks 1

Im new to thailand so I can't give you any recommendations on shops but coming from studying computer science, it's pretty easy to put together a computer once you have the parts. I did it in highschool and videos online these days can walk you through, it's pretty much like assembling a lego set, in case you can't find someone.


It shouldn't cost too much to have someone assemble it. 


In terms of repair, if you're repairing actual components that's quite difficult, but if you're just replacing components, that can also be done pretty easily. by yourself, it's literally unplug and plug the new component in, in most cases.


Not sure about Thailand but computer parts were quite scarce not too long ago because of chip shortages, I had to backorder my gaming PC which took 1-2 months from Dell a few months ago. I'm assuming if you want to use an 11th gen I7, you'd want a decent GPU and those are more scarce than other components, especially the better ones.


Sorry I couldn't help with recommendations 


Invade IT assembles computers not sure if they help you with selecting stuff. But if you want it assembled they will do so for you. (at a cost)

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

"Befixed" , has fixed my PC problems for years, speaks English,

his prices are very reasonable , is an honest man ,is open 10.30

- 6.00  Monday - Saturday , his shop is upstairs near Rim Ping, in Ruamchok

Plaza , on Mae Jo road , look for McDonalds sign.

regards Worgeordie

Thumbs up on Befixed.  My reco too.


Back in my PC days I used Goodspeed Computers. Computer Plaza and now also Pantip.

One of their Techs would sort out any problems for me, memory says B300 was the charge.

I then bought a computer built by them to my specifications, strongly advised by their Tech. 

Any further problems where fixed for free. Good people to deal with.

I then moved over to Apple Mac which are a better but more exspensive solution.

Still see PCs have probs with their laters Windows 10 or is it 11 ?




I, too, used Good Speed a couple of times and was happy with them.  But I found Chi Chang in Promenada to be more convenient.  My friend John doesn't speak Thai  and had them build him a PC and recommend them.  He said there was quit a bit of back and forth on selecting components.


I speak Thai and went to the same guy and we did the same thing.  Though I first did lots and lots of research on https://www.invadeit.co.th/    and  https://www.jib.co.th/web/     selecting parts from the case upward and outward.  Then took the list to Chi Chang.  They suggested a copy of H/W alternatives based on who they bought from and what is available and I came home and researched those.  I found they met my criteria and that some were slightly more expensive and some were a little less.   Did a great job.  I have a great machine, cool, runs several photo processing S/W programs at the same time as well as the web and an email client.  I am a happy camper.


Give them a try

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