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Call forward for jab in Korat today.


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Yesterday I spoke with the Thai doctor in charge of vaccinations at Central Khon Kaen. I asked the doctor which vaccine and she replied following the directive from the Thai public health they are giving 1st jab sinovac and 2nd jab AZ. So if they are giving Pfizer at Central Korat today you guys are in luck.

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I'm out in Issan a bit further than Korat. Here we've got a small Central mall in the capital where they've been doing the vax.


Few weeks ago there was a huge line wrapping around it, older and poorer folks, judging by their looks. I doubt they had anywhere near enough vax for them all. I guess those who didn't get it got put on a waiting list. Then yesterday the wife and I drove by, and the lots were completely filled with cars, I'm guessing now vax for those not old, neither poor.


Last week in our amphur further away from the capital, the big govt hospital was doing the vax. My in-laws both got theirs. My wife and I will likely be this week. Primary supply is Sinopharm, then after possibly AZ. Friends of mine further out in Issan have also gotten Sinopharm.

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A lot of places seem to do vaccinations today with Pfizer,I am going this afternoon and a friend of mine who did not register had a call yesterday.

He could come to get vaccinated also today.

There must be some serious organizing going on,some one must have had a good talking to

or suddenly realizes social media is keeping a close watch.

I applaud all of the hospital workers who do their best everyday and try to help us.

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‘I’m all right Jack’ but

just a couple of observations.

I received a email last night around 2230 from Maharat Hospital Korat amongst many more addresses, informing me of being called forward for a jab this morning. There was no indication to which App they where referring to.

 I had registered with Expatvac and Bumungrad but having had a date ( 12th Sept) confirmed with Bumungrad I assumed the email was on behalf of Expatvac.

I rang the Hospital first thing this morning and they confirmed that Central Plaza was the place.

If anyone missed the appointment, may I suggest you contact Maharat Hospital direct to find out the situation. and not reply to the original email as everyone on the email list gets your message. 
Stay Safe everyone.



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