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Urgent call for blood donations as Thai hospitals face critical shortage


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The Thai Red Cross Society is beseeching the public to donate blood urgently, saying that the country’s hospitals are experiencing a critical shortage of blood reserves for patients, forcing the postponement of many vital surgeries.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dutjai Chaivanichsiri, director of the National Blood Centre of the Thai Red Cross Society, said today (Thursday) that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a substantial drop in blood donations, adding that there has been a shortage of donated blood for some time, but the situation has recently become critical.


Normally, an average of 200,000 units of blood are needed every day by hospitals but, in July, only 149,384 units of blood were donated.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/urgent-call-for-blood-donations-as-thai-hospitals-face-critical-shortage/


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11 minutes ago, perconrad said:

I retired here at age 60 and tried to be donor several times, but they would not have my blood I was to old.


In my home country I was a donor in much of my adult life giving blood 3-4-5 times a year, so I was disappointed when I was rejected here in Thailand.

Thought that might be case, 65, but will ask next time I go to hospital. Cheers.

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1 hour ago, Will B Good said:

Is there an age limit?

I have donated blood since I was 18 years old. I am O- - universal donor. Here on the island the hospitals would phone me when they needed blood. I last gave blood in March this year. The nurses clapped me and said - sorry. Last time. I was 70 in April.

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Part of the problemk regarding Blood Donation is the restrictive rules of age for donors. Like many others I suspect even being an International Blood Donor ( age 73 ), they refuse to take blood even if they have patients dying because they do not have any for them.

Was a Registered Blood Donor in the UK since 16 years old, gave each year as requested only to find here rejected. <y ,other gave blood into her 80's, but here as years ago the age expectancy was so low they set it at 60, so anything older is considered too OLDF, which for most Western people is ridiculous. Those people l;ke me with O Negative blood worry as we know THAILAND will not have this blood when we need it.

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After reading this post I am going to solicit a number of my young Thai girlfriends (that I sponsor and support during this pandemic) to get groups of their friends to go and start doing this blood donation thing... I've done it (Given Blood) many times in the USA and I can assure them it don't hurt (If they don't look) and Buddha will bless them....  IF YOU HAVE YOUNGER THAI FRIENDS that you think you can influence to donate.... Give it a try.... And help a worthy cause (for when next you are in need)..........

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