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NIDA Poll: Let us get back to work again - though fears still exist about ending lockdown


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Daily News reported on the latest poll in Thailand conducted by NIDA about whether lockdown should end.


1,312 people were asked questions between Monday and Thursday last week.


The media highlighted that 33.38% admitted they were concerned about lockdown being eased but accepted it was the right thing to do.


The message generally was that people had had enough and they wanted to get back to earning a living and supporting their families again.


35.67% said that the lockdown had been pointless and useless in stopping infections. They noted it was not properly enforced, only strictly in some areas. Mostly people ignored it.


28.81% said it had not been very effective. People were not cooperating.


26.83% disagreed saying it had been effective and had meant less infections. 


6.7% said it was very successful and the rest didn't know.


ASEAN NOW notes that the poll is nationwide and that the figures suggest disparity between different areas. 


Asked about whether lockdown should continue 26.14% said it should be kept in place but the authorities needed to be more serious about its implementation.


24.16% called for it to end now.


21.27% said it should carry on as before with focus in risky areas.


Around a third of the population were worried, a third very worried, 18% not at all worried and 16% not very worried about lockdown ending. 


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Sorry but this disease needs to be lived with now. We need to get back to normal now or we will forever be in lock down.


We have locked the planet down for 4 million deaths over 2 years for covid (mostly over life expectancy of 82)  - yet not locked it down for fag deaths, obesity deaths and cancer deaths, which has probably killed 100's millions of much younger people.


I was listening to one news channel, that said one country had had covid drop 33% of its populace into poverty - imagine that worldwide ? The fear is worse the governments are making is far worse than the death toll.


Open up now or else things are going to get worse


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3 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Sorry but this disease needs to be lived with now. We need to get back to normal now or we will forever be in lock down.


We have locked the planet down for 4 million deaths over 2 years for covid (mostly over life expectancy of 82)  - yet not locked it down for fag deaths, obesity deaths and cancer deaths, which has probably killed 100's millions of much younger people.


I was listening to one news channel, that said one country had had covid drop 33% of its populace into poverty - imagine that worldwide ? The fear is worse the governments are making is far worse than the death toll.


Open up now or else things are going to get worse


i agree they are not going to stop this virus with needles

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10 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Sorry but this disease needs to be lived with now. We need to get back to normal now or we will forever be in lock down.


We have locked the planet down for 4 million deaths over 2 years for covid (mostly over life expectancy of 82)  - yet not locked it down for fag deaths, obesity deaths and cancer deaths, which has probably killed 100's millions of much younger people.


I was listening to one news channel, that said one country had had covid drop 33% of its populace into poverty - imagine that worldwide ? The fear is worse the governments are making is far worse than the death toll.


Open up now or else things are going to get worse


Taking your last statement first, what exactly is going to get worse ? 


As for the first bit, as usual you have a very one sided selfish, self centered approach, we all know you've been stuck in the UK for yonks but only want to come back on your terms, ie: come and go back to the UK for medical reasons with no hoops to jump through, unfortunately the world has changed and probably changed for a long long time.


Sorry mate, get used to it, it's the new normal.

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