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MedPark Pfizer 2nd Dose - Aug 31 Experience

Chomper Higgot

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22 minutes ago, D M G said:

What's the recommended time period between #1 and #2 dose?

Canada and the U.K. ( amongst others ) are now recommending 8 weeks between Pfizer doses while the US are sticking to the 21 days gap.Thailand are following the lead from the US .


Seems to be a question of do you want protection quickly or more long term.



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I'm just now looking at my appointment sheet for  my 2nd Phizer vaccine but noriced something disconcerting in regards to the 1st shot. It lists the date (August 17th) with a serial number and care provider name but under the "Name of Vaccine" it has Covid-19-Vaccine (Comirnaty). What is Comirnaty?

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As there are some posters on here who visited MedPark yesterday, did anyone see the nasty accident narrowly avoided ??


After the numbers 150 - 180 were called to descend the escalator we were immediately told to wait. At the head of the queue was a 60ish foreigner with obvious immobility issues aided by a smartly dressed young Thai lady. 
The guy dropped some papers on the escalator and immediately stepped forward to pick them up. As the steps started to descend he fell forward and if it wasn’t for the quick reactions of his carer and a guy behind him he would have gone head over heel down the moving steps. They managed to stop him falling completely forward and avoided some possible severe injuries.

I sat next to the guy later on and as he appeared to be free from any major injuries he was certainly shook up.

He was very anxious to get vaxxed and should have really taken the elevator !!

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I received my 2nd Phizer shot today at Medpark (Sept.1).  I arrived at 10:00am and I was given my shot at 10:35am. After the shot,  I expected to be asked to wait for approximately 30 minutes to see if I had a negative reaction. However, after less than 10 minutes, I was called to have a blood pressure test and was then immediately given my vaccination certificate. I was on my way back tp Pattaya at 10:55am. My thanks to the Medpark staff !

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7 minutes ago, vision2014 said:

I received my 2nd Phizer shot today at Medpark (Sept.1).  I arrived at 10:00am and I was given my shot at 10:35am. After the shot,  I expected to be asked to wait for approximately 30 minutes to see if I had a negative reaction. However, after less than 10 minutes, I was called to have a blood pressure test and was then immediately given my vaccination certificate. I was on my way back tp Pattaya at 10:55am. My thanks to the Medpark staff !

Sounds like today is quieter than yesterday as is to be expected as yesterday had the returnees from Aug 10th ( first Pfizer day at MedPark ) which was mayhem.

Also noted that the 30 mins seems to be determined by the length of time it takes to do the paperwork. 
Both my “ 30 mins “ were more like 20 mins.

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12 minutes ago, vision2014 said:

.... and was then immediately given my vaccination certificate.


What kind of prove of vaccination did you get. Was it a certificate or was data entered in your MORxxx app (or maybe even both). If the latter where did you download this app.


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4 hours ago, streetlite said:

I'm just now looking at my appointment sheet for  my 2nd Phizer vaccine but noriced something disconcerting in regards to the 1st shot. It lists the date (August 17th) with a serial number and care provider name but under the "Name of Vaccine" it has Covid-19-Vaccine (Comirnaty). What is Comirnaty?

New Brand Name since officially certified.  Before it was technically experimental.


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Want to share my experience on the second jab yesterday.

It was unpleasant, but this is complaining on high standards I had from the first jab.


First jab was in and out in 40 minutes with waiting time after the jab.


It seems like as Medpark now accepts walk-ins they are super busy. Got into the second floor and thought okay cool second jab has maybe a seperate queue because easier? 


In the end I ended up going down as a group of 10 again and waited 2 hours downstairs because the whole hall was full. Jab took as expected 30 seconds and waiting time this time 10? minutes. I had to fill all paper work again before the second jab (why?!)

Again complaining on high standards, 2 hours waiting time is still acceptable considering we getting Pfizer for free. But I don't know why they mix first jabs with second jabs into the same queue so when you come to a bad time (you have an appointment time ???? ) you have 100-200 people waiting before you.

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56 minutes ago, burner2014 said:

Want to share my experience on the second jab yesterday.

It was unpleasant, but this is complaining on high standards I had from the first jab.


First jab was in and out in 40 minutes with waiting time after the jab.


It seems like as Medpark now accepts walk-ins they are super busy. Got into the second floor and thought okay cool second jab has maybe a seperate queue because easier? 


In the end I ended up going down as a group of 10 again and waited 2 hours downstairs because the whole hall was full. Jab took as expected 30 seconds and waiting time this time 10? minutes. I had to fill all paper work again before the second jab (why?!)

Again complaining on high standards, 2 hours waiting time is still acceptable considering we getting Pfizer for free. But I don't know why they mix first jabs with second jabs into the same queue so when you come to a bad time (you have an appointment time ???? ) you have 100-200 people waiting before you.

Thanks for the update. 

I'm going for 2nd jab next Monday 13th......lucky 13th.

As I have a car and driver taking me there,waiting and taking me home again, it might be a pain if it's anything like your experience. 

But we're used to waiting at immigration, banks,amphurs etc so I'll take a book just in case ????

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19 minutes ago, orchidfan said:

Thanks for the update. 

I'm going for 2nd jab next Monday 13th......lucky 13th.

As I have a car and driver taking me there,waiting and taking me home again, it might be a pain if it's anything like your experience. 

But we're used to waiting at immigration, banks,amphurs etc so I'll take a book just in case ????

exactly I just had these high standards from the first jab. They didn't really care about the time of your appointment I was there 1 hour early. So maybe pick a time, but again when I left around 3pm outside was still a queue and inside super full. But yeah you will make it. 

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