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Thailand reports 13,897 new COVID-19 cases, 13,527 recoveries and 188 deaths


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From CCSA spokesman just tweeted


What is the process of "Vaccine Swap" and which country is Thailand working with? •It is an agreement between two parties, when one country wishes to obtain vaccines from another, which has surplus vaccine, and return it later when there is enough vaccine in the country. (1/2)


•Thailand has signed a vaccine swap with Bhutan involving 150,000 doses of AstraZeneca and is continuously negotiating for vaccine swap with other countries such as Singapore, Australia, Japan, US, Canada and the Republic of Korea. (2/2)




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1 hour ago, Jumbo1968 said:


Trying too jab there they out of Covid, running out of ideas now I think, let’s try a third jab then a fourth like they are doing in Israel.

They're not doing a fourth jab in Israel (not yet, anyway).


They are simply making contingency plans for the eventuality. 



Israel is making preparations to ensure it has sufficient vaccine supply in case a fourth round of Covid-19 shots is needed.


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4 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Thailand: Migrants Plead For COVID Vaccines


“Lots of people started dying,” she told reporters. “Lots of my friends died. It spread very quickly and now many areas in Mae Sot are infected.”

The virus hit particularly close to home when Hnin Hnin’s friend and her fellow teacher fell ill due to COVID-19 in July. Her friend had tried to go to hospital when her condition deteriorated but was turned away - they said they did not have a bed for her. When she made attempts to call for aid to reach her house, no one came.

“She received no help from the Thai government,” Hnin Hnin said, adding that paramedics only respond to calls from Thai nationals. Hnin Hnin’s friend eventually died at home at the end of July.





Good article, sort of journalism the Thai government doesn't want released, the truth of the  treatment of Asian migrant workers and refugee's.

Edited by Petey11
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COVID-19: Thailand reports 14,555 new coronavirus cases, 171 deaths



File photo: REUTERS


Thailand on Friday (September 17) reported 14,555 new COVID-19 cases, 13,691 recoveries and 171 additional deaths over the past 24 hours.


Full story: https://aseannow.com/topic/1231860-covid-19-thailand-reports-14555-new-coronavirus-cases-171-deaths/




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