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The difference between a good and a bad person, wearing a mask or not?


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8 hours ago, pgrahmm said:

Based on observation, the people either not wearing a mask or wearing a mask improperly (nose & or nose/mouth not covered) are about 8-10 to one Thai - farang over Thais.... This is generally accompanied by a f-u attitude & verbal aggressiveness when told by employees to correct....

When in for my (farang) Pfizer jab in seated queuing, about 7ft to my left sat a man who'd taken off his mask and for the next hour sat there picking his nose & wiping on his pant leg....

To my right & behind me sat a group of 6 people that had engaged in conversation.... They all slid their masks down to their chin so they could talk - total disregard for the reason they were there and the people around them that were trying to be cautious....

At the 2nd jab, while seated and waiting, a lady behind us couldn't stop coughing - the phlegmy loose type cough repeated about every minute = mask off....My wife and I took one look at each other, stood up & moved far away....

Are these "bad" people = maybe....Are these (at the least) thoughtless people looking stupid and noncompliant in a country that has mandated masks in public = for sure.....

We follow every procedure the Thai government mandates trying to keep our family safe.... Including 94/95 masks....

Do I get <deleted> off when I see people being careless - yep, but it's a lose lose to challenge/remind them = and they know it & count on it.....Anyone not being cautious is putting my family in jeopardy by being thoughtless, or worse.....

We don't invite masked or unmasked people into our house....


Why are they purposely, unsafely, forcing themselves in other people's proximity.....


They know their little display/campaign/rebellion does no common good.....

Are they bad - possibly....Wack jobs - possibly... Uncaring = certainly.....

Bet they mask up to go to immigration or around authority.....

I have absolutely no concern whether the people next to me or close to me are wearing a mask or not.  


On 10/8/2021 at 11:13 PM, thierryviteau said:

Don't wear a mask = idiots who should be punished


I don't wear a mask when I sit down in restaurants to eat. You are immune to covid when you sit down in a restauarnt, but if you stand up, beware - put that mask back on very quickly because the viruses are on the lookout for people who are not eating or drinking.

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On 10/7/2021 at 10:04 PM, placeholder said:

So Stalin was just as good a person as Mother Teresa? I always suspected that was the case.

One of my favorite examples of the spectrum of people's opinions is that Christopher Hitchens basically hated Mother Teresa.

He called her a fraud and a fanatic, and gave his reasons which are not wrong.

Just the fact that he had the strength of his convictions to state these things against the majority opinion on the Mother was great.

It cracks me up because so many bow their heads and whisper her name and Hitchens points out that she had her faults.


As far as Stalin, you don't find many who argue for him.

To steal someone else's joke, the more I learn about Stalin the less I like him.


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On 10/10/2021 at 12:20 AM, JensenZ said:

I don't wear a mask when I sit down in restaurants to eat. You are immune to covid when you sit down in a restauarnt, but if you stand up, beware - put that mask back on very quickly because the viruses are on the lookout for people who are not eating or drinking.

do you have kids or family ? so, don't you feel ashamed to still understand nothing 2 years later and have so stupid ideas ?!

Even 10 years old understand the situations better than you it seems...


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