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Somedays, I feel like Sneezy and Breezy, not to mention the 8th Dwarf, Crazy, all rolled into one.

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Today, I went to the hospital, just in order to see what condition my condition was in.



Such a deep dark hole.


I was crawling around, not even knowing my name.


I guess you feel like me, somedays.


The nurses were sexy, yet they were of no interest to me.


I guess you know, when we reach our end, even peaches have no interest for us.


As long as we are alive, yet there is hope, which is much more than we can now say for that Rolling Stones drummer who beat his last drum.


I am alive, and he is dead.  He threw out his last drumstick into the audience.


What I am saying is that, while we are alive, while we are still breathing, the best thing to do is make love to women, 


Women love men who love them.  I know this.


I always tell women that I love just how much they turn me on.


I hope you will do the same.


Because, soon, it will be too late, and we will be down under, by six feet, and only the worms will love us when this happens.




Therefore, never be bashful about telling a woman just how sexy and beautiful she might be.


I never shirk from doing this.


I think that, if done in the right way, with respect, and maybe tongue in cheek, girls like this.


What do you think?




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The world is changing.


And, no doubt, after being locked up for 18 months, life will be different for all of us.


Do NOT Take Drugs...because... You will be SORRY if you do.


Taking drugs...YOU CANNOT GO BACK.


Don't get hooked!


You will be sorry.


However, there is no doubt that our world is changing now.


The Wuhan Virus has changed us all, our entire world.


Not sure what you might think about this.....



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Please call me...Grandpa


Some of the most exciting times were before you were ever born.


I will not argue with you about this.


This is why, guys like us, are so bored with these days you mistakenly feel so exciting.


We boomers did things you can only imagine, back in the day.


Back in the day, in Thailand, too!


The things we did, back in the day, would blow your mind.


These days, most days are very boring, comparatively.


Everybody knows this.



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These days, during the days of the virus...I sometimes feel that my last remaining days of my life are being wasted.


It's like Ham and Eggs in the morning, which was always my best meal.


I just feel like my remaining days of Ham and Eggs are being totally wasted.


No Doubt, before this virus situation is completely at an end, we, the guys who are old, will have wasted some of our best years, being cooped up at home, like chickens.


Do you not feel exactly as do I?


I mean, years ago, it was like....  Chicken Flying all around the Plane, and no one could feel much higher.


And now, it is like, the only chicken you see is the rooster outside your window, crowing at odd hours, and disturbing you.


By the way:  I have just begun to "get into" Spencer Tracy flicks.


Maybe, you should, too.


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How Many of You have ever gone clamming?


I am old, and you are young.


One of my fondest memories of my youth is that time when I went clamming, pre-puberty.


In order to go clamming, all you need is a rake and a bucket.


One wades out into tidal waters, and then uses one's rake, in order to find clams.


After about two hours, one has enough clams in one's bucket.


Then, one takes the clams and makes a clam stew, called clam chowder.


And so, i am just wondering if, in Thailand, there are tidal waters such as these, where one can go clamming.


There is no better pursuit than clamming, for a youngster.


This is how it is done....







Can we do this in Thailand, too?


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So many Conservative Freaks here on this forum.


Freaks me OUT.


For example, yesterday afternoon, as I was waiting in the lounge at one major hospital here, I saw some old guy with a ponytail, and with white hair tied in a knot at the back of his neck, and one small gold earing, probably not 19 carat gold.


Immediately, I knew he was from TV.


I would have spoken to him, if it were not for the virus.


It is so sad to get old, I think, when one's belly enlarges, and one sits alone in the waiting room of a hospital, just hoping that some meds might cure one.


So sad, when this is really the only thing that one might look forward to.


Thankfully, the nurses at this hospital are second to none, in terms of being lookers.


The nurses are hot.


Why go elsewhere to find nurses dressed up as nurses, when one can just go to the hospital and find the real thing?


(Hats off to real nurses.  And, thank you.  Nurses provide us with comfort and soothing, when we most require it.)



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12 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

So many Conservative Freaks here on this forum.


Freaks me OUT.


For example, yesterday afternoon, as I was waiting in the lounge at one major hospital here, I saw some old guy with a ponytail, and with white hair tied in a knot at the back of his neck, and one small gold earing, probably not 19 carat gold.


Immediately, I knew he was from TV.


I would have spoken to him, if it were not for the virus.


It is so sad to get old, I think, when one's belly enlarges, and one sits alone in the waiting room of a hospital, just hoping that some meds might cure one.


So sad, when this is really the only thing that one might look forward to.


Thankfully, the nurses at this hospital are second to none, in terms of being lookers.


The nurses are hot.


Why go elsewhere to find nurses dressed up as nurses, when one can just go to the hospital and find the real thing?


(Hats off to real nurses.  And, thank you.  Nurses provide us with comfort and soothing, when we most require it.)



BUT, also...  the nurses at this hospital were also kind  AND  most attractive, from their toes, up to their everywhere.  I love nurses.


And, some nurses have nursing degrees, such as an MS, or a PhD in nursing.  These nurses are most attractive to me.


Even if a nurse has a PhD in nursing, it's all the same to me.....


Because, I just love their white uniforms, and their hair tied up behind with a bow.

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6 minutes ago, GammaGlobulin said:

And, some nurses have nursing degrees, such as an MS, or a PhD in nursing.  These nurses are most attractive to me.

Nothing more attractive than an intelligent woman, Florence creates havoc with one's sensories.....................................the power of the mind.......................

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8 minutes ago, bojo said:

Nothing more attractive than an intelligent woman, Florence creates havoc with one's sensories.....................................the power of the mind.......................



Florence provided great comfort to many.


By the way, when one is sick or dying, nobody cares if one's nurse might be hot.


We only care about her great caring.


This is SO true.


Try it, and see, when you are almost dying.  Because, then, you just need a hand to hold, and the kind touch of a caring nurse.

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Still, most of the nurses at the hospital I visit are hot, hot, hot.....!


Yet, they are STILL VERY, VERY   CARING.


I am always grateful to my nurses, when I need one.


And, other times, mostly, I just think about clamming.

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As has been often said:  There are too few nurses in this world.  Nurses need to be paid MUCH MORE for the work that they do.  And, they must be afforded the true respect that they absolutely deserve.


Therefore, if you are able, then please support your local nurse, and all nurses.




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This morning, I dreamed of eating a cherry pie, so tart that my mouth puckered.


The crust was light and very flaky.


Where do the best cherry pies come from?


Why have I not had one, after so many years, and what else do I dream about.


Rhubarb is grown in Thailand, but rarely.


A few years ago, I read on TV about someone who was attempting to grow rhubarb.


This poster had a small patch of rhubarb.


And, I remain curious if rhubarb requires as much time to grow as does asparagus.


Asparagus is another thing that I miss, here in Thailand.


One must plant it, and then wait a long time.


Maybe rhubarb grows faster than asparagus.



Makes one's mouth water.



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8 hours ago, GammaGlobulin said:

This morning, I dreamed of eating a cherry pie, so tart that my mouth puckered.


The crust was light and very flaky.


Where do the best cherry pies come from?


Why have I not had one, after so many years, and what else do I dream about.


Rhubarb is grown in Thailand, but rarely.


A few years ago, I read on TV about someone who was attempting to grow rhubarb.


This poster had a small patch of rhubarb.


And, I remain curious if rhubarb requires as much time to grow as does asparagus.


Asparagus is another thing that I miss, here in Thailand.


One must plant it, and then wait a long time.


Maybe rhubarb grows faster than asparagus.



Makes one's mouth water.



I am guessing that it was goat-keepers who first started eating rhubarb.  There is nothing about it to suggest it is edible, and I am sure that the wild rhubarb that God placed in Eden was not as tasty and succulent as the cultured varieties that we enjoy now. But goats will eat anything, though they may exhibit a preference for the edible, palatable or tasty.  So a lonely goatherd, watching his flock by night, out of boredom, may have been tempted to follow the leadings of his flock - “You’re spot on there, you Old Goat - this is much nicer than old shoes or electrical insulation”

If I was looking for rhubarb in Thailand, I would check inside a tin can.  I would hold out more optimism if the can had the word “rhubarb” on the label, or a picture of the product, or plant. If desperation was getting the better of me, I might be tempted to get the Thai name for the vegetable written  in Thai script, and use that as a template while scanning the cans, or Ofer it to young ladies in staff uniform in the larger supermarkets as a way of introduction and striking up a conversation.

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On 10/9/2021 at 7:49 PM, StreetCowboy said:

I am guessing that it was goat-keepers who first started eating rhubarb.  There is nothing about it to suggest it is edible, and I am sure that the wild rhubarb that God placed in Eden was not as tasty and succulent as the cultured varieties that we enjoy now. But goats will eat anything, though they may exhibit a preference for the edible, palatable or tasty.  So a lonely goatherd, watching his flock by night, out of boredom, may have been tempted to follow the leadings of his flock - “You’re spot on there, you Old Goat - this is much nicer than old shoes or electrical insulation”

If I was looking for rhubarb in Thailand, I would check inside a tin can.  I would hold out more optimism if the can had the word “rhubarb” on the label, or a picture of the product, or plant. If desperation was getting the better of me, I might be tempted to get the Thai name for the vegetable written  in Thai script, and use that as a template while scanning the cans, or Ofer it to young ladies in staff uniform in the larger supermarkets as a way of introduction and striking up a conversation.

Mr. StreetCowboy:


My dearest friend here on TV, as you know, full well, after so many years !!!!!


I am now informing you that I will no longer be able to post my irregular comments here, as regularly  as I once had, during recent weeks.


Such a shame, really.


But, alas, if all goes according to plan, I will have less time on my hands, as the saying goes, on TV.


Everyone says:  This poster has too much time on his/her hands.  And, in truth, if all goes swimmingly, I will have less time to post here.


If you do not see my posts here, this does not mean I am dead.  So, please do not speculate about this.


What most posters here do not know is that this lovely person, StreetCowboy, corresponded with me years ago, and I will never forget him, as a result.


Not only did he message me in Thailand, but also in other places, such as China., a place which is a hardship port, by anyone's view.


I am not saying that I am dying, yet.


I am only saying that, if I am to consider myself a responsible person, then I must, by necessity, spend more of my time on other things, such as trying to teach useful things to useful people, rather than the opposite.


Don't get me wrong:


On this blessed forum, you will easily find smart, talented, humorous and kind people.


In fact, in Thailand, you will hardly ever find such a conglomeration of such attributes on any single forum, other than TV.


Don't worry, because I will still be lurking around.....and wishing this forum well.  NO OTHER forum in Thailand has the staying power of TV, nor the excellence of TV.


There are many good people here, as we know.


Well, that's is all I have to say.....for now.


PS:  I really, also, wish to thank those who kept me alive, for this long.  I really do!  


PPS: I have nothing but GOOD to say about TV....as it has recently been transformed, during recent years.  I mean, let the other forums, on other sites, go lowbrow, while TV shoots for the highbrow posters.


TV is far better than it was a number of years ago.


And, TV provides a great service to many.


I bid you, adieu, my friends.


Until then, my friends.


Regards, Gamma



PS:  Please give my best to the poster who always ends his posts with ...   "REGARDS.....W"







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